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in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by rlemon
http://rlemon.ca/cavedive/ now with bonuses.
Was wonder if someone could help me out with a problem. I'm having a problem with jquery. I'm trying to make a smooth slide/fade affect to show a certain category of DIVs when a link is clicked. I have something that works but the problem is that the toggle is by all means not smooth. Could someone help me out with a way to make the toggle a bit smoother? jsfiddle.net/mXv8z
@CharlesB.Moss how about this jsfiddle.net/mXv8z/4
@wes Thanks, that is better but still a bit glitchy. Are there any other jquery function you would recommend? I've seen this done but with flawless movement and I'm trying to mimic it. Something like what is seen here: themeforest.net/item/… Scroll down a little on the page and there is something like what I'm trying to achieve.
search for masonry layout
@wes Thanks, I appreciate your help! I think that'll do the trick.
@Wes I have a problem with my younger cat tearing up the toilet paper. I have the rolls on in reverse so it's harder to unravel. Other than that I don't have a problem with them damaging anything...well there is the ear phone chewing by the older cat. But after 7 earphones replace, I've learned to hide them when I leave them unattended.
once my dog was sleeping near some valuable furniture we had at my parents home... and while he was sleeping he started to chew one of its foot, until the foot itself disappeared and the piece of furniture fell off him
how do you say in english puppies that chew everything to make their teeth strong? well that
speaking of caves sploid.gizmodo.com/…
holy shit, that is deep
odessa catacombs map:
They have yet to reach the bottom of it.
still gives me chills
i can't even imagine
yeah i remember that
@Wes awesome place to use as a bunker
what she went through.. the fear. the defeat. o.O
terrible way to die really
I'd hate to be lost in the dark
that feeling when your light goes out and you know you are underground =o(
really. the thought of it all is terrifying to me
This is the main reason I would never go cave exploring, and fuck cave diving.
that's not the first time that happens, but in this case story went popular because of the 2 years delay
in fact i think they didn't even try to rescue her because is nearly impossible, they say that most of the catacombs aren't even mapped yet
i wonder what was she doing there?
Why would people make such a place?
mining i think
it was a mine
!!wiki odessa catacombs
The Odessa Catacombs is a network of tunnels that consist of three levels, stretching out under the city and surrounding region of Odessa, Ukraine. The majority of the catacombs are the result of stone mining. The Catacombs reach a depth of 60 m below sea level. Most of the city's 19th-century houses were built of limestone mined nearby. Abandoned mines were later used and widened by local smugglers. This created a gigantic labyrinth of underground tunnels beneath Odessa, known as the "catacombs". Today they are a great attraction for extreme tourists, who explore the tunnels despite ...
must be one of the scariest places on earth to be
my naming conventions don't actually fit here right?
class BusinessBoxJoinsBusinessBoxSnippetJoinsBusinessBoxSnippetContent_Mapper implements I_BusinessBoxJoinsBusinessBoxSnippetJoinsBusinessBoxSnippetContent_Mapper
@ZachSaucier rlemon is afk: i'm too drunk to taste this chicken
Sorry I was swing dancing
2 hours later…
Mrngss :)
hiyaa :)
hws ya ?
Woke up early to drop off my gf i want my bed :(
@PatsyIssa go back to home :)
I wish need to finish up some services
@Mr.Alien missing :(
1 hour later…
heard this one today: "mixing the races is code for no more white faces"
and than I thought of this
I never understood cmyk
it's more logical than rgb
most simple explanation - rgb is mixing light, while cmyk is mixing paint
oh ok
posted on April 02, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by avatoz */

april fools?
looks legit
what do you mean all of my unicoins are gone?
they clicked all night and now they are GONE!
@Wes No, that isn't mine!
Q: Unicoins seem to have disappeared

davidneedhamI spent literally all day mining around 5,000 unicoins, but they seem to be gone now. Where did they go? I've been looking all over for them but the configuration screen is missing.

Guys need your opinion "Bassam Karam ,fouad drouby ,Peter Something have answered 22 questions."

Or "Bassam Karam, fouad drouby, Peter Something have answered 22 questions."
ew why would you ever put it like " ,"
that looks hideous
Realized how shitty it looks when i posted it :P
Concatenating the push notification message from db, in case they were 2 people should i use and or fuck it and let it be a comma as well ?
use "and"
be human
But do we really know what it's like being a human ?
you'll tick off grammar nazi's and ocd ppl otherwhise :D
Good morning all
@DarkAshelin There's a direct correlation with having boobs and the amount of stars that one gets on SO chat.
trying out my new keyboard - i feel handicapped
what keyboard did you get?
logitech k400
gonna switch back to the old one anyway bu this one is nice for browsing from couch
april 1st
razer always does an awesome prank
i fell for it last year :P
They are almost believable
so well presented
mhm... got an absolute positioned div with z-index: -1; but I can't access the links in it
anyone wanna take a look at my project?
contact lenses gave them away
@DarkAshelin sure
talking about the sidebar, it has some download links in it but I can't click em because of the z-index I suppose
I'm using the z-index to get the box-shadow of the content div working (shadow visible on top of the sidebar)
snake oil hyperlubricant
i like ^^
@DarkAshelin #sidebar { z-index: 3 }
I can't see any issue with using that
@mikedidthis it makes the box-shadow disappear
it's subtle, but it's there ^^'
Ahh, I will switch screens :D
the box-shadow of the content div should be displayed over the sidebar
ye ye, I got it
#contentcontainer {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;
remove the z-index off #content
thanks, I have no idea how it works
let's just call it magic
iirc @Mr.Alien has a good understand of ze z-index.
ze alien is taking a break i guess
@mikedidthis I know I've tried understanding it before
with the help of one of Alien's posts
@DarkAshelin I think in your case, your side bar was sitting under the parent elem, hence it being unclick able.
@mikedidthis oh, makes sense
I still prefer magic.
I like the mystery of it :D
I haz teh push
Magic or z-index doesn't work on static elements? :P
@PatsyIssa are you having a stroke?
@Billy correct, though I don't know why it would
A: Why is z-index ignored with position:static?

QuentinBecause position: static means "Ignore all the positioning instructions from left, top, z-index, etc.". 'z-index' Value: auto | <integer> | inherit Initial: auto Applies to: positioned elements — http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#z-index An element is said to be positione...

@mikedidthis just finished with setting up services for this bullshit app :D
@DarkAshelin ^^
Can anyone help me decipher my boss' cryptic instructions? :P
> 2. In post all post pages drop cat icon from being inset next to title and close up space so title aligns with top left of any image. Cat icon should show as an 'on' state below its category in the main navigation at this level.
Relates to this
I can't work out where he wants the title
what cat is he talking about
cat = category
He wants the icon closer to the title and it to have a selected state in the nav, so coming up in this example
And why are you spacing stuff with <p>&nbsp;</p> -.-
Am I the only one who has the "about" and "contact" things glitched out?
^ yes
I m guessing he wants something like this
and keep the category icon in the menu shown
P.s use margins and such for spacing empty ps and brs for layout is just bad
Hovering over yoga culture triggers about and contact for me
Near the end of Culture
Happening to me
am on bed rest :p
!!afk rest ... will be back in few hours...
@Mr.Alien take care!
@PatsyIssa I want to say irony?
@PatsyIssa Not me... client
@PatsyIssa u really think youneed to tell me that?
in JavaScript, 43 secs ago, by Some Guy
@Zirak What's the best thing about dead baby jokes?
in JavaScript, 41 secs ago, by Some Guy
They never get old
tut tut.
I want a beard.
I would
They look like they know their shit!
Bill looks like the odd one out.
Just thinking that
they are some of the riches people in the world now. Bet they never thought they would be when this picture was taken
I think that is how you get rich, by not wanting it?
remind me what RFC means.
Request for comment
However iirc, you are not using android, but a wrapper?
Nope. Phonegap app
It's really odd that I can't find any plugins that allow native UI, though
Clever how you did that input drop though
Yeah, looks better!
@mikedidthis I didn't come up with it myself. Saw it a while ago on SO somewhere, and just happened to remember how it was done
@mikedidthis good read for starters
Man, when you run out of batteries for your mouse, there's only so much you can do =[
@Billy Client wants empty <p>s for spacing ? :P
@PatsyIssa no.. Client is a yoga teacher and has no idea that pressing the return key inserts unwanted HTML
ohhhhh oki dynamic stuff :P
its always the RTE / CMS Editor
PC's need better no-mouse support
You can control the mouse pointer with voice control by telling it co-ordinates, but it's really crap. They need to make the same thing but just being able to type in co-ordinates
inb4 "they"
batteries mouse sux - i have it at home and always runs out when i'm playing dota
I have a razer naga epic when battery is dead i plug it in
non stop gaming yo
b/w anyone with an android want to play ingress ? i ll send an invite close to leveling up would help :P
who has teamviewer?
U gut et @PatsyIssa?
yup wutcha need
can you load it
and try to connect
they told me that they're having problems on their end
but not sure if they're still going on and that now it's just me
what version do you yhave?
it just hangs on 'activating teamviewer'
and then says 'please check your internet connection'
version 9
posted on April 02, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by @maximilienriehl */

Both clients need to match
and they do
I connected earlier
at like 11am
@Feeds lovely
good peeps are here
gimme gimme gimme!
Nice :D will play more once home
everything it too random for me atm
bonuses at least
@rlemon in german we would say
gets harder
after around 6000 score it gets a little more difficult.
Good game :)
@rlemon do you want game idea's?
create a zombie tower defence game
people will go ape shit for that
@rlemon I don't like the way it slows down
if you hold up you expect him to stay at the slower speed, not slow down for half a second, then speed up, then slow down etc.
my eyes are dodgey now
fuck you @rlemon
@Billy makes it harder. I will be adding a farting animation to go with the eyes closed
@DarkAshelin sure
@Purify there are so many TDS out there
there are so many helicopter rip offs.
flappy bird still made it.
sweet, teamviewer fixed their shit
what I really need is a good set of textiles to use
@rlemon I've had to come up with a lot of idea's in the past for school assignments, they range from easy to very advanced, browser games (js) and flash. What kind u want?
ones that I can make that will also be fun
they are all supposed to be fun
I'm looking for more cartoonish pixel art
Make Flappy Mario
@rlemon One of the idea's was: A vertical scrolling browser game.
Main idea of each lvl is: get as high as possible, by jumping on platforms and whatnot
There are a lot of enemies, boosts (to help you get higher) and character customisation. As you gain more gold you can buy more powerful weapons etc to slay enemies. At several points in the game you have to use the boost simultaneously while fighting enemies to increase difficulty. There is for example a boost that gives you wings, and you can fly by tapping spacebar, while fighting enemies with a sword at the same time.
you had me until Facebook
this was a 2-week assignment
idea + art + programming
the idea wasn't "good enough" until I added Facebook
another idea, though don't think it'd work well with pixel art: A horizontal scrolling game
You have a character that automatically runs towards the right, and automatically increases running speed. You have to avoid obstacles to survive.
The twist is that the entire game is in pitch black darkness. Your character carries a lantern and you can only see the path in front of you by "throwing light" from the lantern. You also need to destroy some of the objects by throwing light at it. Particles woo!
@DarkAshelin I've played games similar to both concepts
the facebook game was gonna be in this artstyle: imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/249x372q90/443/charn.jpg
That looks good
I don't have the finished art here atm
lemme see if I can find the 2nd game, I actually did program that
I wish I would make more games at work - if I get to make one per year it's something
it's kinda buggy and crappy but oh well, was made in 2 days :X student.howest.be/samir.korbi/3DEV/GAP/RETRY
now do it without flash
i actually like the design alot
you do?
I wanted it to be more eerie
The particles look great
yea I like em
yeah particles can't ever look bad xD
Well, you're missing music. Music adds a lot
@rlemon was part of the assignment requirements
and I'm giving you this idea, remake it if u want
yea but that isn't stopping you from re-writing it with HTML5 Canvas
better, not in 2 days
I never wanted to make this lol
I failed the course too xD

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