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hii @RahulRJ
hello Wes:)
having fun :P wes....u say :)
me having bad times with english. i have no idea why i started to document code in english and not in italian. kill me please

_Specifies the categories the $tagIDs should be removed from._
_Specifies the categories from which the $tagIDs should be removed from._
/me needs english unit testing
second option
@Wes opsss..
is it correct to have two "from" here? isn't it a repeatition?
@Wes no... not correct
wht u want to specify in it
i have two arrays, one contains categories' ids one contains tags' ids
@IonicăBizău but I presume it is what @RyanKinal said and to do with specifity
@Wes I would say, "Specifies the categories from which the $tagIDs should be removed" (native speaker - U.S.)
@Wes both are correct imo, tho the 2nd one probably more clearer
removing the final from to prevent repetition
forget what I said, @ZachSaucier is right
hiee @DarkAshelin :)
@SweetWisherツ ey
@DarkAshelin more clearer
@ZachSaucier correct (Y)
@ZachSaucier hue
the tagids specified in the second array will be unassigned from the categories specified in the first array, whether they are present
timeout - retry / cancel
@DarkAshelin hws yaa??
@Wes heheh
@SweetWisherツ gud gud, was in a bit of a bad mood earlier but now it's fine
I looked at some kittens so yah ;D
CSS selector tester flukeout.github.io EZ
@ZachSaucier +1
Is ur Name @DarkAshelin only ??
@SweetWisherツ uh yes?
The selector test makes me feel good, haha
what else?
* @param int[] $categoryIDs Specifies the $categoryIDs the $tagIDs will be removed from. Whether an empty array is given, $tagIDs will be removed from all Categories.
* @param int[] $tagIDs Specifies the $tagIDs that will be removed from any of the specified $categoryIDs. Whether an empty array is given, all Tags will be removed from the specified Categories.
gtg, cya guys
@DarkAshelin nice name :)
Bye Gn Sweet drmzz @DarkAshelin :)
still need help ?? @Wes
actually no I'll stay here till 6
whts time now there??
here 21:50 :)
nope, just waiting you to spot some error xD @SweetWisherツ
@Wes lol :)
17:20 here atm
I would say

* @param int[] $categoryIDs Specifies the $categoryIDs from which the $tagIDs will be removed. If an empty array is given, $tagIDs will be removed from all Categories.
* @param int[] $tagIDs Specifies the $tagIDs that will be removed from any of the specified $categoryIDs. If an empty array is given, all Tags will be removed from the specified Categories.
Use if instead of whether, it's more appropriate
Whether sounds more british xD
before i say anything.. @ZachSaucier corrected u
thanks @ZachSaucier
Whether just doesn't seem to fit to me
not familiar with British English that well
Hahaha, I like
perchance (£condition) {
// Code here
} otherwise {
// Code here
@ZachSaucier electronic DJ
@SweetWisherツ d(-.-)b That's me
would_you_mind {
// Code here
} actually_i_do_mind (Exception £e) {
// Politely move on
So good
> What about set_cookie()? Shouldn't that be serve_biscuit()? Later available in the $BICSUIT super global?
@Wes hahahhahhha
> nw time to sleep :) Good night....See you guys tomorrow :) have a nice day ahead :)
Level 25/26 on the CSS selector test above is hardest
Bye bye wisher
Nice to meet u al :)
what do you guys think about VPS?
Depends what you're hosting
and is it a managed vps or not
@PatsyIssa Yes managed, and when would you then get advantage from it?
@Wes Hilarious
@LiamMartens It's price
If you're hosting a one page site dedicated hosting = overkill
If you're hosting web apps with a ton of traffic = dedicated
@PatsyIssa No it would be like a social network for example, but I think an actual dedicated hosting is too expensive for me at the moment, and VPS is pretty much affordable, so is that the way to go then?
Of course, but eventually you ll want to move to dedicated if the site is profitable/ton of traffic
@PatsyIssa Alright thanks :) ( but dedicated is pretty expensive I think :( , of course not as expensive as starting up a completely fresh datacenter ;) )
You get what you paid for tbh
hm perhaps yes, I've only worked with cloud hosting at the moment so I have no experience with neither dedicated or VPS
Might get a better answer in the js room as well, lots of people running their own show
I use digital ocean
1 message moved to Trash can
@mikedidthis I also get this error... :-(
@IonicăBizău what did you do! :D
If your site is small and your traffic is manageable (~10,000 hits per day) go with shared hosting on servage.net. It is $4 per month for unlimited bandwidth and space.
@Matthew is it managed ?
@mikedidthis (Proceed at your own risk «)
@IonicăBizău haha, I saw the first 3 frames and quickly closed it :D
same here :P
Haha. :-)
Oops, @PatsyIssa, yes servage is managed. They handle setting up your FTP, MySQL and Apache services, but you customize them.
oh cool
Reliable ?
I've been a customer with them for over 6 years :D The service is so easy through their control panel.
hmm might be worth looking at
Mail server included ?
They have had 1 DDOS attack over the last 6 years I've been a customer that brought down a group of computers for 48 hours, but they scrambled and blocked the zombie IPs and got everything fixed quickly.
Yes, there is a mail server.
all that for 4$ a month ?
@PatsyIssa okay thanks, @Matthew thx for the info
Yup. They're one of the largest hosts so their huge userbase, I am assuming, allows them a great economy of scale.
@PatsyIssa Instant click works like charm
the truth is that without coffee i'm barely as good as @purify
i just realized that... i'm a coffee addicted
I was addicted to inhalers
do they work?
they used to spark my brains for a while...
I think I offended @Purify
i was thinking the same actually
@Purify come back! :(
@Wes I think I made a joke since.
@DarkAshelin hi
data.innerHTMl I have done this too many times
hell yeah, we are back with the fun
@Mr.Alien Are you saying about me?
@Illaya nope, I am talking about my codes
@Mr.Alien Oh ok ok
actually I was not, I was talking about something else
but never mind..
@mikedidthis get a better font xD
@Wes I know right.
or a better text editor
how about dropping down the proprietary properties for gradient
i just use linear-gradient(to ......)
Yea I was thinking the same...
old browsers get the flat color
not that of a problem imho
sometimes it's an issue, looks get inconsistent amongst different browsers
@Mr.Alien do it!
am I being dumb? nodelist back to html?
wat @mikedidthis?
Here are some great CSS gradient resources:
@Wes I have a nodelist and I want to use querySelector on it?
@Matthew Yea I have the plugins as well :) and I use them in a pretty weird way as well
@Matthew problem is not that, it's the actual .css file that gets massive with all those prefixed properties
@mikedidthis that exists only in jquery. in classic dom you can't do anything with lists, you have to loop over its elements and apply one by one
I love the fact you presume I am using jQuery :D
Who doesn't use jQuery?
i'm not presuming, i'm saying that jquery teaches you are allowed to do that
documen.querySelectorAll("header").querySelector("h1"); // doesn't exist
documen.querySelectorAll("header")[0].querySelector("h1"); // works
jsfiddle.net/BdKLZ I have a structure like this, I need the title text, and the span text to both be a single button.
@Wes, have you tried the CSS Compressor? All of the -prefixes do make a CSS file a bit crowded, but until the browser makers all get together to agree on beta CSS selector syntax we'll have to live with it :(

@Mr.Alien me?
how would I augment the html to have a centered wrapper for the h3 and p to live in
@rlemon kinda foo and percent in one line?
@Wes @mikedidthis seems like many ignores jQuery, but I love it anyways
@Mr.Alien its useful, but I have 5kb of scripts
i don't like the way it's designed @Mr.Alien
much better my dom4 compatible framework BD
@mikedidthis yea, sometimes it's obvious not to use jQuery but when we have a fully loaded dynamic site, using jQuery makes sense, it saves you too many lines of extra code as well as cross browser issues
@Wes I am not much into internals of jQuery but I find it easy to program client side well
@Mr.Alien I support IE9 plus, so I am not so worried about cross browser issues
Vanilla all of the things!
@mikedidthis recently I got ummm this chinese project I was talking about few weeks back, that guy wanted to support ie6, somehow managed to convince him for IE7, so I find jQuery quiet useful for my projects in these edgy cases
@rlemon, I think I understand what you wanted. I removed "display: inline-block;" and added "margin: 0 auto;" to center your wrappers. jsfiddle.net/BdKLZ/2
@Mr.Alien, How can anything be quiet useful? Is that like a silent partner? :p
not my issue at all
@Wes I got it. loop through the nodelist, appendChild each item to a temp div :D
@rlemon what are you trying to do?
jsfiddle.net/BdKLZ/3 I want the red content to be wrapped in a single element (so it can all be a button) while maintaining the relative centering
@Matthew Kinda, cuz I suck at pure JS (shouting out proudly)
goin home
Bye, @Wes!
later gator
@mikedidthis make sense?
@Wes cya @rlemon doesn't make sense
@rlemon yeah, give me a second.
eh, i'll figure it out
thanks for nothing!
anytime :p and everytime :p
Anyone know why my footer ends up at the bottom of the right column instead of under both columns?
@antman1p no one's psychic here to fix your code without having one to debug
jsfiddle.net/BdKLZ/4 what I was after FYI
ok, I'm at work, I meant to bring it with me.
Just wondered if there is a common cause.
@mikedidthis mine is better ;)
@rlemon eat a dick
unzip and pass the salt
@rlemon delicious :D
use floats instead
^ ha!
@antman1p Wild guess: you need clear: both on your footer.
OK, what does that do exactly?
It makes sure nothing floats to the left and right of your footer
OK, thank you. The left column seems to go all the way to the bottom of the page. It is as if the footer sees some space at the bottom of the right column.
I want there to be a decent sized footer at the bottom.
@DarkAshelin I took a look at your code and I think I fixed it jsfiddle.net/yA45c/19
I'm guessing your left column has float: left on it. In which case, yes, you probably need clear: both on your footer.
It does. Thank you.
@LiamMartens instead of invoking the constructor multiple times cache the elements objects or take advantage of chaining
@antman1p In the future, providing code is a good idea. I could guess my way through this one, but I'd rather not have to.
am always amazed that floats and clear troubles almost everyone
I understand, thanks for guessing. I bet you're right.
I meant to email myself the code so I could work on it, but I forgot.
@antman1p Was it you who starred my answers?
@antman1p read this, might help you get through
Okay. I'm going to remove the stars. They're not terribly useful to everybody.
LOL. ok.
Stars are communal ;-)
@RyanKinal we never really star anything useful in this room ;)
I suppose I'm the only one in here that doesn't know HTML all to well.
@Mr.Alien I don't know. "unzip and pass the salt" is pretty useful to everybody.
that's CSS part
!!> "It is certain;It is decidedly so;Without a doubt;Yes definitely;You may rely on it;As I see it, yes;Most likely;Outlook good;Yes;Signs point to yes;Reply hazy try again;Ask again later;Better not tell you now;Cannot predict now;Concentrate and ask again;Don't count on it;My reply is no;My sources say no;Outlook not so good;Very doubtful".split(";")[20*Math.random()|0];
@antman1p Well, it's more that they're specific to your problem, rather than generally useful/funny things.
@rlemon "Reply hazy try again"
@RyanKinal use as you will.
I'm almost done with designing the page. I have to learn Javascript now. One question I have is that if my form items don't have names, how can I write JS code to effect what happens to the content of those items?
@RyanKinal Did you saw the previous star messages? if not than please take a look, you will have some good laugh
@Mr.Alien I'll assume that they're generally interesting and/or funny. It's the same way in the JS room.
@RyanKinal nah, we had some interesting users dropping by, had good time :)
Sorry, didn't mean to repost.
@Mr.Alien, thanks for the compliment. Yes, I am very interesting. It's no surprise that an intelligent person, like you, would have recognized my inherent worth and quality.
My boss is so fucking stupid why does he say things that he has literally no idea what they mean
> You mentioned already that JavaScript needs a php framework essentially and so for us to use this to create transitions and some animated sequence would not be an option immediately (although I have seen some chat on ways of doing this BUT I think this is not the desired way - this concerns the clients digital strategy). So using html 5 capabilities might be a option tho maybe in believe ?
Literally what is he smoking
To him AJAX = anything that moves
@Matthew you welcome :) and ummm am not that intelligent, thanks for the compliment though :)
@Billy O.o
@CapricaSix Dang you good lookin' imgur.com/gallery/w614S
!!define logical fallacy
@PatsyIssa [logical fallacy](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) A fallacy; a clearly defined error in reasoning used to support or refute an argument, excluding simple unintended mistakes.
"You can't prove Santa doesn't exist, therefore Santa does exist", is a common logical fallacy.
@PatsyIssa where's your phone damn... check your phone
posted on March 18, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by vpiquer */

@Mr.Alien @ work :P kinda focused making a custom slider
@PatsyIssa vooooo, push on git later..
Not in the way it is right now :P
when you are done..
@rlemon would kick my ass if he saw the code :O
in JavaScript, 2 mins ago, by rlemon
will likely be open sourced, so you can all have a good laugh at my code then :P
I plan on working on it later on
i'm in the same boat
I know how he kicked mine after looking at the portfolio background...
!!afk need to focus
Q: Dojo dGrid header checkbox to select all does not work

devdarI created a dojo dgrid however i used a form wizard to seprate the fields on the form, however with the current structure i am having an issue with the select all feature on the grid. I cannot select all however if i remove the div Page2 and it content from the form it works. In firebug i also...

@devdar That's not a very effective way to get your question answered
@ZachSaucier sorry
@ZachSaucier i am new to Dojo and my header checkbox is really giving problems
@ZachSaucier once it is on another wizard pane other than the first pane the column header is giving problems. Can you assist
Hey guys I need help here: codepen.io/almis/pen/sazlb when I click the top left menu icon its open the side-navigation but the button disappears, can someone help me to make it stick there?
@Loclip, When I used Firefox's inspect element tool it adds a dashed border around your icon. After clicking the button and opening the sidebar the dashed border was pushed to the right. I am guessing that your icon is attached to the sidebar, for some reason and is being pushed right along with the sidebar div and is hidden by being behind the search field.
@Loclip, after the button disappears its CSS display attribute is still "block" so it should still be visible.
@Matthew the top-bar have position absolute, after clicking the menu-icon the button hides behind the top-bar
I don't want it to hide.. I played a bit with z-index but not sure how it works
@Loclip, Yeah, I know you don't want that button hidden :) Set .top_bar background: none; as a test and remove the search field and you'll see that the button travels with the sidebar. That means that the button is WITHIN the sidebar. Move the button outside the sidebar and it should stay in place.

@Matthew yeah I know that its travels along with sidebar but I can't move it outside, I using zurb-foundation and if I move it outside the functionality will not work. What you see is the result of top-bar and tab-bar, they were independent I joined them together and now applying some fixes
@Matthew if you add left: -250px; to tab-bar after the button is clicked the button go to its initial position but its behind top-bar
I just dont know how to bring it front
@Loclip, Cool idea! How about:
(...).click( function() {
        "left": "-250px",
        "z-index": "999"
That should set the left position like your original fix and also give the button a very high z-index attribute.
@Matthew I just added to google chrome inspector left:-250 and z-index 999 but its still behind top-bar
I though also to change the css with js but first I need to know what to change :)
@Loclip why isn't your .tab-bar inside the top bar?
Hi @Billy as you see I started from begin (from last time you helped me) I not sure I think I had some issues (one of two was not showing and some other bugs)
@LiamMartens aha ty, but I fixed it near noon. I just had to add an e.preventDefault() since the event was bound to my <a> tag
@Loclip Also, .tab-bar definitely shouldn't be a <nav> element
I only need to bring the button in front but I can't understand how that z-index works
its the first example
And where in that example does he use a <nav> element for an icon?
I took the html from inspector
Well.. don't do that.. write your own HTML, otherwise it probably won't work because it's been written for something else
@billy the html that they have there not working
I mean without that nav the design its a mess
can't I just bring the element to the front?
its the only that left to make it workable
Ok I'm telling you this: Don't use the <nav> element for your icon it is incorrect
Second, don't just copy HTML, because it probably won't work for you
and third: Look again at the first example. You'll see that his top-bar is inside the top bar, which is inside his "off-canvas-wrap" div
Sorry, I would help more, but I have to go. Will be back in about 30 mins @Loclip
nyt ...
Night man
No no, the song starts with "Day man"
Who, as it happens, is the fighter of the night man.
And the champion of the sun. Not to mention, the master of karate.
the guy who invented the camera before him
The history of the camera can be traced much further back than the introduction of photography. Cameras evolved from the camera obscura, and continued to change through many generations of photographic technology, including daguerreotypes, calotypes, dry plates, film, and digital cameras. The camera obscura Photographic cameras were a development of the camera obscura, a device dating back to the ancient Chinese and ancient Greeks, which uses a pinhole or lens to project an image of the scene outside upside-down onto a viewing surface. On 24 January 1544 mathematician and instrumen...
lol, still funny
image taken with the "first camera"
Nicéphore Niépce (born Joseph Niépce March 7, 1765 – July 5, 1833) was a French inventor, most noted as one of the inventors of photography and a pioneer in the field. He developed heliography, a technique used to produce the world's oldest surviving photograph in 1825. Among Niépce's other inventions was the Pyréolophore, the world's first 'internal combustion engine', which he conceived, created, and developed with his older brother Claude. Biography Early life Niépce was born in Chalon-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire, where his father was a wealthy lawyer; this caused the whole family...
I wonder what mega pixel it would be classed as
@rlemon data attribute to store status of carousel yay or nay ?
@mikedidthis 0 - because it used paper to output the image - so dpi
Agree with easwee
@PatsyIssa sure
@easwee ha, I should have known better.
@PatsyIssa Depends on the situation IMO
^This is a brave, heroic snake saving a fish from drowning
I m using it as a counter incrementing when next and prev are clicked
@PatsyIssa I would say if you are in the JS, you are already there, no need to mess with the DOM again, but that is just me.
personally I'd use a variable
@PatsyIssa on the fly storage?
@rlemon yup
or initial state storage
much more maintainable
on the fly - nope
on the fly
hold it in js
you will only ever be using it in JS, don't reach out grabbing attributes on the fly
aren't globals evil ?
put it into a map somewhere.
not so evil to mess with DOM
Globals > DOM interaction
fucking with the DOM is hella slow
avoid at all costs
^ that
my new script
@rlemon shouted at me once for that.
@rlemon FUUUUUUU i clicked it :P
freaking rlemon
!!afk changing code x.x.
what it does?
@easwee check it out
it never will let you down.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I need to make the time to learn about prototyping x.x
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@PatsyIssa same here - i've got to a point in js where you need to sit down and read some stuff
@rlemon got 2 carousels on site now it's 11pm been here for 2 weeks, will using data break it until i can patch it or will be fine ?
@PatsyIssa not if the variables are specific to each one?
@mikedidthis PatsyIssa is afk: changing code x.x.
also stop using carousels :D
^^ this
Last minute implementation
esp if it's auto
they v changed the design 12 times in 10 days i m at the point of "No longer giving my opinion or giving a shit "
2 carousels on [one] site ... o.o
var carouselOneCurrentSlide = 1
var carouselTwoCurrentSlide = 2
[x] so hard.
TIL removing an event listener is hard if the function is anon. Stay cool kids.
well it's the same carousel repeated twice :P
in JavaScript, 4 mins ago, by TylerH
My first question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18670556/how-do-i-check-for-a-specific-user-i‌​d-in-phpbb2-when-executing-an-if-xor-else-st
Chill your tits ladies one is for Deputy's vote and one is for the public's vote
as far as markup goes it's the same, pictures and everything but the scores are different
^^ Chilled tit.
brb need a cig
And to warm your tits, apparently.
also a scruffy tit
^^ That's how I like my tits
I like Fish.
Haha, nice change. I didn't know birds lived that long
Reminds me of this song youtube.com/…
some do
@rlemon bird denier
I had birds when I was younger.
I quickly remembered, no... fuck birds.
noisy little shits

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