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I'm in need of centering an image of varying height within a floated container. Interested in helping?
without position absolute
Any help? jsfiddle.net/e7PW8/1 display:table isn't working for me either
@Zach "small group Bible studies" That's your problem. :P
Q: Altering the Bootstrap Gridsystem

MAD4RASo currently this is how my website layout looks, its of the following order <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> col-md-3 left </div> <div class="col-md-6"> element 1 <br/> element 2 ...

anyone ?
@ZachSaucier float:left; display: table-cell; are redundant...
1 hour later…
posted on March 17, 2014 by Nick La

Themify has come a long way since its launch 3 years ago, and I thought it was finally time to redesign the Themify website. The goal of Themify is to make it easy for anyone to build a beautiful, responsive website using WordPress and Themify themes. This means that we need to stay ahead of [...]

oh yeah, the sudoers manpage is horrible.
The Möbius strip or Möbius band ( or ; ), also Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. The Möbius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It can be realized as a ruled surface. It was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858. A model can easily be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop. In Euclidean space there are two types of Möbius strips depending on the direction...
@Wes Hahaha congrats!
posted on March 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by philo */

gud monday morning
@DarkAshelin duck duck go is a valid replacement for google
@SomeGuy xD
ah, i have something for you... i don't know why but i started to think you like reading this kind of shit
this guy invented the light bulb nearly at the same time of edison
Ooh, interesting!
@Wes Haha, maybe because I keep harassing @mikedidthis with Wikipedia articles? :p
exactly xD
Where does it say he invented it at nearly the same time as Edison, though?
but what wikipedia doesn't say is that there is a "rumor" saying that if he didn't test the light bulb always turned on for a complete year, he could have managed to get a patent for it, as opposed to edison, which patented his light bulb even if it survived just a couple of days
There's stuff about Tesla like that too
How Edison is the bad guy, and Tesla deserves the actual credit
I think I read that over at TheOatmeal
i know a lot about tesla :P he invented the future
btw the reality abou Alessandro Cruto is that i believe he couldn't even afford to get a patent for his invention... even if that was true
Haha, I don't know much
but still cool story xD
I can't get myself too interested in history most of the time
I've had Hitler's autobiography on my reading list since forever
I don't think I'll ever get around to reading it
ahah nice reading
If you think about it, though, I'm reading books from even further behind
The Republic is way older
it is older indeed
i wish i had the time, must be a great reading... i always loved history :P
Just done watching Gravity movie and it was awesome
No spoilers, please
Well, I already know the one about Clooney
@Mr.Alien meh
though at one point, when clooney was shown back in the space shuttle, I thought it's all Indian movie but I was wrong..
have you guys seen "sunshine" ?
@SomeGuy there's nothing as such to spoil though..
i liked that much more
watch it @Mr.Alien :P
I'm not someone to speak to about movies, though. I've watched maybe like 20 movies overall
@SomeGuy means this month or in total?
In my entire life
@Wes Is that fun to watch? cuz I love over serious movies//
@SomeGuy now I can get that count in hindi movies, but not in total
Maybe a bit more
well that's not a comedy xD
But if you ask me if I've watched a certain movie, the odds are overwhelmingly in the favour of "no"
@SomeGuy have you seen this? youtube.com/watch?v=eCKSR0JArUQ
north korea's godzilla remake! ftw! xD
I'm on 3G right now, so I won't open that
that's the most trashy thing i have ever seen
brb time for some work
lol what a movie :D
where's @mike and @PatsyIssa
You meant @Pastie?
Yes, pastie :p
i m here :P
busy today?
have to deal with the arrogance of outdated developers :D
am rolling out my new created demo
it's css powerpuff
girl :P
@mikedidthis o/
@Mr.Alien Hahaha nice
My ISP is having some problems, and because it's Holi, they won't fix 'em today
So I can only use the internet on my laptop, with some tethering
@mikedidthis o/
o/ all
@SomeGuy bad... mtnl?
@Mr.Alien nice :D
@Mr.Alien Nope. 7star
@PatsyIssa thanks :D @SomeGuy lol heard that first time, is that local cable?
@Mr.Alien Good stuff!
@Mr.Alien Yeah
I am getting idiotic flags.. @SomeGuy thanks :) and thought so, even I used to prefer locals for local LAN, but never got chance to get one
its bad that we cannot do something like element:after:after
will brb, lunch
morning all
@Will o/
Good weekend ?
was at the office the entire weekend :P
Get all the work done then?
luv u monday
Oh, how I love not caring about whether it's the weekend or not
we hav holiday
@Mr.Alien i hate you
!!afk fuckers changed everything
!!welcome @StaNov
@StaNov Welcome please read the rules
Dont worry @DarkAshelin I got it ;)
@Wes I agree.
Actually we have HOLIday
it's actually called HOLI
that is cool
yea, water, colors, its fun
hungry! (I need more souls to feed on)
forum.nexoneu.com/… such customer support, very wow
typical rage quit
tsk, noob
.deputy-row .deputy-cell:last-child
margin-right: 0;
shouldn't this apply a margin right 0 to the last deputy-cell in each row ?
@PatsyIssa No
@PatsyIssa last child doesnt respect classes
A: CSS :last-child not working as expected?

Harrylast-child is used to select the last child element of a parent element. It cannot be used to select the last child element with a specific class under a given parent element. For example, the below would style the last child li element with background color as red. li:last-child{ backgroun...

yeah now i know x.x
It'll apply to any .deputy-cell which is a descendent of .deputy-row, which is also the last child.
So <deputy-row><deputy-cell><not-deputy-cell></deputy-row> won't apply.
damn i have a clearfix at the end :/
why do you use clearfix on empty elements, why not use them on the parent itself
it's not empty
i always clear floats after the floated children, isn't that how it's supposed to be done ?
start using less and do a .clearfix mixin
@PatsyIssa no
much more cleaner solution + no redundat elemnts in html
I mean even that's right but wait I'll show you another way
i have div.row and it has 14 cells, i was clearing after the 14th cell
do clearfix on row
@PatsyIssa Sounds like you want a table.
@easwee tight deadline no time to get into less for this project but it's on the next list
not after 14th cell
always use clearfix on parent that wraps floated elements
@SecondRikudo i v been pushing them to use a table for ages, i m working with arrogant developers that won't listen and like to make statements without anything to back it
oh alright
that's the point of clearfix - to not create additional html elements for the sake of clear
@PatsyIssa What kind of content is inside this div-table abomination?
That's the main question. If the content is suited for a table, it should be a table.
Table for layout is evil, table for table is not.
@SecondRikudo I made him use table few weeks ago, he was using table-cell for football chart
i ll show you a screen sec
Well that's really not a table then :D
floats ofcourse
long story short, print designers, 1100px fixed grid, want me to apply magic to make it responsive without any other layout
so i went with display table, table-cell
beyond that not sure what else to do
why you need that
@PatsyIssa "Responsive" how?
their concept of responsive, resize browser have it look the same
What do they want to happen in lower resolutions?
this is where the "not my fucking problem" kicks in
still it's possible with floats
I'd have a large container with a set width (maybe percentage) and have all of the squares floated or inline-blocked inside.
that's how i had it in the first place
That way, if you change the width of the large container, the number of items per row will automatically decrease.
let me show you where the problem will occur
so whats wrong?
if i float them and there isn't enough space for all the elements it will go down right ? but the last element won't be aligned with the end of the element above the clusterfuck grid
@PatsyIssa What's your browser support needs? Flexbox might help you there.
ie 8 included
flexbox was my first choice then they hit me with the support
@PatsyIssa am out ...
@Mr.Alien <#
lol ok ok, am in again <3 #nohomo
If they want it to look the same from all sizes, just don't change anything... mobile browsers will make it look the same as it is on desktop.
i have it somewhat working tbh
but there are rounding errors with the gutters waiting on the designers to fix it
I don't get it, they want responsive, they want to look the same
After the project i m preparing a presentation of what responsive is, either they get it through their system or i quit
all they gave me was a shitty design based on a 1100px fixed grid and they used pt for fonts ...
when its responsive, objects needs to be wrapped or hidden. now they want them to look same is idiotic...
check this shit out, margin-right:0.1613%; <<<
also I never saw px being used much in responsive designs
I still don't understand what you're expecting to happen when the device width gets smaller
Yea ^^
well i came her for the last-child :P
@PatsyIssa I still don't understand how the clearfix got in the way though :P
Clearfix is supposed to be applied on the parent.
if the objects are static, than use nth-of-type
was using <div class="clear"></div> instead of pseudo elements for ie support
How's IE support for that though?
!!caniuse nth-of-type
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SecondRikudo ie8 doesn't I forgot that
18 mins ago, by Mr. Alien
why do you use clearfix on empty elements, why not use them on the parent itself
Nor would it support last-child tbh
@Mr.Alien didn't know i could :P i am now after you said it >.<
!!tell Patsy about google "What is clearfix"
Q: What is clearfix?

H BellamyRecently I was looking through some website's code, and saw that every <div> had a class clearfix. After a quick Google, I learnt that is for IE6 sometimes, but what actually is the clearfix? Could you provide some examples of a layout with clearfix, comparing to a layout without clearfix?

Read, I put a lot of effort into that answer :P
Me too
A: How CSS float works? Why height of the container element doesn't increase if it contains floated elements

Mr. AlienThe floated elements do not add to the height in the container element, and hence if you don't clear them, container height won't increase... I'll show you a pictorial way More Explanation: <div> <div style="float: left;"></div> <div style="width: 15px;"></div> <!-- This will shift ...

googled what is clearfix first result :P
Last part of the answer ^^^
@PatsyIssa I made sure to SEO it as such :P
It's also the first result for "clearfix"
Oh? Someone passed me
@Mr.Alien I have an extension that blocks w3school from my search results.
@SecondRikudo In my profile description ;)
I'm using Chrome though
just append -w3schools to the search query :P
@PatsyIssa It's a bother
They aren't worth my time to even ignore.
they got a lot of backlinks, rookies have them all over their blogs, ya here is my article, and at the end they provide a link to w3schools
@SecondRikudo you ran for mod this election no ?
@PatsyIssa Yup
Didn't make it into the final ten though
b/w we're neighbors :P
Aha, Lebanonian! How's it going over your side of the border?
the usual, a minority of extremists being dicks that effect the rest of us, how's stuff @ your end
@PatsyIssa Cool
Bit of tension with a charge placed by extremists from Syria, media obviously makes a huge fuss about it. But nothing out of the ordinary otherwise
Also that weapon shipment from Iran :|
always tension in this area sucks balls
met a few israelis have to say awesome people so far
Yeah, I get to talk to a lot of people, especially here in the chats, guys from Egypt, Iran, all sorts of things, really great guys.
Israel have real good military, as far as I know...
I also got a chance to talk to an extremist here in chat, it was hilarious, he seriously imagined me with horns and a forked tail.
@Mr.Alien Relatively :P
We're good against terrorism and rockets, but we won't last a day against a real army.
India has a huge army, but we lack technologically...
As in, if Britain or Germany or Russia were to attack us
we have cops patrolling with wooden sticks
@Mr.Alien India has a potential of being second only to China.
@SecondRikudo In terms of population :p
If only the government officials would stop being so greedy and corrupt, and actually start doing things for their own country.
@Mr.Alien In terms of power.
brb cig
Badge Progress
999 / 1,000
I don't want to talk about things I don't understand much, but from what I hear (and you can correct me if I'm wrong), education sucks, health sucks, poverty much, technology sucks.
@SecondRikudo Yes, politics have being bad since few years.. recently our CM stepped out like a cry baby.. other clever politicians eat up the money.. and the people say nothing...
@Mr.Alien It's pretty much like that here as well
They pee on us in an arc, and we're calling it rain.
Because of a lack of "alternatives", the lesser of several evils.
It's either that, or let the religious crazies take reigns, or perhaps those who think we should open the borders completely and let the people of Gaza live freely in Israel (which I have no problem with, if it weren't for the terrorists hiding among the civilians), or maybe the one who insists that there will be no peace and will rip any treaty we have apart.
the way i see it there will never be peace in the middle east too many foreign interests at play
dunno if you heard but we've been getting suicide bombers from Syria
because hezboallah thinks it's a good idea to fight with the syrian army so the rebels are retaliating on lebanese grounds
@PatsyIssa Yeah, I heard
@SecondRikudo yea same here, young ones are never educated about politics, they never take interests, about 80% of the kids won't know who is the president, prime minister etc, people like this guy makes US$29 billion scam, yea he can be listed in forbes now and they roam freely, where as a poor kid steals something and he is beaten like a dog....
tl;dr middle east = clusterfuck
@PatsyIssa The funny thing is, when an Israeli soldier shoots a Palestanian kid (for the sake of the argument, let's say that unprovoked, even though that's generally not the case), the entire world goes in an uproar, "sanctions" they yell "evils" "child killers", but 100 miles north of that, the death count is already at the 6 digits mark, and no one beats an eye
whole world is a fuck
before I go to office, I have breakfast sometimes/street food and a jeep of police comes and eats for free daily...
@easwee second that
maybe iceland is doing it right lately
@easwee I think Mars is doing it right lately.
Peace and quiet.
so does Snickers
NASA has took the responsibility of fucking the mars and the moon as well
Interesting, although AFAIK there are still problems that they can't really solve.
Indians going everywhere on this planet so foreign people are now running off to other planets
The dust on Mars, for example, is different from the dust on earth.
Normal equipment can't operate there because the fine dust gets in the cracks and stops any normal engine in its tracks.
yea the red one, I have Imax documentary and it shows how they sent the rover, worth watching
The Moon landing conspiracy theories claim that some or all elements of the Apollo program and the associated Moon landings were hoaxes staged by NASA with the aid of other organizations. The most notable claim is that the six manned landings (1969–1972) were faked and that twelve Apollo astronauts did not actually walk on the Moon. Various groups and individuals have made such conspiracy claims since the mid-1970s. Conspiracy theorists (henceforth ') claim that NASA and others knowingly misled the public into believing the landings happened, by manufacturing, tampering with, or destroyin...
A programmers wife sends him to the store and says "get some bread, and while you're there pick up some eggs" The programmer never came back.
beyond old
had to share because of lameness
As in the last time i heard it i fell off my dinosaur.
well t-rex would have problems to pick up eggs anyway
huh that moment when you forget to test code in IE8 for whole morning - and it works!
lately I haven't been testing any sites on IE anymore
because... well they usually just work cross-browser by default
well depends on what you have to code
a full screen responsive sliding banner with multiple image variations for different devices can be a bit of pain
and ye mostly simple sites, sticky footer at most :D
IE should be outlawed.
I would pay the police to ensure that
@PatsyIssa My mom asked me to go to the grocery store, she told me "Go get a bottle of milk, and if they have eggs bring six". I returned with six bottles of milk. "Why the hell did you bring six bottles of milk?!" she asked me, "Because they had eggs", I told her.
youtube.com/watch?v=Hnvoz91k8hc keep watching, it gets better
nice one :D
@DarkAshelin XD
That is awesome XD
@DarkAshelin That means he will reshare it
what's more logical - to have first the news title and than the date
or first date and after it the title
on a news listing page
@easwee Name first.
Date is a supplementary item, title is the real deal.
I would go side by side
@SecondRikudo - yeah my thoughts too - i just needed a third opinion
also checking some news sites and some don't even show date
on the listing
@easwee Yeah, don't do that.
An article generally becomes less current as time passes, especially when dealing with news or tech.
In what way does this throw numeric output, amazing
Also it looks like he wrote LOST
Codegolf blows my tiny mind.
^ true
also lack of classList in IE9 blows my mind.
yea, each answer is written so uniquely, such a good brain users they have
meh - my mind blows only when something is actually supported in IE :)
When IE10 becomes the lowest IE, I think we are golden.
hahaha can't say, suppose we have more awesome properties coming up, IE won't support them for sure
nah - IE11 already gave me trouble
and I really hope they rethink the UX for developer tools
it is seriously fucked up
yea the shitty black band on the left, took few minutes to figure out where I can switch the browser mode
Kohina time! kohina.com
whats that
lol I didn't saw any moving gifs
@Mr.Alien It's oldschool videogame midi music radio :)
aaah I see...

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