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No idea why I have this or why they are saying no.
1 hour later…
@DarkAshelin @mikedidthis @Wes
gulps Redbull
/me throws American chocolate at @DarkAshelin
Since your Belgian, that must be offensive right?
I thought so
also, was it white or black chocolate? I need to know if there were any racist intentions
it was brown.
milk chocolate?
combusts I'm lactose-intolerant
but since it's american it's probably not real milk
my ex was lactose-intolerant
and a vegetarian
worst girlfriend ever to attempt to cook for
rofl yeah
did she starve in the end?
she pretty much ate exclusively fruit
like melons and shit
and perhaps surprisingly, no she didn't.
although I haven't spoken to her in months so who knows
posted on October 14, 2013

A skilled trade’s brand has to be tangible. It has to be the base for an atmospheric and authentic design, it has to tell a story. Martina Sperl realized her life’s dream and opened an own upholstery workshop in Graz. The subtle Corporate Design deals with Sperl as a person and breathes fresh life into her furniture. It’s simply some kind of eternal beauty that she’s able to give to the thing

@mikedidthis E_TOO_MUCH_cute
@NullPoiиteя I know right. I am miserable and found that cute.
Hi, need help. when i double click on the page the popup is not coming jsfiddle.net/CJGc2/1
dblclick isn't an on event iirc.
@mikedidthis how can i get the popup when i double click on the page
@user2384323 not sure there is no logic for the popup in the fiddle
but just replace the alert with what ever code you need.
@mikedidthis i tired this one in browser i'm not getting any thing
@user2384323 again, there is no logic for the popup in your fiddle
@Purify nice)
I am trying to do a hover with a border over an element . Is there any better solution than :
div.block {
border: 1px solid transparent;
div.block:hover {
negative, :hover is the correct way
yes but I don't wand the content of the div pushed by the border width when I hover
I currently don't think there is a solution (because it depends on the context) but I am curious if someone knows otherwize
thank you
@mikedidthis jsfiddle.net/LusSX this fiddle is for pop-up in header
in header
but i tried like this as for pop-up in content part i'm not getting
Sorry I can't really help, I would post a question to SO.
@mikedidthis I am extending your jsbin
@OvidiuBuligan ok
I want to add a button floating right and top
but i want it to be inside the content How can I do that?
@mikedidthis Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
@CapricaSix can you help me ?
I am trying to float "right and top" the aqua button : jsbin.com/aJewaPoR/2
@CapricaSix wait , It is not the edited version
@OvidiuBuligan Caprica is a bot :D
@mikedidthis Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
@mikedidthis i have som e problems giving you my latest jsbin edit
isn't jsbin saved automaticaly
Again, I am mad at css!
#shrink, #add {
	display: inline-block;
	width: 140px;
	padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;
	line-height: 40px;
	color: #ffffff;
	font-weight: bold;
	height: 40px;
	text-align: center;
	-webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;
	margin-bottom: 10px;
#content {
	display: block;
	width: 798px;
	height: 340px;
	background-color: #ffffff;
	border-bottom: solid 1px #b9b9b9; border-left: solid 1px #b9b9b9; border-right: solid 1px #b9b9b9;
	padding: 15px;

#content p {
	font-size: 13px;
	display: block;
	margin-top: 7%;
Content is the white block
* ignore me *
@JonyKale you need to give me a real example
err this is on localhost, a bit problemic
Do you know any site-demo online tools?
Where I can paste css, html. Besides jsFiddle, cause it's small.
@OvidiuBuligan jsbin.com/aJewaPoR/5/edit the parent div needs postion:relative
thank you !
should I ask this as a question so anyone can see?
and you quickly answer it ?
@mikedidthis jsbin.com/ODINAnA/1/edit This is weird, cause on my screen it makes the buttons go a bit out.
@OvidiuBuligan nah its cool. I am happy to help
@JonyKale seems fine here
@mikedidthis is it a good practice to always include position relative as default ?
@OvidiuBuligan mikedidthis is afk.
@mikedidthis Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
Same thing happens on Mozilla
@OvidiuBuligan not really. Just remember that you need to set position:relative on what even element you want your position:absolute element to stick against. If that makes sense.
After remvoing height from content, it worked.
@JonyKale there is no reset / normalize.css and you need to add float or overflow to the content element
@mikedidthis Stay safe.
I give up
she's suppose to understand JS code and evaluate it
She does, just not edits iirc
!!> ['hello', 'world'].join(' ')
!! 1 + 1
@crypticツ you broke her.
RIP @CapricaSix 15/10/13
been waiting for feedback from my boss about my wireframes for 2 weeks now, been poking him twice / day about it
I can't continue my work without any feedback (just ANY feedback at all)
So glad I don't have to build wireframes
so I've been doing near to nothing for 2 weeks now
fiddled around in photoshop and php for ~20 minutes, in those 2 weeks, that's all I did
well I still get paid hurray
posted on October 15, 2013 by Chris Coyier

Reader Marcin A wrote in with this question about a simple unordered list in which they wanted the elements to be arranged in vertical order (top to bottom) instead of horizontal (left to right). So markup like: <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> <li>5</li> <li>6</l

does anyone recognize what format this is?
a:10:{s:10:"dealername";s:16:"Cal Spas Benelux";s:10:"dealercity";s:8:"Turnhout";s:8:"province";s:9:"Antwerpen";s:13:"dealerzipcode";s:4:"2300";s:5:"color";s:22:"Smoke / Sterling white";s:9:"purchased";s:10:"01/05/2006";s:9:"delivered";s:10:"08/08/2006";}
kinda looks like json
json_decode returns null and online formatters also say it's invalid
No idea then, sorry. ;x
I need to decode it if I don't want to have to copy 1500 cells manually
have fun
aha, it was serialize
unserialize did the trick
That irony. Spelling winning wrong :D
@DarkAshelin is that being stored in a database?
@crypticツ it was, yes
I'm getting that out of an old database
yikes, serialized data should never really be stored in database, unless for say database session storage.
idk, I wasn't the one that made that
but yeah ur probably right, so much corrupted data here
name: "hqsdhDFUHFezefr"
any clue how to solve this?
@DarkAshelin that doesn't look corrupted, but more like a dummy or fake entry
nope, there are several hundreds of this
starting with real info
but then later on in the same row corrupted info
those letters are next to each other on keyboard
ASCII does not follow keyboard order
name: Dylan EgyiNIPkdGkLiiVIU
address: xTgGCSimikkLIKG
name: Brady mVHEOCUlOW
hmm maybe it is dummy data
is it all the last name?
all english names, unusual for belgium
if it is then not corrupted. a serialzied value corrupted would not have a specific key only corrupted for each one.
I'll delete them
possibly a spambot
all are new entries (indicating it wasn't used during production) and all have likewise email addresses
all city: New York
well gtg
1 hour later…
posted on October 15, 2013 by Chris Coyier

Today it was announced that GoDaddy purchased MediaTemple. I've been a long time user of both of them. I thought I'd share my thoughts. People generally love MediaTemple. People generally hate GoDaddy. People hate GoDaddy for a variety of reasons: Their CEO killed an elephant. They use attractive women in their advertisements. Their UI is kinda crappy. They try and upsell you so much it's

2 hours later…
hey guys
Q: toggle doesn't work rightly

Dave-88i implement a toggle event but it doesn't work rightly. Here my Testsite(view in browser 550px width): http://devel.hoevermann-gruppe.de/ if you click on the search glass icon you see the bug. Here my Code: jQuery("#search_icon").click(function(){ $('.search_mobil').slideToggle()...

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