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1:44 AM
posted on June 03, 2020

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

15 hours later…
5:07 PM
@OmerHijazi what's the question?
5:48 PM
Hey guys, need some help figuring out this issue. I have a custom button that works nicely in chrome but the issue is in ie11(there is always an issue with the browser really). When the button is focused a box shadow is suppose to surround the button but there is a problem with the position of the box-shadow. The button has a relative position and the ::after has an absolute position for the box shadow and this causes problem in ie11. Here is a codepen on how it looks. https://codepen.io/deathslice246/pen/jOWEBpZ
3 hours later…
8:55 PM
@LuisAverhoff you may need to rely on :after instead of ::after
also IE's support for box-shadow may be limited. Check caniuse.com for more information on those
1 hour later…
10:01 PM
@TylerH Ya even with :after the box shadow doesn't position itself around the entire outer border of the button.
the box shadow is rendering on my end(ie11) so it seems to be supported.

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