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was trying to check how javascript work in it.
could anybody help me in this.
please don't ping everybody
@afzalex Please do not ping random people in the chat
okay @Obi
You didn't say he shouldn't ping you, or ping anybody
oops! @ObiWan
@afzalex what a troll
@BoltClock english always lacks xD
Anyway I have to do something that isn't moderating or asking/answering questions :O
Or sleeping :(
referencing your old questions?
@afzalex just paste your js in the bottom left panel anyway
@ZachSaucier Or pretty much anything on SO
I did same but it is not working.
Anyway I should probably leave before I get any more rogue pings ;)
Is this guy for real?
could anybody help me
imagine having to come out to your parents that you write asp code
Hey guys I have a qustion
I'm using Heroku and I just read the documentation for custom Domain
And what's the question
It said DNS changes can take several minutes to several days to take effect
@afzalex i edited something for you. Hope you will understand something from it
Yup but usually takes ~30 min
So my question is does that mean I have to wait that long to see my Heroku app in my domain name?
@PatsyIssa lol
@DarkMouse yes you need to wait, unless you access it via IP
@PatsyIssa That's hilarious
I see, you said it took around 30 minutes on average?
@DarkMouse at least for me but it can take up more
@PatsyIssa thank you.
yeah!!! that is working, but why alert isn't??? @oyshee
@afzalex You want alert ??
not actually. I was just checking that.
@oyshee you saw my code?
I am using jsfiddle first time.
I don't think I did any mistake in code!!!!!!!
@afzalex check it
why your code is working and mine not.
because you are using jquery??????
@oyshee ????
jquery javascript doesnt matter. I didnt see any javascript in your code. Where is your javascript code?
@oyshee tinyavatar++; bro
function go(){
I wrote this on bottom left panel
@afzalex you need to click update and share the new url
@afzalex it's not alerting since you aren't calling the function
@oyshee sure give me a minute
<button onclick="go();">Click me</button>
jesus inline js ....
@Pasty are you talking about my code?
Yes, never write inline javascript
I don't use to do that usually. but why it is not working here?
And this one is working
anyway to change the foreground color of a placeholder in a textbox?
@PatsyIssa its beautiful
@afzalex trying to figure out why let me poke around
@afzalex if you wrote inline javascript code. So why not write the jscode into the html part on the same page? i wrote such and its working. Have a look.
@DemCodeLines iirc there was a webkit one for it
yes, but those conditional statements don't work for browsers before ie10
which means a lot of people don't get to have the website work properly.
@oyshee yeah it was working
@afzalex Not that I condone inline js here's why
Js fiddle wraps the js in an anonymous function (function(){.... code here})() to avoid globals
Got why it's not working ?
@oyshee let me check sup at your fiddle
but I was thinking how you found that so quickly.
@PatsyIssa here is my html css
div height not working and scroling not working .
i am trying to make a box where thousands of div can stored and user can get all of them by scrolling.
I tried to search my javascript code in source code of page. but it was not there.
@BoltClock yeah I thought as much, was having a brain fart.
@afzalex which page's source code you want to see?
@SomeGuy flipkart cart will be flipped soon, 1k crore fine - timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/…
are you trying to see source code of jsfiddle?
nothing, I was just trying to see where JSFiddle writes the javascript code.
It must be in some other js file and that js is linked to page.
its in the iframe or external
@afzalex jsfiddle opens stuff in an iframe
@oyshee your markup is broken
oh! yeah, you are right.
I found that....
i think its showing borked because the screen size is small. I have resized the screen and its showing perfectly.
@oyshee you have the content outside the div that's meant to be scrollable what did you expect
@PatsyIssa i want 6 "project name" block. every row has 3 project. i want total two row and rest of the project will achieved by scrolling.
i think you understood.
this is my life now:
tried to reboot, reinstall avira
if i kill the process it reappears in 2 minutes
lul, why a virus scanner, you know how to use a pc?
and i can't close it
safe boot > uninstall?
Someone there have exprience using css to style content coming from tinymce editor? Beccause Im here with a problem that I dont know how is possible to solve it
@mikedidthis you should make themes for Squarespace, lots of money in it.
@mikedidthis yes, but if install it again it does the same thing
And it has a LOVELY dev API as well.
@PatsyIssa sorry i didnt see your edited code. Its working . THanks a lot.
@ObiWanWesabi Heres a solution, dont reinstall it.
@ObiWanWesabi AVG ftw
@ObiWanWesabi SafeSe....... safe browsing habits ftw!
i need an antivirus, clients always send me the worst virus
like sars, ebola
that as well
Who said it last night, Ebola you can treat, IE8 you are stuck with
wtf there's a domain .blackfriday?
another GTLD?
I am having issues reading third-party cookies even though I have P3P. Anyone know if IE10 blocks reading those cookies too by default?
@PatsyIssa is there any tool to check my html DIV related problem. Because everytime i mistake with my div opening clossing problem.
@k111ky I don't think you can, they are made by squarespace?
wtf do we need a virus scanner?
@PatsyIssa did you dump it in the ASP.net room? :D
@oyshee Use a templating engine to keep it organized
@mikedidthis DO IT
@mikedidthis Nope. They offer % on quality themes made by design firms as well
I made a site for my client a few months back on Squarespace, stated so on their dev page.
Ah, now they have something like this as well: specialists.squarespace.com
posted on August 15, 2014 by Chris Coyier

The following is a guest post by Miguel Ángel Pérez. Miguel has been working on ways to transition pages on websites more gracefully. On single-page applications, we have more opportunity for this since we aren't fighting the page reload. But traditional sites with page reloads, you can still be quite graceful with some help from CSS and JS. In this article Miguel focuses on setting up the CSS

why so foolish deal on steam? cs source = 14.99$ and cs complete pack for 14.99$ which includes source, zero, cs, go..
@Mr.Alien it's not foolish its psychology. And it apparently has your interest.
who would buy source if you are getting source + other 3 for the same price
happens all the time, when i was looking for the new pc components i found a pentium 4 for 299€ lol
The point isn't to sell source then is it? Its to sell the complete pack
^^ and scroll down and look at source
also I remember, source was not 29.99 originally, they were selling for 19.99 without discounts
to make it 50% they increased the selling price
@AaronSiciliano are you new here?
Uhh i suppose you could say that yes
@ObiWanWesabi DID IT
@k111ky ahh my bad. Sadly I am happy with Ghost / Tumblr / Shopify. I should do more stuff for them :D
@mikedidthis buy go.. as you said that you were going to get one
@mikedidthis XD
@Mr.Alien qué?
@mikedidthis I can't find the message now :/
@mikedidthis Yea sounds like you have your hands full
So, I'm gonna work on a pet project tonight a bit, maybe get it somewhere this month or so, github.com/k111ky/marky, a personal bookmark collection where you can attach files to a certain bookmark, a thumbnail or whatever as well, description and sort them by tags. Nothing that nobody hasn't done before, but I don't like any of them out there lol.
Also if anyone wants something that they haven't found with good enough quality, throw the idea at me, if I can do it, I most likely will. Got lots of time on my hands.
Hi, Is there any other way of using onclick in webkit browsers. The onclick doesnt work in the webkit but my code works fine in chrome or FF.
Please help
addEventListener ?
how can i use here ?
 function UpdateMetricFromGUI() {
        if (m_oSetup === null) {
            msgBox("Please create a recipe first.");
        else if (m_oSetup.Metrics !== null && m_oSetup.Metrics.length > 0) {

            var l_oMetric = m_oSetup.Metrics[m_iCurrentMetricIndex];

            l_oMetric.Category = document.getElementById("MetricType").value;
            l_oMetric.PitchSampling = document.getElementById('ZoneSampling').selectedIndex + 1;
<select name="MetricType" id="MetricType" onclick="UpdateMetricFromGUI();">
<option value=CDatHT >CD</option>
<option value=HT >HT</option>
<option value=BowCD >BowCD</option>
<option value=NeckCD >NeckCD</option>
addeventlistner doesnt work as well :(
anything else to trigger onclick in webkit
How can I say in css that a object like I have below can occupy a maxium of 300px width??

Because in this object have always this height and width below, but in css Im trying to say that this object can occupy only 300px..

Do you know how to do this?

<object style="height: 350px; width: 460px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="320" height="240" align="middle" bgcolor="#000000" data="http://flash.picturetrail.com/pflicks/3/spflick.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
@ObiWanWesabi somethings wrong with the query right? DESC LIMIT 4,2 )
LIMIT 4,2 is it wrong?
limit applies only to the outermost level
should it be 0,2 or 2,2? in other words
you can't use limit in a sub-query
should the left side be less then right?
it is outermost
but is limit 4,2 correct?
I don't think so
but it works
I encountered this bug recently
it is correct
works like slice
how is that correct?
4 offset, 2 number of rows
limit means from row 4 to 2? doesn't make sense
aint sure
now am confused
means that selects rows 4 and 5
it's the count
not a boundary
hmmmm so its correct right? cuz I was coding the same in all systems I build, but I did print_r and saw this so doubted the correctness
thanks for confirmation ~
it's correct
static function getLimit ($page, $perpage)
return " LIMIT " . (($page-1) * $perpage) . ", " . $perpage . " ";
yes yes
thats the exact thing am doing
$max = ' LIMIT ' .($pagenum - 1) * $page_record_limit .',' .$page_record_limit;
. " " looks useless to me in your class
now comes the worst part, loop 5+ and 5- from current, I should get some sleep, 3.30 already..
nyt ~
gn :P
why not use OFFSET?
Q: Column 80 - Plain Text optimised Stack Exchange

Mark Henderson Screenshot / Code Snippet About Browsing the existing Stack Exchange family of websites was OK in a text-based browser, but when you're stuck in a Linux shell with no way out and no other computers around and you just know you saw the answer on Server Fault last week, this is how you can fi...

@easwee column80.com/api.v2.php?a=stackoverflow&q=25334986 < it's actually really minimalistic and simple
@mikedidthis it's really nice to install/update Atom on Windows with Chocolatey. choco install Atom and to update it simply cup Atom.

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