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2:00 PM
The W3 Validator complains about <form action="http://posttestserver.com/post.php?dump&html" method="post">, it says "& did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &amp;.)" Is this a bogus error? The URL is documented like that, and it works too.
@Stijn consider encoding your urls
@mikedidthis going to watch t20 world cup?
@Mr.Alien Ah, thanks. I was right to not ask this on SO, I feel silly now for not realising that.
posted on March 21, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by @maximilienriehl */

@Mr.Alien no. I don't like cricket.
serious guy
2:06 PM
cricket??? watch a real sport like curling
@Stijn with html4 & xml & xhtml that would be an error, not anymore in html5
It so slow and boring.
so bogus i think
@rlemon I don't watch cricket often, it's t20, its quick + it's a world cup, so yes I do watch..
Indian team just took two quick wickets so now I am more interested , and also It's India Pakistan..
@rlemon and ya, Canada sucks at cricket ;)
2:09 PM
@Mr.Alien India sucks at Hockey, Curling, Baseball, Population Control, etc.
^The only exciting sport
@rlemon We are good at hockey and ya we suck at population, China wins
I like football (soccer)
Cricket is meh
I just hate that ^^
90 mins of shit, running for no good reason
2:10 PM
@Mr.Alien "good" for you guys does not compare to "good" in Canada (where Hockey is concerned)
I enjoy watching it because I enjoy playing it
@Mr.Alien I think most sports have objectives for no good reason
you guys are not even in the IIHF?
What's funny is that hockey is India's national sport
@rlemon I have never seen a hockey game...
Field hockey, or simply hockey, is a team sport of the hockey family. The game can be played on a grass field or a turf field. The game of field hockey is played between two teams of eleven players including the goalie. Short sticks made out of wood or fiber glass are used to hit a round, hard, rubber like ball. There are no left hand sticks in field hockey, and only one side of the stick is allowed to be used. The uniform consist of shin-guards, cleats, skirts or shorts, and a jersey. At the turn of the 21st century, the game is played globally, with particular popularity throughout Wes...
Field Hockey !== Ice Hockey.
that is what girls play in Canada
2:12 PM
Yeah, I know you were probably talking about ice hockey
men play ice hockey, girls play field hockey (in HS)
ohhh damn, I thought the real hockey... so India is good at real hockey, we don't have enough ice to practice Ice Hockey
fu lemon. Field Hockey is so a mans sport.
Ever been hit in the nuts with a field hockey ball?
\o/ hockey
2:13 PM
we did a men vs women field hockey game
@Billy amen. and thanks for choosing an image with valentino leading xD
ever been hit in the nuts with a frozen puck travelling 70 mph?
lets talk about a real sport - we wear fucking knives on our feet.
@Wes Yep, that was on purpose :P
@Billy valentino fan?
2:15 PM
@rlemon @mikedidthis Ever crashed a motorbike travelling ~ 200mph?
@Wes Yeah :D
no but I have rolled a few snow mobiles going around 120 kmph
@Billy I crashed one doing 40mph, landed on me.
guys how much is motogp in your country? this year will be 500€ on sky. i think i can't afford it :(
@mikedidthis Ouch
at least I landed on ice, so I mean it was like I was treating the injuries as they happened.
2:16 PM
@SomeGuy yeah, I went over the handle bars breaking for a kid and the whole bike landed on me sadly. I managed to get home before crying.
@Wes Motogp do season pass on their website for about 300 euros I think
@mikedidthis first time I was able to get up and walk away, the snow mobile was totaled. second time it hit me during the crash. I woke up in emerg. no serious injuries.
... or that @Billy xD
@rlemon dang. I got home on pure adrenaline.
first crash I was all shaking after
adrenaline is a mother fucker
second one. well, I was KO'd so...
cracked a few ribs, bruised a bunch, concussion.
2:19 PM
I've never crashed at speed, but I did push my broken bike ~ 2 miles up a hill to a garage with a broken wrist once.
That sucked
pushing a motorbike always sucks.
for reference, it wasn't even a proper bike, just a 125cc.
@mikedidthis Wow
@SomeGuy that is nothing I rode a push bike into a lamp post :D
Hahaha shit
How'd that go?
2:22 PM
I was watching my other friend about to ride into a ditch, I was stupidly riding my bike down hill on the pavement, next thing I know I am being peeled off the pavement.
Broken jaw, 10 stitches and 2 teeth later...
I haven't had a single stitch yet
Was cool, got a week off school and it was the summer.
Don't you have school off in summer anyway?
Sorry British summer isn't the season. Its when the great fireball in the sky appears for a few days.
2:36 PM
this one time I tried taking a sharp turn on my motorcycle, I tipped over
I was going walking-speed tho, so it just looked silly
I couldn't get my bike back up either, it was too heavy
should've seen me
motorcycles are dangerous :P
specially at walking-speeds
@easwee haha yes, that reminds me of my 21st birthday where friends were coming to my place for surprise, and on the way they met an accident, where they injured a boy, we were at hospital and at police station all night, the same day same friend fell from the bike again, reason was walking speed and a pot hole.. we didn't sleep for 40 hours..
what a nice birthday
you have to remember the 21st
2:41 PM
yea, was and we celebrated my birthday at 10pm .. after all the fuzzy things were solved..
at least you've got a story to tell
post motorcycle pics?
@DarkAshelin Did you just crawl out from under it, then?
not sure if they are having any of that incident, but I have my bdae pic with sparkling water bottle in my hand, lol that day was just amazing..
@SomeGuy well it didn't squash me, wasn't that heavy
I just was in an awkward position xD
2:47 PM
trying to push it back up
Hey people - what do you guys think is a good symbol to use to represent "miscellaneous"
thinking that a "?" question mark makes it look a bit like an 'image missing' symbol...
maybe a "..." or infinity sign
hmm maybe yeah maybe
it will be going along side a wee house, a martini glass, a little flame (you know like to represent say rent, drink, gas bill) type of stuff
I like the idea of the ellipsis but it will look a bit flat
2:51 PM
as misc is nothing but randoms, or say a collection of things, so random fits well
@Mr.Alien looks like a recycle icon
or shuffle
yeah that might work though but it does look a bit like that might be confusing as I also have a repeat icon in there too ... its an expenses application see and some of them are recurring..
man my english in that last sentence sounded terrible
@DarkAshelin haha less like a recycle bin, and yes for a shuffle ...
off to home, cya...
cheers by the way
@LpLrich a "?" will look like a help symbol
2:54 PM
yeah i mean initially i thought it would be good for misc but obv there are a few problems
I wonder if this chat will take away some of the permanent Q/As that might have been posted on SO that could be found later...
What does this represent to you? iconfinder.com/icons/37090/globe_icon#size=48
yeah an asterix, good idea
what do you think of the tiny globe? too much like travel ... or american express or whatever
2:55 PM
A globe I would say that looks like
not much like misc
yeah just like was going for the idea of global meaning everything but yeah it's crap
I think the 3 horizontal bars is the best I can come up with. That seems to used a lot recently. Says to me "More stuff"
ha i like the rocket idea,
yeah it does a bit but it's made me think a little of filing cabinet, maybe someting like this might be a good idea?... iconfinder.com/icons/71834/cabinet_filing_free_icon#size=26
@WD-42 I think the question are more user specific in the chat so not sure if it is taking anything away from it. But I do see what you mean.
I think it will but it will also remove a lot of the repeat questions, junk and useless stuff that gets in the way as you sift through stuff...
3:01 PM
@WD-42 how do you mean?
Answers posted in the chat room that would have other wise been on SO So there is no subsequent record of the answer.
^ that plus people like rep, which you don't get in here.
in her would have been soo wrong.
I find that I can't really be bothered to answer questions on SO anymore. I don't mind in here as I feel like I am doing someone I "Know" a favour and they would do the same for me. Most of the question that I seem to answer on SO would be vampire questions
@Will haha I feel the same way, but I need the reps man
I got to 1k and haven't been bothered since :P
3:11 PM
posted on March 21, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} In case you didn't know, the newest SMBC book is in stock on our reg

you have answered twice as many questions as me :P
Oh I have asked loads more though
Man I feel sorry for you. So many right answers and no one seems to mark as correct for you
I know the chatroom description says: Don't ask to ask!, but I don't know if this would be on topic for this room: I'm looking at some HTML code on Github and haven't ever submitted anything to GH and was wondering if you guys knew much about Github.
@Will I know right :'( and my questions barely get any luv too
@AnnonomusPerson I don't, but the other guys in here do, so ask away
@Will I even got the "tumbleweed" badge
!!> +(-10);
3:16 PM
@Wes -10
I'm pretty familiar most of the terms but am wondering a few things": 1.) If I submit a commit to the main branch, will does it have to be approved by the owner of the project? I'm not affiliated with the owner (or at least not on GH).
@Wes 10
@DarkAshelin I need to stop answering twitter boostrap questions. Never get good upvotes from them
2.) It gives me the option to "unpublish this branch": isn't that a security "risk"
@Wes -10
3:18 PM
@Wes did caprica just give u 2 different answers to the same question?
@AnnonomusPerson you will only be able to push to master is you have permission form the owner.
nope, i'm editing :P
You will be able to push to master if you made a fork of the branch
@DarkAshelin have you seen facebook's Hack language?
3:19 PM
I am not actually suer what "unpublish this branch" does sorry @AnnonomusPerson
@Wil So it would give me an error if I committed to the main branch?
i hate to say that but it looks interesting
@Wes look very uch php
@AnnonomusPerson I would imagine so.
it is php @Will it's a fork.. modified a bit
@AnnonomusPerson make a small change and try ;)
3:20 PM
@Will Thanks for your help!
@Wes 1337 slang?
I do think hack is a silly name though
@Will i agree
3:22 PM
@AnnonomusPerson iirc, if you don't have permission to work on a repo, you fork it and commit changes to your own version. If you want to share back, you submit a pull request and the owner decides to accept or not.
@Wes why would anyone use that?
it is to do with the load on the servers
me actually... seriously, it's actually interesting
not talking about the vm @Will talking about the language
3:23 PM
there's scalar type hinting such as function foo(integer $int){}
there are also typed collections
and function return type
Read and article about it earlier. How php take a lot of servers for FB and this has been write to almost optimise it so they can run it less servers
also xml native support (i wouldn't use it anyway)
$var = <body/>;
Anyway I am off. Have a good weekend all. \o
3:26 PM
bye @Will :P
how to waste time like a boss: jsfiddle.net/7md7X !
(i may have contracted the same disease that affects @rlemon)
lol, someone asks me to make a design. I ask him "send me some websites which you really like, so I know what kinda designs you like", he sends me my own portfolio link xD
@Wes sometimes you just need to do things that are fun
3:41 PM
@DarkAshelin what a nice man! :D
He did add a smileyface
@rlemon but just sometimes xD
@DarkAshelin link?
(to your portfolio)
-deleted to avoid certain stalkers-
not bad
3:44 PM
@rlemon btw i started to do that for code-golf site, then i ended up doing a totally different thing xD i'm quite surprised that i was able to do the math
(about me page could use some bottom padding / margin)
@rlemon you're right, never viewed it on a smaller monitor lol
I'm on a 24" wide screen :)
lots of browsers (Chrome specifically) add their own outline to focused elements
throws off the feel
input {
  outline: none !important;
sucks to use important, but fuck browsers man.
and yea, those are the only two comments (negative) that I have. otherwise it looks great.
3:46 PM
ty :)
@rlemon correct way is *:focus{outline:inherit}
eh, or that
doesn't really matter
I enjoy QA, feel free to ask me to functional test / usability test your code/designs
3:48 PM
anyway i can't open any of your works... student.howest.be is not responding
@Wes oh, maybe they finally threw it down
I did quit there a year ago
I'll put them on my own hosting
aaaand then I opened app.js :/
(@Patsy, you are my new WTF picture)
talking about ui issues @DarkAshelin i hate when this happens on certain mobile sites i.imgur.com/EarhJug.gif
posted on March 21, 2014 by Chris Coyier

Throughout the life of this site, I've flipflopped (nope, yep) on whether or not I show social sharing buttons on articles. As anything, there are arguments in either direction. We can cover that briefly, but I also want to gather a bit of data on the subject, so that will be our next poll. The impetus for this poll is the comments I get from people during times where there are no sharing bu

posted on March 21, 2014 by Chris Coyier

I chatted with Jen Simmons about flexbox and the general future of the web. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The Web Ahead is a post from CSS-Tricks

4:02 PM
@Wes what kinda small monitor u viewing with D': anyway it was never meant for mobile
the student site is back up, lol
i was just demonstrating the issue :P
Heh... flukeout.github.io I cheated by using :-moz-any() on one of the selectors and it worked
don't underestimate the ability of people of breaking your design tho... say i have a normal monitor but 200% zoom
the paper planes one is pretty cool xD
4:14 PM
@mikedidthis youtu.be/TklM2-lSby4
@Wes ye I hate when ppl do that
@ZachSaucier haha nice!
@ZachSaucier lol
Hi everyone, just hoping someone here suggests something I haven't already considered. I need to write a browser-based app that would effectively be a hybrid between PowerPoint and Photoshop in terms of it's UI. Considering a choice of tools atm. I'm currently looking at ClojureScript + React.js vs AngularJS + Bootstrap or equivalent. What's the best way to write desktop-like apps for the browser?
never heard of clojurescript personally
4:20 PM
@ZachSaucier it's a sub-set of Clojure language that compiles into JS. Kinda functional language related to LISP. I'm less bothered about the framework, more about building the UI
@DarkAshelin what did you use for the instabook video? after effects, premiere? i wish i could do that :o
Turns out that test isn't really a CSS selector test rather a jQuery selector test
1. It passes selectors to $, which is jQuery, not qSA
2. ":not(.big, .medium) selects all elements that do not have class="big" or class="medium"." I tried plate:not(bento,div) and it worked ಠ_ಠ
When it shouldn't work... it's not valid CSS stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/…
(Why does :-moz-any() work? Because I use Firefox duh. And because jQuery does try to pass selectors to qSA first... assuming they work)
I'm too lazy to unprotect my twitter just to tweet the guy who made the test though
@Wes only After effects
4:27 PM
@BoltClock I like your style.
the other 2 vids are Cinema4D and After effects
@BoltClock could you ban a user for us?
@DarkAshelin who
i started to use after effects but i sucked much xD i will eventually try again
do you 3d modeling too @DarkAshelin ?
4:29 PM
@Wes very basic yes
@BoltClock he's been here spamming, harassing, and fake-flagging for 3 days now
@DarkAshelin Dammit not again
he's also trolling in other rooms as it seems
was he already banned?
Yeah he got a short ban yesterday iirc.
I think we need perm tho, he keeps returning
Can't do permanent
4:31 PM
@BoltClock as close to permanent as possible?
what's the max?
not sure
(stupid, I know)
This is part of why even I don't like modding chat ._.
We really did try with him, but sadly he just didn't give up.
I also just realized that practically every regular user in this room is also an owner
well all regular users become room owners
4:35 PM
Since the flags in the screenshot are about me, I'll add some more background info: This specific user was constantly pinging me, asking for my private information (Facebook, email) even after I specifically told him "no". As it was becoming borderline harassment, several people in our room started flagging him for moderator attention. The moderators negated the flags and the user was not banned, so his spam went on for 2 days. After I added him to my personal ignore list he started flagging all of my posts as seen above. — Dark Ashelin yesterday
"The moderators negated the flags and the user was not banned"
@BoltClock we are very democratic
But if it really has come to that point then he probably does need a stern talking to
@BoltClock we already did that, multiple times
seems to be a bored troll, pretending to be helpless
4:38 PM
in C#, 7 hours ago, by The Dictator
This message is on the starboard in C#
Why do I have to deal with a full-on retard as a boss :(
@DarkAshelin Any chance you could find me those, uh, personal messages that he sent
@BoltClock hmpf, you'll need to dig through the trash can probably
Just wondering if they were flagged into oblivion, or binned, or something else
@DarkAshelin welp
No problem I'm sure I'll find them
4:54 PM
Checked in the most obvious place to look, aaaaand goldmine
Mod-only :P
Nominate when the next election comes around. You'll probably have 3k rep by then
4:57 PM
meh, it already took 7 months to get 1k
plus I don't have the free time to mod
I will nominate (probably)
@BoltClock seems like you are free today...
Q: How can I display a CSS linear gradient in Netscape?

Alaa GamalHow do I use a CSS linear gradient with Netscape? I am trying this code: #gr { background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#ffffff), to(#000)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #000); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColor...

have a nice weekend everyone
@DarkAshelin you too! :D
5:06 PM
@DarkAshelin wont be coming online? Illaya will miss you girl..
@Mr.Alien Oh, rub it in won't you
hehe she has anyways muted him.. but she complaint that even after muting him, messages were still visible at random time
btw did you banned him?
I don't think she's muted him correctly...
@Mr.Alien not yet
I think he went offline
@BoltClock waiting for more fuzz? am sure you must have dropped some sort of warning...
@Mr.Alien I am not as proactive on chat as I am in Q&A unfortunately :P
5:10 PM
The chat room went a little wonky yesterday. We had an issue with the room appearing and being selected as open, but acting like it was in gallery.
The last few days have been fun :/
@BoltClock hmm, you make a good mod anyways
Aw shucks
@mikedidthis I really should hang around more
yup, that's why am going low on answering and having fun here...
@BoltClock always welcome :D
5:12 PM
Chat is extremely annoying to moderate. But it's also a place where it's very easy for people to run afoul
Q: Why was I suspended from chat for a fairly harmless message?

AღmirkhanI just posted this message with bold text on http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/10/loungec . Immediately some one suspended me for half an hour. Here is my message MIRACLES HAPPENS WHEN YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A STRONG WILL Why did I get suspended for that?

actually there isn't any particular thing to mod here, unless some user goes mad
"since we still have no ability to permaban people" MIRACLES HAPPENS WHEN YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A STRONG WILLBoltClock's a Unicorn ♦ yesterday
I assume he is from my country or some iraqi ..
\o/ simpsons season 1 downloaded.. atlast...
I think she might have clicked "hide posts" instead of "ignore this user"
what the hell is kick this user?
5:18 PM
Removes the user from the room... doesn't really do much except taunt them because they can just come right back in
Would be nice if you could literally kick someone though wouldn't it
I don't have that option, it must be for you, also, I don't get an option to remove you from the room owners list
@Mr.Alien did you get a time machine
@Mr.Alien Yeah most probably
@mikedidthis as you know, my country people face lower bandwidth crisis, so I was looking to download 70gig pack, but always failed due to lack of seeders, finally I managed to get season 1, I started season 2, currently running on 6-10KB/sec average
I was thinking about this the other day: there's nothing to stop me (or any other room owner) from removing all other owners, right?
5:22 PM
@Mr.Alien damn. Send me your address and I will post you a USB with them on :D
@Billy correct.
Yeah, SO chat needs some work
Meh, its fine 90% of the time, its just when the trolls arrive.
@mikedidthis rofl, that was so generous of you, will do that if I didn't manage to download season 2 by this weekend, I get 2mbps after 12am.. rest I pull of from my office..
@Billy that's room hijacking, and the next thing is, you will be banned
@mikedidthis your face when you realise downloading films onto a usb and sending them to india by mail is faster than just downloading them in india :P
nah, speed is not much of a concern here, it's the seeders, that torrent runs on 6 seeders, if it is healthy, I can pull one season a night...
5:29 PM
Well the offer is there either way :)
make sure it's on ;)
5:57 PM
i just realized that it's 10 years that i'm using mysql wrong
posted on March 21, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by fasadas */

i just realized that a primary key can be of two or more fields even when using an auto_increment index
obviously you can
but it's very rare to use though
6:16 PM
does anyone know an FTP client which supports password protected SSH key files? ( FileZilla does not )

Some nice Carlos Baute :)
@LiamMartens filezilla supports that, check google again
6:42 PM
@Stewartside, can you type, "Make it so"?
We need some Star Trek references in here.
Make it so
@Wes No Filezilla doesn't support passphrase protected private keys
It does support normal private keys, but not those which are protected with a passphrase
Im not too sure but i know coreftp (coreftp.com) has ssh support but i dont know about passphrases
6:54 PM
@Stewartside it works :), thanks :)
@liamMartens awesome
though not as intuitive as Filezilla but i'll figure it out ;D
yeah its a bit rubbish and doesntl look as good but i guess if it works :L
@Stewartside mhmyea ;D, I could look into SmartFTP, but that costs 60 USD. I mean for an FTP -_-

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