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When do you guys think a 2 step verification system is necessary? Is it really needed? ( Email verification and phone number verification )
@LiamMartens are you talking about 2FA/TFA? or seeing if an account is not an automated spam account registration?
I would say it's definatly necessary
@crypticツ 2 Factor Authentication
@CharlesB.Moss why? :)
@LiamMartens 2FA should not involve email verification, ever
if the email account is compromised which can likely happen you also will send the access code there as well.
You typically have the 2FA code sent via text message or created via an app like Google Authenticator
You know how to generate a TOTP code right?
It's super simple and having it use Google Authenticator app for iPhone/Android is easy for a user to do. I have it setup for my intranet app that way.
@crypticツ I haven't actually used it yet
So I have never generated such a code
The other 2FA is a challenge question, but not as secure as many people will choose ones that can easily be guessed.
check on Github there are a few TOTP/HOTP libs you can use.
g2g though
alright thanks :)
is there anybody out there? :(
5 hours later…
Good morning!
1 hour later…
codelium.com - Useful resources
cool hack on your profile @IonicăBizău :)
@CSᵠ Hey, thanks! :-) I received your message. Where are you from?
sent you my skype id @IonicăBizău
Unfortunately, I don't use Skype. Generally I don't use Microsoft products. :-)
and also on you github :)
it wasn't microfost a while ago...
Better we connect on Google Plus....
same id
gimme a sec to login
Google already knows everything about us...
i found it knows me better than i think in some areas
while reviewing the ad customizations
but their algo sux in some ways, i got 'better ads' after disabling cvustomization
@IonicăBizău logged into gTalk
Add me on G+.
Google products are so difficult to use for first time...
g+ argh, facebook, etc
4 hours later…
hello, Can u help me with css question?
posted on March 16, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

3 hours later…
Hey anybody on
Hello guys, I need to hide the scrollbar for 100% height, I tried to put position relative and overflow hidden but its not working and so I put position fixed but I lose data if screen is too small codepen.io/anon/pen/BCILx
Why did this guy went to bathroom for testing?
Hahaha I will also go to the bathroom maybe it will help me to solve my problem :P
haha gud, go ahead...
I've heard w3schools is completely unreliable. I'm aware that it's not associated with w3c but do any of you use it and do you think it is reliable?
@mikedidthis Get on TS. rlemon and RUJordan are on there
I might be in a bit too
@CharlesB.Moss I use it for things that I already know just for reference because it has simple examples but if you not sure about something do more research before doing something
Hey guys, I've done to make something like this jsfiddle.net/ewYc3/16. However, I want to make it automatically expand (slidedown) in 2 secs. I tried and tried and done so far, something like this jsfiddle.net/ewYc3/18. The problem it slide up :/ Any ideas?
@loclip I use it for the same purpose but some people act as if it's 100% unreliable an ridiculous. There is even a website for the cause of getting people to stop using it: w3fools.com Do you think people are over reacting?
@CharlesB.Moss I personally found some mistakes small mistakes but you can't say is 100% unreliable, some people report the mistakes and they fix it
@Loclip All I've ever seen were some typos. I've never actually seen improper code but I guess they do have improper code according you and other sources
hey, any of you can help me? :)
With what
to solve my problem as I said just now
figuring it out for over an hour and hit the wall in the end
So when the page loads you want the first image to slide down rather than just appear, right?
There are 2 images, first image is with the height 90px and second image is height 200px. What I want is when the page loads, the image 90px will slide down into image 200px. The button will be changed from Show to Hide.
Is there someone here who is experienced at debugging issues with plunkers?
Q: AngularJS + ngTable + plunker will not render table correctly

Mike PenningtonBakground I have a bit of a chicken and egg problem: I built a demo webapp to illustrate a challenging problem I have with AngularJS + ngTables; however, my webserver logs tell me that nobody really cares about my demo webapp, they only want a plunker. I even built a demo webapp plunker; howev...

@mikedidthis I don't know if you already know about this, but the Mobius Strip is interesting
hello everyone
i´m trying to understand a concept here, and i was hopping someone could explain it to me
is it possible to use core data to persist data for a web app?
and if so...will the web app work in all browsers? or only in safari because core data is a apple tool
or i´m confused? :)
@Anthosiast I'm not sure if this is completely what you're looking for. I hope it is but make sure you try this on your own html document. I ran it on the website it it doesn't work on there for some reason but it does when I use my own html document. jsfiddle.net/QuTTP/10
Hello, thanks for trying. That's not what I want. But that's fine :D
@SomeGuy say what?
Guys can someone help me? I have an element that disappearing when resize to tablet/mobile view and I don't know where it is and how to bring it codepen.io/anon/pen/BCILx. My problem is here <li class="hide-for-medium2"></li>if you remove the "hide-for-medium2" class you will see the element in desktop view but I can't make it show on mobile/tablet view
@mikedidthis You know what a mobius strip is?
@Loclip It seems to work for me..
@Billy not that menu, second one should appear left from Brand
remove hide-for-medium2 class and you will see where the second menu is
Q: The connection to wss://qa.sockets.stackexchange.com/ was interrupted while the page was loading

easweeOn each page load SO gives me an error: The connection to wss://qa.sockets.stackexchange.com/ was interrupted while the page was loading. Everything actually works and I can perform all actions normally - but I was just wondering why am I getting this error when I click on any link inside...

You're right I was looking at the wrong thing.. let me look some more
anyone having that same problem in firefox?
@Billy thank you, I trying to fix it for 2 hours :/
@Loclip I can't get it to show up by removing the class
@Billy resize to full screen
Now I can see the icon but not the title
@SomeGuy I DID 4
@Billy yeah I know but I don't need the icon at desktop view thats why I hide it, I need it for mobile and tablet
@media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em){
        display: none;
@billy yeah that hide the icon for laptop/desktop view
Oh I see.. I was confused because removing the .hide-for-medium2 class makes the title disappear in desktop.. which didn't make sense.. turns out it was just hiding :p
@Billy in desktop view if you remove .hide-for-medium2 title is not disappearing, it just go behind the icon, but as I said in desktop view everything is good I want to fix mobile view
Yeah I kinda see what's going wrong
if you could fix I will be very happy, I hate the css part want go to to programming part :P
@Billy Don't use ems in media queries - or you gonna have a bad time
I always use rem
@easwee I using it, I use foundation.zurb.com and they use em
I have to say you've done everything really wierdly
@Loclip weird since there are many scenarios (zoom related) that are problematic with em
@easwee I don't know I use whatever they have :)
@media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em){
        display: none;
    /* The styling of your icon */
    .side-bar .menu-icon {
        text-indent: 2.1875rem;
        width: 2.8125rem;
        height: 2.8125rem;
        display: block;
        line-height: 2.0625rem;
        padding: 0;
        color: white;
        position: relative;
brb makibg food
@Billy I didn't wrote that its copy paste from zurb foundation, they had .top-bar .menu-icon and I made a clone with different class name to not mess with theirs css
tab-bar* not top-bar
@Billy damn I found my problem... omg I very stupid :/
@Loclip What was it? I'd say that .menu-icon is only supposed to be used on desktop (although it does look like a mobile icon)
anyone please?
can anyone explain to me the concept?
@Billy yeah, I had the menu-icon only for desktop view (inside @media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em))
Yep :)
I took it out and now its almost fine some fixes :)
hey guys, is javascript still the easiest way to make sure something is max-vertical-sized? I want to make a div that's basically 100% height
I've heard about flexbox and some other fancy stuff but I'm not sure what flexbox is used for
@Seiyria use css height: 100%
@Seiyria if you don't mind about old browsers you can use flexbox
@Loclip In my use-case height: 100% doesn't seem to work, so I have to calculate the height and set it (including on resize)
@Seiyria oh ok :)
@Seiyria for height:100% to work the parent has to have a set height
otherwise the browser does not know what to calculate 100% from
@easwee Yeah, but that can't be 100% either.
the only exception is if the element with 100% is direct child of <body>
Somewhere down the line I have to manually say "this should be this many pixels tall"
This happens when I try to divide bootstrap panels, for example.
Divide them in half, one section on top another on bottom, that is.
@Seiyria when is this somewhere?
@easwee I end up making the bootstrap panel have a height, and then when I go to divide the .panel-body, the top part is "fixed" (I say that because I don't want it to move, but it's not actually fixed) and the bottom part needs to be able to resize. So I divide the two with a <hr> and the bottom part ends up having another height set so I can correctly get scrollbars.
well you will need to create some sample, cause it's hard to understand what exactly you need
Alright. Not sure when I'll be able to pull that sample together, but I'll drop by again when I have one to explain what I mean.
I do want to look more into this flexbox thing though.. is css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox a good resource?
I think css-tricks is a reliable resource
They have a lot of guest posters, although that isn't a post..
I use css-tricks a lot
Not just reliable I think its the best resource for css available (ofc not better than SO)
Fantastic, thank you.
I can't speak for their flex-box though as I have been meaning to look into it myself
@Loclip Or the spec..
@Billy yeah but I find css-tricks and SO most useful, they have almost everything you need with single google search :)
i'm currently rewriting a cms template that was done 10 years ago for IE6 to be responsive, and I'm using flexbox since it's just internal for dev team so i need to cover just latest browsers - and it works great
@Loclip For some reason I thought you were saying they the most reliable. You were just saying they were the best resource.. I agree
> a cms template that was done 10 years ago for IE6
Is it bad practice to navigate with js when you can with html?
...Probably.. Maybe.. show an example?
<li class="name" onclick="window.location.href='/'">Brand</li> .. my problem is if I surround it with a tag I need to override css :/
Put it inside?
@Billy what?
put the a tag inside the li
yeah if I do that the zurb foundation applies some annoying colors, and mess my .class rules. I will just override the css then.
@rlemon Nice
inconsistent api :/
you basically made instagram
decided this morning I should make an image filter library - so spent a few hours today learning the algorithms and implementing them
(just added invert)
@rlemon Invery*
Surprised to see my broswer (chrome) doesn't support CSS grids.. Do I have to turn it on?
signed up for beta invite
Oh hell yeah
@Billy you still here?
@Billy have problem with fixed menu codepen.io/anon/pen/BCILx check the link (at desktop view) and scroll to bottom, you will understand. Don't know what to google to fix this
Can't see a problem
If you scroll to bottom the fixed length have white space above
its outdated
i will make a new one
so your menu is fixed position
what do you want it to do, scroll up?
So you have to remove fixed position
I want to fill that white space
you understood what I trying to do?
padding-top: 45px;
top: 0;
^add to sidebar ul
I took the padding top value from the top bar height
oh and youll have to change z index
or you can add a div with fixed position, 100% height and same width as nav, and add the same bg color
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    height: 100%;
    width: 180px;
    background: #333;
@billy the second way is better, adding z-index will make my nav not clickable
@Billy yeah beautiful :)
@Loclip A good idea though.. is top put the stuff that gets covered up in the first example and put it in a <li> in the sidebar.. then you just have to have top: 0
AND the title stays while you scroll down
(which I think is nice)
@Billy read it 3 times to understood... very good idea, will try it now :) ty
Also otherwise when you scroll down there is a gap it's not right.. :(
Good luck
!afk watching sp
@Billy yeah I wanted to use js for that

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