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should remind you of this
seriously, download it. such a good show.
I've got netflix
I'm scared of starting something though...
it's worth it :)
I watched all 7 series of dexter in like a month
really is.
When I should have been revising for january exmas
only 3 seasons on netflix. easy
I'll watch it :D
I could start now...
I watched all 7 seasons of TNG and 10 of SG1 instead of working on my meme generator . :P I regret nothing.
old one. new one needs work bad.
I wonder if the dude that created parsley.js will address that page you linked me to...
also there are like 25 clones of this one now. :(
oo sweet
someone was selling my software
oh really?
how did they find it?
was open source
new one won't be
that's really cool
useful for drag and drop custom memes
there is a bug in the line wrap calculations. still don't know how to fix it
function fragmentText(text, maxWidth) {
    var words = text.split(' '),
        lines = [],
        line = "";
    if (ctx.measureText(text).width < maxWidth) {
        return [text];
    while (words.length > 0) {
        while (ctx.measureText(words[0]).width >= maxWidth) {
            var tmp = words[0];
            words[0] = tmp.slice(0, -1);
            if (words.length > 1) {
                words[1] = tmp.slice(-1) + words[1];
            } else {
yeah it's so quick and easy
I wrote a half assed blog post about it
almost 9 months after writing the code so sorry it sucks
Okay i definitely need to read up on coding
I might have to call it a night, re-think what to do in the morning and go from there ha
Javascript is a beautiful language. The APIs are not always so great but still, Awesome language
Might just have to leave things how they are
hehe, well good luck to you. I'm often in the JS room if you need some advise
There definitely seems to be an awful lot that can be done!
Do many people browse the web with scipting turned off these days?
scripting *
2% worldwide
not including mobile browsers
but this includes browsers like lynx which is text based
Well I'll definitely find you on here again soon ;) ha
i have a lot of learning to do!!
cheers, night. hope it all works out for you
i really appreciate your time, is there anything i can do?
i won't pester you like i have again ha but if i learn some more it would be cool to chat
well I just gave you a good standing in the JS room. come back for good conversation and some learning advice.
sometimes we're overly sarcastic. scares some people off :P
haha nah i can deal with that ;)
I'll be back!

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