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I really appreciate jQuery
jQuery is the best, much better than JavaScript
jQuery is a much better programming language than JavaScript
There was a jQuery plugin to make this room, right ?
Yes, because jQuery is so awesome, there is a jQuery plugin for everything, including so-chat rooms, it's in github
praise the jay quehry
John Resig > Albert Einstein
how do I add 2 numbers with jquery?
plz i rly want 2 knw
First you import the jQuery arithmetic plugin, then you can do $
@FlorianMargaine place each number in a div with a class attribute first so you can query them
$add doesnt wokr
@FlorianMargaine did you put it in document.ready ?
improt jquery aritmehtic plugin dosnt work
how do i do tht
Everyone with a jQuery problem, please read the api
yes @BenjaminGruenba its in document.ready but its not wrkin
@FlorianMargaine ask in stackoverflow, it great question. try asking the expert?
oh god I worship jquery
Ask the new clippy expert
lemme do my prayers
JavaScript is exactly like Java
whats javascript
it's java in the browser
whats a browser
i know java
like internet explorer u know
i did a swap program in java
code or didnt happen
it was downloaded by thousands of people
did u put it in stackoverflow?
void swap (int & a, int & b)


int x;
x = a;
a = b;
b = x;

@FlorianMargaine did u sell it to microsoft for million dollars?
yes lol
awsm, microsoft is good
Windows XP is the best operating system
i have this problm in jquery
private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {


Connection con= (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test","root","ubuntu123");

PreparedStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;

String [] data;
data = new String[100];
int i=0;

DefaultListModel listmodel = (DefaultListModel) jList2.getModel();
int selectedIndex = jList2.getSelectedIndex();
if (selectedIndex != -1)
it dosnt work
pls halp
@FlorianMargaine thatz not jquery
lol yes it is
also, its not in doucment.ready
my teacher said it was
not enough $ :(
and my teacher is the best ever in india
is he John Resig ?!?
no he telld me he toght john resig how to code in jquery
room topic changed to jQuery appreciation room: if anyone know how to get window width with jquery plz tell us? (no tags)
anyone know fancybox?
What is this heresy?
@OctavianDamiean what u mean?
> jQuery appreciation room
@OctavianDamiean appreciating jQuery, the best thing ever, much better than other languages like JavaScript or linux
jQuery can do $.ajax , can linux? jQuery 1, linux 0
room topic changed to jQuery appreciation room: The _best_ programming language [best-language] [crock] [jquery]
isn't jQuery the best?
f**k yeah it is!
jQuery solves everything, javascript sucks
now this room has good owners
the best
hello !
did you pray to jquery?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV thanks
@Michel06 i didn't do anything ...
so, who invited me here?
jQuery is the best
No idea ...
You can check, but first you must unlock the jQuery within
But maybe since you had jQuery question the mods redirected you here ?
jQuery is the best. You deserve the invite.
To use jQuery you must be jQuery. Only through absolute dedication you can be a true jQuery master
the path of the jQuery is full of wisdom.
and pain
@ThiefMaster thinks jQuery is nice!
@JohnResig: Would be great if you could update this answer to provide a non-jQuery solution, too. While jQuery is nice (and that statement will surely unleash the wrath of the JavaScript room on me :p) the question itself is not tagged jquery so a vanilla JS solution would be useful, too. — ThiefMaster Jan 29 at 3:12
Although I don't get why a vanilla JS solution would be useful at all. a jQuery solution is better
Q: How to remove text from after an element with jQuery

Registered UserThis demo code loops 3 times and every time appends text. What I need is that text is not get appended but replaced, so that previously appended text should be removed before adding the new one. I have tried a lot of things, nothing worked. EDIT: You can't add an extra tag after the span! <...

A: How to remove text from after an element with jQuery

hakrePiece of cake, that's what the jQuery afterText Plugin is for. Example/Demo: <div> <span id="i_1">this is </span> </div> ​ var i = 3; while (i) { $("#i_1").afterText('text'); i--; } jQuery afterText Plugin on github

Please help me, I can't install this library:
@FlorianMargaine your answer to that question harke answered sucks
@phenomnomnominal you serious o.O ?
Yes :( It doesn't seem to be compatible with jQuery?
I know that jQuery and JavaScript are different languages, but I thought they would work together.
vanillajs is bad
you should use jquery
and vaporjs
@hakre haha I remember that
still don't know whether you were serious or not
@FlorianMargaine: This works only with very special HTML. You will realize that it's broken at that stage you don't really need the problems because of this bad interfaced non-jQuery-like javascript hack. Believe me, the hurting will be very hard when you don't expect it. HTML can be very tough, and we use jQuery to tame it. If you leave the path of the query, do it on your own risk! — hakre Jun 21 '12 at 13:28
and it wasn't even jQuery appreciation week.
@phenomnomnominal need install jquery
@hakre it was in the spirit of this question :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum, how do I install jQuery in Netscape?
@phenomnomnominal <script src='jquery.min.js'> </script> it works
right click -> install jquery
Netscape is a worse programming language though
jQuery > netscape
I need to please use server side jQuery
@phenomnomnominal npm install jquery
@hakre @BenjaminGruenbaum @FlorianMargaine what are the practical benefits of using github ? or do you guys advice another platform ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV it has the word hub in it, I advice visual source safe, it has the word safe in it and it makes me feel safe
@HamZaDzCyberDeV you should use Windows Explorer
room topic changed to jQuery appreciation room: The _best_ programming language. C++, JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, Perl and Linux are subsets of jQuery [best-language] [crock] [jquery]
@HamZaDzCyberDeV that's my practical benefit of using github:
@HamZaDzCyberDeV what do you mean? github is a popular browsergame with a development theme.
I use Github because Github uses jQuery
It's not that crowded as SO is nowadays, but getting reputation is more work, too.
@phenomnomnominal Also, stackoverflow, wikipedia
everyone uses jQuery, jQuery is the best
google uses jquery too
@hakre proof.
I heard that jQuery 2.1 will remove support for all browsers that came out after IE8
netscape doesn't support literal object notation?
@phenomnomnominal except for IE6
Yeah it only supports IE7 and 8, And the Nokia WAP browser
Nokia > Android
I don't use github, but when I see a lot of people using it here on SO, I'm just wondering ...
Someone should make jQuery OS
@HamZaDzCyberDeV they only use github to look cool
So many animations
@HamZaDzCyberDeV it's actually quite an ok service if you want to share code with other developers.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is that a serious answer ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV As serious as this room :)
1:06 is perfect!
Those errors are because there is not enough jQuery
ok thx guys :)
I don't get people who don't use jQuery
Yeah, they're not real programmers.
real programmers use emacs with jquery
jquery-vim plugin is awesome
Whatever, everyone knows the correct way to write jQuery is with Notepad.
jQuery 1.4.4 looks awesome
No way, I refuse to stop using live it's the best.
live is in jquery 1.4 don worry
plz halp I can't get click to work when click makes double click but I want one thing to happen and both after delay
WHY IS THIS:!?!?!?
plz help...
I'm trying to reload div. but after ajax call i want again reload div from server copy
actually i'm retriving data from request obj
i'm able to get obj but not able to reload div
we help
ur problem is ur code is not document.ready
den wat would be solution
More jQuery
Also, add ?timestamp= followed by the timestamp at end of request url k?
Troll room
$.magic('create awesome website');
I have problem with Method PUT is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
Buy only on PUT
GET, POST works fine
In response I have
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
anyone experienced with popcorn.js?
And yes
@Chris I use this, it works k
user image
room topic changed to jQuery appreciation room: The _best_ programming language. Got a jQuery question, let us know! [best-language] [crock] [jquery]
Doesn't mean we'll solve it though:P
Has anybody here used Phonegap?
everyone uses phonegap
phonegap is the greateast thing since jQuery, right JohnResig?
2 hours later…
Mmk, enjoy your room Jeff and John :)

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