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@Shubhank bro any suggestion to above design
looks quite simple
use stack view
Basically I want to use collection view cell because there are multiple questions in horizontal collection view
how the height of collectinview will increase in horizontal collectionview
it does not look horizontal to me
Q: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate didReceive response not getting called

KundanI am seeing a weird issue where on click of notification(Foreground and Background state), func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandl...

@Shubhank Kaisan ba?
badiya bhai
aap btao
kat rahi hai
office will resume next month
yaar exams chal rhe
ofc ka to koi update nhi
@Kundan isme to completion handler ki warning aa rhi
@Shubhank bro actually as per design waisa hi krna h
Hello all
How's everyone doing?
Guys has anyone experienced this:
In webview, we are loading an HTML and the link is something like this: something.com/#/page
But it only picks something.com and not the #/page part
We also have a query which we need to append.. like something.com/#/page?session=active_session_id
When I used javascript to handle it.. it gets messy.. like something.com/?#/page/active_session_id
Or even something.com/?sessionID=active_session_id
So has anyone faced anything like this on iOS or Android?
not really, which platform?
iOS and Android
It's related to HTML page in default webview
When we send intent to open in Chrome.. It works somehow
How's your pandemic going btw?
pretty good
studying, sports
A: What does #/ means in url?

Ben ColeThe portion of the URL which follows the # symbol is not normally sent to the server in the request for the page. If you open your web inspector and watch the request for the page, you will see that the #/dashboard portion is not included in the request at all. On a normal (basic HTML) web page...

Studying what?
Ya I checked these posts.. I know what it does but it's coming in an API which gets loaded on to webview.. it has /#/page in it
#page would take it to page part of the html.. but #/page is something else
@Shubhank Kaun se?
@Shubhank Bhai Completion handler hai yaar
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse,
withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {

if response.actionIdentifier == UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier {
print ("Message Closed")
else if response.actionIdentifier == UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier {
print ("App is Open")

@TusharGogna yes it seems to be part of the request
@Shubhank any help to above design bro?
what help
horizontal collection?
but i want dynamic height based on question or answer text
@Shubhank Thanks Bhai
Bhai still getting
Warning: UNUserNotificationCenter delegate received call to -userNotificationCenter:didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler: but the completion handler was never called.
Even not reaching breakpoints
yaar koi aur library to override nhi kr rhi?
kya haal hai paaji
you tell
@Logic lahore or ISB
@Shubhank India, Dubai, where..........
kaha jaaye iss saal
no where :P
5 hours later…
@Shubhank Anyway to check it?

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