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Good Morning All
Good Morning
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Gudmrng All
I always confuse with group name while joining .. every time new name :-D
2 hours later…
@sandy hii bro
how ru
@DilipTiwari i am fine
need one help bro
I m using IQKeyboardManagerSwift, i have a tableView and Bottom of tableView their is a TextView & Send Button as like chat app. So issue is when i click on TextView my custom navigation hide but i want my custom navigation bar to be stick at top @sandy
how to resolve this issue bro i also check lib issues but i tried according but could not find solution
have this issue with normal keyboard ?
have you try ?
bro actually i want my textview to be just below last cell like chat app
and when i click return button it will come to original position
You can put all your content inside a UIScrollView, so library just scroll the scrollView and will not move whole UIView. This is the easiest way you can fix this issue.
@sandy that i tried it is working fine but when view loads first time my textView and send button is hidden
i have a tab bar als
i can share screenshot
that is not related with scroll view
first thing you have to know which view comes first on window
and that is creating your issue
bro in view controller i have a custom navigation, below that i have a tableview, and at bottom i have a textView beside that i have a send button , and a tab bar
@sandy how can i check this
okay then put that table view in scrollview and also the text view in to scrollview
i have to take textView and send button als in scrollview
bro this also have problem
@sandy that i already done
my all content except custom navigation is in scrollview but still same issue
so still your navigation bar is hiding ?
@sandy no
iphone 6,6s it is working fine but for other textView and send button is hidden i have already done autolayout
custom navigation issue is fixed right , you are facing other issue by using scroll view is it?
@sandy yes
correct bro
then do one thing you have to know what view is creating your issue
so by change the color of each view you can see
which view is appearing right and which one is not
ok bro
bro it is possible for u to create one sample by using IQKeyboardManagerSwift
it will be helpfull to me
not possible dear, i am working on something
bro u can send me later today because i need to resolve this issue i tried best as per my knowledge but could not find solution
humm i will try once but can not promise you
ok bro plz do if possible
i m stuggling with hti s
Can you please try with the latest source code in master branch? It does have couple of fixes and might solve this issue already? Let me know if that fix the issue.
IQKeyboardManagerSwift lib
master branch
ok bro i will check now
@sandy but i have used latest lib only
@sandy bro still same issue
Hello friends
anyone know about Geolocation based AR?
Q: contact not saved after creating contact in Sim

MARSH private fun addContactToSim(number: String, name: String) { try { val simUri = Uri.parse("content://icc/adn") val cv = ContentValues() cv.put("tag", name) cv.put("number", number) context.getContentResolver().insert(simUri, cv) ...

hi any one can help me in this issue
Hi, Anyone from iOS...I have one question to ask ??/
@PrajnaranjanDas whats your question ?
@Dhruv I have this question on SO ...my question is how to show the popup given in answer when upgrading or downgrading in IAP
@Dhruv....u there ?
@PrajnaranjanDas Haven't had implemented iap yet in live app. But the solution provided in link
looks better
it is not what you want ?
@Dhruv ... I understood the concept but need some sample code...how that pop up is coming or where we have to handle that
thats when you initiate the payment
@Dhruv. that I know but what we need to validate
Aah, I guess I'm lacking some knowledge in that, wont be able to answer it :)
@Dhruv... Ok no prob
Hello everyone

Is there any way to get storage value showed in appinfo programmatically.

I tried below code which is giving wrong value
long apsize = new File(getActivity().getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(getActivity().getPackageName(), 0).sourceDir).length();
return (float) apsize / (1024 * 1024);
Hi @Dhruv
Do you work in android?
Whats up bro
whats there in the name
forget about me
We both know each other
but I forgot
gajni effect:D
In android 8.0, background operations are restricted. My app is sending GPS location every 5 minutes. I've tried job scheduler but it is not consistent. do you know possible options to make it work
Its good that you're in gajni mood
App is used by drivers to deliver shipment, so GPS tracking is very important..
Gajni effect turned into AAnkhein?
After google I came to you
what do you mean by not consistent?
I know your first answer is google!
Sometimes it triggers 5, 6, 8, 10 minutes. It should be 5 minutes all the time
Max trigger time was 90 minutes when the device was idle for 4 hours
I'm using firebase job dispatcher for backward compatiblity
Basically I also need to do google, if you wish then I can do for you.
okay try it if you can find it.
I'm saving execution time in txt file. If you want to see
But I suggest you to raise quesiton on SO.
Already seen the link
Q: JobScheduler run job at most once every time the conditions are met

feresrNOTE: THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE, PLEASE READ THE QUESTION I want to run a job every time the device is Charging & ON WIFI. This job has to run at most once every time these conditions are met. This means that if I leave the phone charging overnight with wifi ON the job should not repeat itself. O...

Unfortunately this doesn't help

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