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I have 4 collection view with tag 0 to 3. In cellForItemAtIndexpath, I have placed items based on tag values, and items are placed.(It prints tag values also).But if I do did select only Collection view tag 0 works, if I click item in collection view tag 1, 2 and 3. Didselect method was not called….Whats the problem?
could u show the code of didselect of collectionview @RAGHUNATH
u can call like in didselect of collectionView

if(collectionView == collectionView1){
// collectionView didSelect Code of first
else if(collectionView == collectionView2){
// collectionView didSelect Code of second
Good Morning all
@Ninja hii have u asked ur friend
@RAGHUNATH please explain more
@Shubhank @DilipTiwari thanks bros...Me itself found solution....
Good Morning
AOA, Hi @all
@Shubhank there?
@SaadChaudhry sirr
I am following your demo bro
I want to implement chat
can you help
everyone follows my chat sample :(
what help do you need
i should write more tutorialss
Right now i am getting this error

org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException$NoResponseException: No response received within reply timeout. Timeout was 5000ms (~5s). Used filter: No filter used or filter was 'null'.
what is your initialization code
for smack
i didnt get you bro
what code you have written so far for android part ?
I imported your demo of android and change
in this method'
XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration config = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder()
host , service name etc i changed
also changed user name password
so you have ejabberd running ?
I installed in my system
and i am not using localhost bro
scrollviewdidenddecelerating not called but scrollviewdidenddraagging method is called
I have live server
can you help me to setup localhost or live..?
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan ok live server
then for host name etc
what values did you change ?
@Shubhank G Sir
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan for aws do you have allowed http connection from anywhere /
I love you Sir!
you should try connecting to the host from some open source xmpp app
@SaadChaudhry me too sirr
@Shubhank bro i have no idea what to do next, can you just tell me?
Q: Add shadow to button and uiview

Nupur GuptaAdd shadow to UIButton and UIView with the following parameters. I am able to set Opacity, Size, Distance but its not coming perfect. Can any one suggest how to add these. I have tried other solutions available on net but nothings works. Angle: 90, Opacity 13% Distance 4px Spread: 10% Size: 9p...

@SaadChaudhry bade shi hai
try to download Astro chat and there enter your user name and pass + server details
and see if it connects successfully
ok sure let me check
kya likhta hai tu
Bro i downloaded astra chat app from play store and entered login credentials but not working
what error it shows
wth was that @MichaelDautermann @JaiprakashSoni xD I love peanuts though
did you get your job?
They said they'd mail me, haven't yet
And they have just taken one 30 min telephonic tech interview, which was fine I suppose. I should get another follow up.
you should change your demands and ask for a private jet.
Well, I do not know how to fly, so I rather not
HI @SaadChaudhry tax payer :P
it's easy to fly... you just put on your seat belt because it's necessary to wear that when they turn the plane upside down during dinner time.
lol @MichaelDautermann
@Shubhank it says recheck your account details
scrollviewdidenddecelerating not called but scrollviewdidenddraagging method is called
@MichaelDautermann how r u sir
Heey :)
@Shubhank @SaadChaudhry
hey how're you
hello to all :)
@RAGHUNATH decelerate is only when you have a done a fling that is when you lift the finger while scrolling
@Gerwin hey gerwin
how have you been
great, yourself?
Congratulations on your marriage :)
that was a joke
you completed your studies ?
I am incredible @RAGHUNATH
I still don't know why Robin Hood isn't a mod here yet.
yeah i have
& aa lol
@MichaelDautermann seems you have private jets :D
now that would be nice!
@Shubhank congratulations :)
@Shubhank where is Amira
got married.
must be somewhere
why weren't you invited?
i have no idea
which design pattern do you use Michael ?
@Gerwin how is Zien ?
what you working with these days
@Gerwin good how are you
im good
@Shubhank Zeinstra is doing well, he's currently studying in one of the top programming schools in the world
what's a top programming school?
GOod noon ;)
good middle of the night!
@Ninja hiiii
why is @Ramona sleeping ?
i have asked your task to my friends and he shared me below link
but i think you already done this
@Ninja yes
:) @Michael rather working with no success on her app :)
this is screenshot
save and add event to google calendar swift
no success? you need to talk to people here more then... Shubhank always wants to help.
@DilipTiwari let me send him and if he is free then help you
ok plz tell me
i have tried what i can try from myself
@Ninja u can share this screenshot als
where's that screenshot?
@Michael you right :) i think i now look for co creator of my app .really struggling on my own :)
where is your co creator? drunk in a pub?
Dilip, that UI looks clean and organized.
unlike mine... which are disgusting:
@MichaelDautermann yes
@Gerwin which one
@Michael im looking for one :)
oh, you haven't found your co-creator yet?
I hear Dilip is available.
he does great UI.
yes indeed :)
@Shubhank not sure if I should say that publicly :P
I feel like a matchmaker here.
where is your bot btw? @Shubhank
he's not telling
oh booooo, it got quiet here because Shubhank went away.
@Gerwin it's offline
@Gerwin why :P
Zeinstra asked
did you continue developing it?
nope, lost my interest in programming.
trying to revive it :D
uhh... you run a programming chat room. How can you lose your interest in programming?
you ran one too
and i want to just give up :/
I feel that way when I look at Android code, too.
Hey @Shubhank ! :D
@MichaelDautermann The best game education in the Netherlands and in the top 5 of the world if I recall correctly
hello @MZein
Hey Zein
where you studying :P
Wellp.. Yeah this: "The best game education in the Netherlands and in the top 5 of the world if I recall correctly"
The school is NHTV University
In Breda, the Netherlands
whoaaaaaaaaa.... that's a famous school!
Im studying International Game Architecture and Desgin
It is? Lol
NIce :D
so calculations and all those performance things
hey @Shu
Lol ye
I need to finalize content for an Android Dev 30 min lecture for beginners, what shall I tell them xD That I'm just as clueless as they're?
Tell them that Android is better than iOS
Just that, and then drop mic and walk away
wow @MZeinstra game design was my childhood dream
lol @MZeinstra
Nice dude. It's an amazing industry to be in as far as I know :D Unless you work at EA xD Sooo much hate, because... micro transactions haha
Im doing the programming part btw, im not a designer or artist :P
same, I wanted to pursue the same
Tell me more about it
may be someday I will go for masters
I looked up one course by TM Munich University, by Informatics department
That doesn't sound like a game education
More like an overall (IT) study
Where did you get your education from
Or are you without any gamedev degree?
How I found it?
I have a degree in Game Development (College)
Bachelors or masters?/
Now I'm studying i'm studying at a university
Just bachelor
My bachelors are almost over, I may go for masters, and if I do, I seriously wanna consider the option of cyber sec, game dev or cryptographyh
my bachelors is in Electronics and Communications Engineering
Shitt, nice :o
Im not sure if I will go for masters to be honest
I might continue working at my internship (whenever that may be)
don't you want to be a PhD ?
Dr. Zienstra
LOL hahahahahaha
you'd be a role model to us all
Sounds pretty dope, doesn't it xD
especially @BoominadhaPrakashM
Who's that
@Shubhank Dude, where's your bot menn
she was too much work
like a real woman
Not nice, Electronics suck
All those weird circuits make no sense to me
thank goodness @RituNagpal is here... it was getting too quiet here.
i'm trying to implement a StreetView in my android app google map api project
i have the StreetView open from the mapActivity window from a button
well if you are here you must be having great success
but thankfully for both of us, @RAGHUNATH has arrived to help you out.
take it away Raghunath!
so when i click the button(from the MapActivity) i go into the StreetView but i go into a Latlng predefined
but i want to go into the current position
I have litterly no idea how it works, but can't you give the correct coordinates through parameters?
I suppose you use an url for the request
so i could pass the coordinates with global variables into the StreetView?
Okay, so a url can have parameters in it. Like: google.com?var=hello
Check the documentation.. Isn't there something like that in there?
Ive no clue how the api works, this is just an assumption (have worked with google apis myself, but never with street view)
i found a link with something similar
i will try to see if it works
so, maybe something like this will work: streetview.google.nl/latlng=233.123&longlng=897.31 (again.. No idea)
Cool :)
thank youuu! i will also try this
@BugsBuggy sorry
did you filled it ?
Wait lemme show my content
May look dumb, I do not know what else to tell them
@MZeinstra it's the same shit as it was when you left :P
> Backend: Eg: JavaScript, basically Node js
is that really required ? Aseed
But where did you leave that shit
@Shubhank can you suggest what elsecan I add in my content?
@BugsBuggy What are you going to do?
I don't know, I thought may be JavaScript is useful
why does a android dev need to learn backend or js
Firebase? The same reason I had to use Firebase
/greet Zein
hey @Zein, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
still workkss
my code still workss
@Shubhank what do you suggest?
keep it simple
try a music player, most kids want to develop music player only -_-
I dont have to tell them what to make, I just have to give them a taste, and tell them how to start
And give them confidence that they can lear
make a browser, music player, meme maker
adding backend to a beginner lesson is like doing development on production environment.
@Shubhank to be independent.
you sound like my mother, Bugs Buggy.
Not that I will teach them everything, I will just recommend them tutorial videos at the end
except the tutorials part.
Basically I'm trying to form a Programming Club in our University, to increase employability.
Last week we had an ML / AI meetup, our University did a press relase on that
@Kamini I love you
@MZeinstra Speak english
For passing values from one activity to another should i use global class setters and getters?
 |   |
- - - - - - - - n -
/hang a
 |   |
- - - - - - a - n -
lol @mz
@MZeinstra remember when you wrote a script for that
/hang o
Ofc i do!
 |   |
- o - - - - a o n -
I made one for whatsapp xD
/hang e
 |   |
- o - - - - a o n e
/hang m
 |   |
- o - m - - a o n e
we're on a roll
@MarkellosPapadakis It depend on your requirement.
/hang f
 |   |
f o - m - - a o n e
/hang l
 |   |
f o - m - l a o n e
/hang r
 |   |
f o r m - l a o n e
/hang u
 |   |
f o r m u l a o n e
Success. Your boss is watching you play
@MarkellosPapadakis How's it going?
@MarkellosPapadakis why not just use intent extras?
yea probably going to use that
when on long click
on map
to get the latlang and pass it to my option.position
of the StreetView
Any idea with Battery Performance testing for iOS & Android
I mean how test ?
iOS & Android app
Meaning... how long does the battery last while running the app?
someone does that at my office
never thought of asking how :/
@Shubhank you know JavaScript
Hello @Shubhank
i made it passing the values with global class, but when i click on the StreetView i get now an error: Attempt to invoke virtual method
i fixed it :)))))
thank you guysss
now you can move a marker in the exact position and click it and then you can see it on StreetView
now, how i could force the user to enable the wifi before running the app, like a checker of the wifi service or something
1 hour later…
Q: how to check a network is connected to wifi in android

PM16Now I am developing an application. I checked the internet connection in android using ConnectivManager. I checked for Mobile 3g and for WIFI.I turn off the WIFI connection and checked it works as what i want. Then I turn on the WIFI connection but disconnected all networks in WIFI. Now I checked...

Two different posts
raw link is not the same as the displayed post
Thank you sir!
it's seems that the c value of that method is incorrect
cannot resolve symbol c
It's important that you don't forget to add the permissions btw
in the answer code(line: 2)
connectivityManager cm = (connectivityManager) c.getsSystemService
i have put all the permissions on the manifest
wifi, internet etc
Hmm dunno where c comes from
i use the google places api thats why i want the permissions
TRy to use the first answer, it's shorter too
cause if someone press the location of for example restaurants
he will get an error
if he has no wifi
c is for ConnectivityManager
Not sure how it works on android, but you might also want to check if there's something for data roaming, since the user doesn't have to be on wifi and still have internet
thanksss, i will check that also, maybe would work
store them somehow
it seems that for google places you need either wifi or paying for data roaming

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