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3:49 AM
@NightFury GM
Good morning
4:10 AM
u used comparator ?
Good morning all :)
GM boom
4:27 AM
@NightFury pls help me i have to sort list ascending / descending order
but my list is not getting refreshed
what is comparison = emp1Upside;
comparison = emp2Upside;
comparison shouldnt be int
let me check
yr actually these are percentages i m recieving from api response ... as this is String but how will i compare percentage values in string
convert into float. then compare
return var1.compareTo(var2);
you should be using compareTo on datatypes
compareTo only applicable for string
4:43 AM
Good morning
A: Cannot invoke compareTo(double) on the primitive type double

dasblinkenlightReplace the call of an instance method compareTo with the call of static compare method, like this: return Double.compare(array[index1], array[index2]); This lets you keep your doubles in an array of primitives, and avoid autoboxing before calling an instance method.

return Double.compare(var1, var2)
Good morning
GM fishy
Good Morning @all
5:00 AM
hiya @NightFury o/
yr i did but i m getting NPE can u pls help me
good morning
@Erum do debug where are you getting NPE :\
how can I help say
@Dory hru

5:13 AM
@Erum did you debug?
i resolved NPE but now list is not getting arranged i ascending order
yes i fixed NPE
@Dhiru no idea dude sorry..
@Erum ok
there is no error but my list still is without any order i want in descending order gist.github.com/engr-erum/a62f2d0b289fbc26fa936ae6f9b4189d how to resolve
is it arranging in some proper order ?
no no order arranging
i have negative values too in my list so that should come on top
even before 0
but this is not happening
5:15 AM
@Erum : Tell me the Issue ......
gist.github.com/engr-erum/a62f2d0b289fbc26fa936ae6f9b4189d @Dhiru i have list now i want to sort list in ascending / descending on their respective button clicks
@Erum break this down into steps
@NightFury m good. u
see if values properly parsed or not, and also see what comparison int is returned
@NightFury Fishy is here!!
5:17 AM
yeah :P
Good Morning!
@Dory kheryt
want to sort depending on getUpSide() values that is percentage is String now i already converted it in double for comparison @Dhruv
@Dhruv suba bakhair :p
i m getting int as -1 for some then 0 then 1
5:18 AM
GM Friends
@NightFury haha sounds awesome !!
@Erum yr show your other calling code as well. See this
A: Sort ArrayList of custom Objects by property

BjörnClasses that has a natural sort order (a class Number, as an example) should implement the Comparable interface, whilst classes that has no natural sort order (a class Chair, as an example) should be provided with a Comparator (or an anonymous Comparator class). Two examples: public class Numbe...

see complete code i m just calling first method on button click
Collections.sort(liveAnalystsList, LiveAnalystsFragment.sortDescendingOrder);
move comparator in new class
then call Collections.sort(liveAnalystsList, new CustomComparator());
A: Sort ArrayList of custom Objects by property

Michael MyersSince Date implements Comparable, it has a compareTo method just like String does. So your custom Comparator could look like this: public class CustomComparator implements Comparator<MyObject> { @Override public int compare(MyObject o1, MyObject o2) { return o1.getStartDate().co...

see example here ghour se
5:34 AM
hi friends
i need to implement email verification when user is sign up in android app ?
i have no exact idea that how to implement that kind of functionality?
@NightFury @Erum
that is backend work, not yours
5:54 AM
@NightFury ok, but can you assist me that how to implement in backend side?
email verification ?? ahan your server will do thi just call an api and send email address to your api , your api will do rest of the work ........ this is not client side work @Shailesh
6:06 AM
@Erum ok
/annoy @Dory
@Dory Happy birthday to you :)
@Dory Happy birthdayy to you :)
Happyyy birthdayyy to dear @Dory
I wont telll annyoneee how ugly are youu @Dory
how uglyyyy @Dory
@Dory Happy Birthday
Gm @all
@Dory Happy wala Birthday you
6:17 AM
@Dory happy birthday to u
@Shailesh dony know sorry
@Dory happy advance / belated birthday to you :P
@Dory happy birthday
I wish you good luck and endless success in life....
@NightFury ok
6:31 AM
/annoy @Erum
@Erum 1 sa @Erum
@Erum 2 sa @Erum @Erum
@Erum 3 sa @Erum @Erum @Erum
@Erum 4 sa @Erum @Erum @Erum @Erum
/annoy @Dhruv
@Dhruv You are stupid
@Dhruv Arent you stupid
S2pid is @Dhruv
Just joking you suckk too @Dhruv
/annoy @nyconing
@nyconing You are stupid
@nyconing Arent you stupid
S2pid is @nyconing
Just joking you suckk too @nyconing
6:32 AM
/annoy @BoominadhaPrakashM
@BoominadhaPrakashM I hate you
@BoominadhaPrakashM @BoominadhaPrakashM I hate youuuu
like i love you love you @BoominadhaPrakashM @BoominadhaPrakashM
@BoominadhaPrakashM @BoominadhaPrakashM i will kill you in the dreams too :p
@GurpreetKaur where ?
I was trying to reproduce Birthday one, but your bot didnt :(
bot bot na raha :/
6:38 AM
bot pot ban gya
Happy Birthday @Dory Many many happy returns of the day
hi to all
can any one tell me what max time we can capture video recoding in android ?
@Dory Happy birthday .... :D
6:43 AM
thank you soo much guyss @NightFury @Ninja @harish @DilipTiwari @Shailesh @Dhruv
But its not my birthday today!!!
/punch @Shubhank
@Dory hehe :P
@Kamini is there any solution for query
@ResearchDevelopment Stay away!
7:00 AM
@ResearchDevelopment pls share ans with me if u know
@Erum thanks gal
@NightFury we have mehndi and bangles tmrw in offfice
@Dory no thanks, party
@Dhruv it isnt my birthdy
n u havnt given me ur bdy party :/
@Erum wow awesome! gift from office or girls doing some activity?
7:09 AM
5 mins ago, by Erum
@NightFury we have mehndi and bangles tmrw in offfice
gift from office
Eid next week on monday or tuesday
abe yr na kr :o
expected on Monday but may be tuesday also in list
how many girls in your office ?
7:11 AM
@NightFury wow.. what is bangles.. ?
10 - 15 @NightFury
aree that i know..
but voh gift milega aisa
@NightFury hello
I m getting error in this line
ceo.reverseGeocodeLocation(loc, completionHandler: {(placemarks: [AnyObject], error: NSError) -> Void in
var placemark = placemarks[0]
@Dory haan amazing. usually i haven't heard any office giving such gifts on such occasion
@Erum nice yaar ^^ :)
7:12 AM
@NightFury grt... :)
@DilipTiwari what is error
@Erum when you get gift, do send me a pic of it
Cannot convert value of type '([AnyObject], NSError) -> Void' to expected argument type 'CLGeocodeCompletionHandler' (aka '(Optional<Array<CLPlacemark>>, Optional<Error>) -> ()')
this error is coming @NightFury in swift 3
sure there is tiny goodybag as well .... do not know what will be inside it @NightFury
hi all
@DilipTiwari it is because of wrong typecasting I guess
7:19 AM
how will i resolve this error @NightFury
@Erum wow yr lush. Boys getting anything at your side ?
@DilipTiwari sorry I am not swift person.. Please ask someone else :(
ok @NightFury
any one can help me
YUP goodybags and they told if someone is interested then take mehndi as well
haha nice
goody bags
@DilipTiwari where are you calling that
7:26 AM
@Shubhank i am using MFPlaceSearchTextField sample code in my project it is in objective c so i used for my swift project
i also want goody bags ;)
@Shubhank u can check my code on which func i am using this gist.github.com/diliptiwari5389/…
Have to set border colour for button.....Swift 3
statusButton.layer.borderColor = (UIColor(red: 236.0/255.0, green: 236.0/255.0, blue: 236.0/255.0, alpha:1.0) as! CGColor)
Shows error
7:41 AM
@raghunath yes
which error
@Dory I sent you party emojis
@raghunath statusButton.layer.borderColor = UIColor(red:222/255.0, green:225/255.0, blue:227/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor u can use this

@Dhruv @Dory @Shubhank @Erum @snehalrokade @SaadChaudhry
8:08 AM
@Dhiru +1
8:27 AM
@nyconing wheres your poem ? did you add something to it ?
8:42 AM
@Dhruv nyc.. i will also send u party emojiss
8:58 AM
9:14 AM
@DilipTiwari thanks
@raghunath code worked
@Shubhank i solved my problem
i am able to display google search places on my textfield i working perfectly @Shubhank
9:17 AM
I have placed default navigation. So if i click bar button it moves to previousviewcontroller. But i want to move someother view Controller.How can i give explicit action for backButton (Don't want action from navigation stack)
@raghunath create action for this bar button
and add the code of uistoryboard to move to another view controller with identifier
good morning
morning Ricardo
hows it going
 |   |
- - - - - - - - - d
9:30 AM
/hang a
 |   |
- - - - - a - - - d
@raghunath yes
9:34 AM
Hint obscured till 2 lives left
@DilipTiwari If i do like that, Will navigation default back action(move based on stack) happen or not?
am not asking that right bar action we set. Am asking back action button@DilipTiwari
it can work for by default bar button
9:40 AM
Back click Before Groceries text...That Action.. As i was showing this view by pushing navigation controller. Automatically naviation back stack action only happens....I want to give eplicit back action
u want instead of back button u want written back with action right @raghunath?
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
at java.util.TimSort.mergeLo(TimSort.java:743)
at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(TimSort.java:479)
at java.util.TimSort.mergeCollapse(TimSort.java:406)
at java.util.TimSort.sort(TimSort.java:210)
at java.util.TimSort.sort(TimSort.java:169)
at java.util.Arrays.sort(Arrays.java:2023)
at java.util.Collections.sort(Collections.java:1883) Collections.sort(liveCallsList, LiveAnalystsFragment.sortAscendingOrder);
@Shubhank @NightFury
Did you google madam?
9:59 AM
yes listen can i do sorting along with loadMore ? @NightFury
when you add more items to list, you can do at that time
i m trying to do
/hang r
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- - - - - a - - - d
10:09 AM
/hang e
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 |   O
- - - - - a - - e d
/hang s
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 |   O
- - s - - a - - e d
/hang i
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - s - - a - - e d
10:10 AM
Hangman hint : white and blue bmw
/hang mostwanted
 |   |
 |  \O/
m o s t w a n t e d
Success. You should get back to work
@RicardoAlves its been a while
10:23 AM
 |   |
- - n - -
/hang a
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 |   O
- - n - -
/hang e
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 |  \O/
- - n - -
10:24 AM
Hangman hint : sudo
hu suto
/hang linux
 |   |
 |  \O/
l i n u x
Success. Work or Nightfury will be furious!
@NightFury will you be furious if I don't work ? :P
naa, chill :p
10:38 AM
my app working fine in marshmallow and nougat but not working in lollipop
means app behaving different in lollipop
@NightFury okay then, I'm not working !!
same here
@Duggu in what context?
10:59 AM
means recycler view not showing content (items some where)
image not change(after clicking trying to change image but not reflect into UI )
11:30 AM
@NightFury what happened? :O
12:23 PM
@DilipTiwari Yes
frustrate with fo thing which not belongs to my code
Is to possible to place view inside alertView...i want to show popup view. like alertview look....
@raghunath did u get the solution
from the above link
Problem with back action.While clicking
12:35 PM
what problem u are having @raghunath i didn't understand
u want the back button icon remove or u want to create action on this to go to other view controller instead of back controller
1:16 PM
Q: center didReceiveNotificationResponse not getting called

iShwarI have implemented the push service many times even right now its working i am able to receive the notification but don't know why method below is not getting called -(void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response...

@Shubhank @NightFury @Amira @BoominadhaPrakashM @Bunny @ColdFire @Dory @FranciscoMelicias @HimanshuJoshi @icodes @Lion @morroko @Olu @PraveenKumar @snehalrokade @SaadChaudhry @Vera Hi friedns pleaes help me for above question or at least help me with up voting this question that i will get some help please pleaes
1:47 PM
/annoy @Shubhank
/awake @Kamini
2:03 PM
you homee
2:14 PM
I think I need a bit more ram....
Why Kamini is not awake @Shubhank?
3:08 PM
yes @Shubhank
3:20 PM
@Shubhank view inside alertview possible or not?
4:59 PM
@Amira @Amira
posted on June 22, 2017

tvOS 10.2.2 beta 4 (14W5751b) Now Available

posted on June 22, 2017

iOS 10.3.3 beta 4 (14G5053a) Now Available

5:56 PM
@Shubhank hi y u awake at this hour :P
4 hours later…
9:40 PM
posted on June 22, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Xiaowen Xin and Renu Chaudhary, Android Security Team The processing of external and untrusted content is often one of the most important functions of an app. A newsreader shows the top news articles and a shopping app displays the catalog of items for sale. This comes with associated risks as the processing of untrusted content is also one of the main ways that an attacker can co


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