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" you are going to be haunted, so go watch conjuring 2 "
I am lonely lonely angel... Come and save me before I fall apart ໒( •́ ‸ •̀ )७
@Shubhank wanna help me to do one thing?
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
why package replace receiver is called after launcher activity?
@SagarPatil welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
@Shubhank I wanna know if u want to participate
in a smart project :)
whats a smart project
not smart ahahahha
why package replace receiver is called after launcher activity?
why do you want me to participate
because u are good
so what i want to do is like whatsapp, a conversation app
its not small :p
yes it is
not too big
how do you think a chat app is not big
but I want a chat where u can have private msg
because i dont want to do it for everyone
I want the user to choice the code to descodify the msg
my code is: h5g
and the person write:hi how are you?
so what the app should do is
h+h+5+g+i+h+5+g+ +h+5+g+h+h+5+g+o+h+5+g+w+h+5+g
did u get it?
nope lol
did you complete your current proj ?
no but tis is my PAP i have 1 year to do it
i want to do this for summer
so u know that the letter "h" have a code right?
paap lol
@ankitagrawal do u know what a PAP is?
@FranciscoMelicias you mean you are talking about protocol
no PAP is a project
@FranciscoMelicias lol since when?
@FranciscoMelicias hehe too many fullforms of pap
@FranciscoMelicias how is that a project
did u read?
Cheap Thrils
/kill @FranciscoMelicias
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @FranciscoMelicias
@Shubhank anha!!
anha ?
/boo Amira
👻👻👻👻 @Amira
i have a problem
you are the problem shoo
temme declaration of touchesBegan for swift 3 :(((
on ?
@Amira search the docsss
better framework
u rem?
that web query
its givin me errorrrr
i'll flag spider pics :@
error got error
i dont have info on java sorry. you should just try the java room
@Loneranger why call spr
Ooh.. ok then
y not?
Amira Spider
cool name huhh
Bye @ishwarshtyle
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
"bByieiei Allzz see you :) :) :)"
bye @iShwar
there is no pagdi pic yet @iShwar
@Amira whut error
now@Amira is regretting :P
solved it :D :D :D
@LoneRanger boo i am not
Amira... r u angry
im not talking to u olu polu
@Shubhank im just waiting for @Gerwin to leave....y he no leave quickly :P
@Amira you want to get annoyed by everyone :P
/annoy @Amira
@Amira @Amira
@Amira @Amira @Amira
Listen to mee @Amira
i helped you
Are you annoyed @Amira @Amira @Amira
/kill Amira
now you're being a little shit
bye guys
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira
@Gerwin are u talking to me?
Annoy Amira everyone!
/annoy Amira
@Amira You are stupid
/shoot Amira
S2pid is @Amira
@Amira lollll u stuuuuupid
@Amira Arent you stupid
Just joking you suckk too @Amira
@Shubhank Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@OluDouglas Bot Awaken
@LoneRanger Only admin can use this command
/admin LoneRanger
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
/add admin LoneRanger
/addAdmin 2455122
hello, have anyone worked on the paypal android sdk.
@Gerwin I am awake!
for standerd payment
@AmanGupta you come after months with the same question
@AmanGupta welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
no more hangman for Amira
/removeAdmin 2455112
/addAdmin 2455112
/removeAdmin 4000771
@shubhank i have one simple question
@shubhank no that was adaptive payment
6 months ago he asked adaptive payment
does apple provide radio button for ios
now its standard payment
progress! :p
@Arun nope . download from github
everything is working fine
usually use tabivew for it
@Arun nope
@Shubhank do u remember how talked about hola?
but i didnt understand how to get the transaction id
android developer made me confuse :D
@FranciscoMelicias hola is your whatsapp type app
do this on android developer face @Arun
and i m using soap api.
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
@AmanGupta i dont have idea on paypal
try other rooms
olu douglas mehta from shakarakapova
@OluDouglas i send an email to hola and they respond '-'
Ooooh. hope its good news
ok @Shubhank
@OluDouglas i hope so :)
hahaha.. you'll be fine!
@Shubhank I am awake!
amira will flag kamini only XD
@Shubhank Command party learned
@RicardoAlves she cant cause she needs to play hangman :p
@RicardoAlves no i'll flag u instead
/boo amira
👻👻👻👻 @amira
/youtube Boo Usher
you will flag me why @amira? I didn't do anything bad...
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
just wrote spr
k im not talking to u now shoo
/youtube Usher, Alicia Keys - My Boo
/hangman amira
 |   |
- - x
your treat :)
I can't give you flowers, so I let you play hangman :)
/hang fox
 |   |
 |   O
- - x
I have a fragment which has the Mediaplayer and other methods. How do I pass the MediaPlayer object to the activity with which it is associated ?
@Shubhank Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@RicardoAlves dont care. stil not talking
@WeirdNerd you only come to ask questions
but you played XD
@Amira I'll kill all the spiders 4 u!
@Shubhank Please let me know what else should I do ?
wow Sr. @OluDouglas is a gentleman :)
@WeirdNerd hang around in the room
@Francisco anything for Amira
if people know you hang around - they answer
/search pass the MediaPlayer object to the activity
@FranciscoMelicias Bot Awaken
/search pass the MediaPlayer object to the activity
Q: Passing media player object between activities

PhaluI wanted to know how to pass a MediaPlayer object between activities so that I can maintain a constant sound play through out the application.

@FranciscoMelicias Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
My situation is different right now I am looking for a job and getting into that requires me to develop an app I really don't have time to hangout. I am sorry the situation is forcing me to do it @Shubhank
just kidding...
Jobs Jobs Jobs..... very popular
it gives you time to ask questions
@FranciscoMelicias That is passing something between 2 activities what I am looking for is to pass the mediaplayer object to the Activity from a fragment
i guess you can make out 10 more minutes daily to hang around
@WeirdNerd Im in job too :) I have do end this app too, but you can pass here and say hi and goodbye
@Shubhank What else do I do when stuck up ?
@WeirdNerd did u read?
You don't "pass a MediaPlayer object between activities".

You need to access MediaPlayer from a custom Service to play sound in the background, and have your activities interact with this service.
@WeirdNerd say some jokes
@Francisco... do u do web dev in Java?
@FranciscoMelicias Staying in a job is different and finding a job is different. I am looking for a job
@OluDouglas i learn just a bit, next year i will learn more
@WeirdNerd just pass here and say hi, and lose 5 minutes talking :)
@LoneRanger And then ?
@FranciscoMelicias Sure
and then you will feel happy
and relaxed
and we all laugh
This one really made me laugh
and we will shut down our computers and sleep
Seriously I am getting a great help here and when I become a developer with sufficient knowledge to answer questions I will definitely give back the help that I got from SO and also from here..
@WeirdNerd see :)
never asked you to answer questions.
I did not quite get it
you don't need to have lots of knowledge, some of us can't help much, but participate on the chat
AHAHAAHAHAAH best one so far ahahahahahhaah
Yeah I will definitely do that
I really love to interact here but my life..... anyways will definitely do tha
@Shubhank @Amira @RicardoAlves @OluDouglas @Gerwin @WeirdNerd
Sheldon jokes XD
From where did you get these ?
working after lunch is so hard...
ba bye all :)
@Shubhank wut do i think about this? developer.android.com/ndk/guides/graphics/index.html
@RicardoAlves nest song is mine ahahaha :D
should just use unity
@Shubhank can u help me with one thing?
how do i get a image from db?
ask diva
@FranciscoMelicias Bot Awaken
she is good in android
/search get image from datebase android
Q: How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android?

Rahul GautamIn my project I need to store an image into a sqlite database and also need to retrieve it to show in my android emulator. When I show it directly after decoding the encoded string, which I got from Java class using sockets, the image displays there. But when I store a byte array code of the stri...

@FranciscoMelicias Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@Diva are u there?
need help
@FranciscoMelicias yes
so i have a database
where i have a folder with 2 images
i want to get it from android
how can i do it?
@FranciscoMelicias wasn't here
wow ok xD
was on my bed
don't want to work
@FranciscoMelicias u hv images into db or db folder?
inside db folder
did u tried copy using inputstream?
Q: How to display the image from database in android imageview

master123Hi In My application I am getting the json response in that image is there.That image I want to display in android imageview.In that image I want to set for imageView. picture":"547150_156322317826149_1332901104_n.jpg Can any one help me

is this ok? @Diva
but tell me why db folder? why not sdcard?
@FranciscoMelicias you listening to this? XD
@Diva because i need to get the image from db, because the owner of app can swap it and i just need to go and get it, if i want too
dont hurt me no more ahahhaha
80's song ?
90's xD
can't you get it by link? that way you won't need to save it locally
I meant the music before that one XD
no xD
@FranciscoMelicias ok so the example u showed is just storing name of image into db
but if u wanna copy u hv to use some io operations for that
@Diva that example should download the image, or get it to db right?
@FranciscoMelicias see if u already hv image into db folder then just try to put that image via path into imageview
do you have a db folder or .sql db file ?
@Diva sorry i'm new to android can u give an example?
what yes
@Shubhank yes to this :)
db folder or sql db file are diff
db folder
i think
explain where is your db folder
give me a minute
@Shubhank i have my db with some folders
the image
get to 100 rep :/
but i dont know how to connect this to android
so db is on web ?
what do u mean by web?
@Shubhank i will get there :)
yes it is
then you should just ask how to get image from url :p
i dont even know the url
thats a diff question
next time make sure to ask a proper question .. db usually refers to the app db and not the website db
@Shubhank sorry didnt know
@Shubhank true ahhhahahhahahahahahahaha
@FranciscoMelicias next music is mine
this song omg :o
i added it xD
so true
@Diva @Shubhank how to get image from url? and how can i know whats the url from db?
do you have access to db ?
make a webservice then which outputs the image url
@FranciscoMelicias what you doing?
i have a webservce
@Shubhank i found the url
but the url ask for password
seriously password ?
i know the password
is this what u want me to do?
yup the download part is good
i cant understand this code :( i will try to read it more
@FranciscoMelicias read it more
Cya 2morrow peeps :D
you should understand it to do it kid
@MZeinstra bye candiesssssss
shit the mac

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