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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 21:00

will definitely lose now
hi back
@Shubhank yes right
if they win.. what a blast will be 10 overs
110 runs of 60 balls
boom boom show
@Shubhank i want ask you one question is why girls are having no interest in match ?
which girls ?
where ?
hey Boom Boom is in ground
room ?
All over the earth
women dont even watch women t20 :p
yes true
sports are for men :D
they must support women team atleast
they are not able to take runs even in Maxwell over
58 mins ago, by Shubhank
aaj #AUS 193 runs banaye ga our #PAK 155 per out ho jaye ga
seems true :p
afridi gone ?
also his career :)
was probably playing last match so
cu guys
cu means ?
i closed :D
time to do some work
150/6 @Shubhank
2 more out...
2 overs left
still a good chase by pak..
afridi's six were a class :D
154 now
i think they will cross 155 easily :)
last over 30 run
@Shubhank today afridi made big mistake
he thrown Shoheb malik very down
normally he comes at 4th position
i dont even know cricketer names much now :D
last ball
moral of the todays match story is if pakistan can make 170 & fight against australia than what Indian team will do
think about it :)
we can easily beat Aussie
yess truee..
because our players don't afraid of English ;)
@Shubhank right ?
match will be on kohli and dhoni again...
will be awesome :D
@ResearchDevelopment solved or not ?
yes its solved
Thanx @Shubhank But i am haing problem in FireBase its really challenged for me
changed ?
Hey , Whats up , i hope you guys will be fine :)
sure aree
I'm glad to be here , to chat with decent guys like you and to learn from you guys :)
how is it going for you ?
I just love Stack overflow community
And i love to learn more about android :)
@Shubhank what u have done in Fire Base for realt Time data related?
IS there any android developer , i have been stuck in a problem from a few days ??
says real time already @ResearchDevelopment
whats the problem @Rafael_Brett
I want to apply cropping on imageview by using the android default cropping functionality ... @Subhanak
Android default cropping intent takes the picture which we capture on runtime or pick from gallery and then apply cropping on it, but i want to just pass my imageview to the cropping intent and then perform cropping on picture which is present in imageview ...
let me check
you cant use third party cropper @Rafael_Brett ?
But third party tool is also associated with the camera picture or picture from gallery, but i don't want both these options.
I have checked many of third party tools but i am not that much expert to use it in my own way in my application, what you suggest ??
3 hours later…
posted on March 25, 2016 by Reto Meier

Posted by Roman Nurik, Senior Interactive Designer, and Richard The, Google Creative Lab Last summer we launched Android Experiments: a showcase of creative Android projects, and an open invitation for all developers to submit their own experiments to the gallery. So far we’ve seen some amazing work from the developer community - from live wallpaper, to watch faces, to interesting hacks of th

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Q: how to set proxy for web view android 5 and higher

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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 21:00

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