I am new at cocos2D.
I started to learn cocos2D with simple game from http://www.raywenderlich.com/tutorials#cocos2d tutorial.
Now I'm crazy with animation, so now i want to display CCSprite as OSX style genie effect.
I dont know how can i do it. (I want to animation such like This example in i...
All, I have 2 tables User & Usercontacts & related in User<--->> so for 1 particular user there will be many userconatcts, in usercontcats i have a field named selected(values yes & no) , I want to fetch all the selected(yes) userconatcts for that particular user, What should be the predicate ??
but i am getting Error fetching: Error Domain=HTTP Code=400 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (HTTP error 400.)" UserInfo=0xad9b190 {error=Field users.selected does not exist in User}
I am new at cocos2D.
I started to learn cocos2D with simple game from http://www.raywenderlich.com/tutorials#cocos2d tutorial.
Now I'm crazy with animation, so now i want to display CCSprite as OSX style genie effect.
I dont know how can i do it. (I want to animation such like This example in i...
I want to get all wall updates of user's google plus account like facebook.
I have seen official link for it which is
Google Plus Documentation for iOS
& I have downloaded sample from there which is here Google Plus SDK Sample
it works well for getting user's information like email id,profile ...
In my application i am using the AVCapture session for recoding a video and AssetsLibrary for saving the recorded video.
I have this issue of playback orientation.When i record in Portrait,playback is in landscape and vise versa.Does anyone know how can i solve this issue?
- (NSUInteg...
I want to get all wall updates of user's google plus account like facebook.
I have seen official link for it which is
Google Plus Documentation for iOS
& I have downloaded sample from there which is here Google Plus SDK Sample
it works well for getting user's information like email id,profile ...