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how to read from wordbyword.db file
give some hints, please
let dbPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "wordbyword", ofType: "db")
let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: dbPath!)
1 hour later…
@NazmulHasan -must be a sql db file i guess
@Venkatesh on iOS i worked
@Shubhank there is a problem retrieving pointer object in parse android
1 hour later…
i resolved issue
6 hours later…
hi all i am having one doubt
any one
about application uploading
as I have uploaded one version on app store
with version 1.0 and build 1.1
now want to upload new build
change the build version code and upload it
I did but
got failed
version must be higher than the last uploaded
u changed versionCode in gradle?
@HI all
would you help me
4 hours later…
posted on February 21, 2019

Make sure your iOS and watchOS apps continue to deliver outstanding user experiences. Take advantage of new Siri Shortcuts design templates, the SF Compact Rounded font for watchOS, and the watchOS design kit for Adobe XD. You can also get updated design templates for iOS Home Screen, Notifications, Widgets, and Home Screen Quick Actions.Learn more

I have expandable recyclerview1 inside adapter again populating another recyclerview2
Recyclerview2 adapter has edit text user will enter values and I will update recyclerview1 adapter using notifydataset changed
Issue is recyclerview2 edittext opens number keyboard on refreshing recyclerview1 adapter keyboard changes to alphabets again on focus of revyclerview2 edittext it's working fine
@Shubhank @TusharGogna @
2 hours later…
posted on February 21, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Edward Cunningham, Android Security & Privacy Team In a previous blog we described how API behavior changes advance the security and privacy protections of Android, and include user experience improvements that prevent apps from accidentally overusing resources like battery and memory. Since November 2018, all app updates on Google Play have been required to target API lev

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