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Good morning friends
@Ninja @Shailesh
@SunishaSindhu yes
1 hour later…
hi all
can anybody help me with google calendar in swift
i successfully run the sample code
but i further need to created event
@DilipTiwari i have done with android but no idea about iOS :(
so could u tell me how so that i have an idea
and then i will google it further
in android if we want add event in google calendar then we need to set the parameters value
i have one question
@DilipTiwari what?
that does backend people als need to do something from his side
@DilipTiwari no
so it will be only done from our side only @Ninja
in ios i ran the sample code it is working fine
it created one google sign in button
and when i click it navigated to google sign in
so what further u have done after this @Ninja
@Ninja what is the role of google api in calendar
i have done with this
sorry but i have no idea about iOS
i think @JaiprakashSoni may know
do u have any friend who can help me with this @Ninja
@DilipTiwari yup
could he help me
@DilipTiwari let me ask
@DilipTiwari sorry I don't hv much experience in iOS
ok no issues
i am searching for soln since 7 days
@DilipTiwari :O
my friend's said that its best if we use PHP api to add event in google calendar
2 hours later…
Hello friends
any one have idea about amazon s3 downloader
for ios
2 hours later…
@PitambarIndoria hiii bro have u worked with google calendar
@Ninja how could i connect with him regarding google calendar info
@DilipTiwari sorry but he is not using stack overflow and his from India
he send me this link
@iShwar sorry I hv not
worked with Rocket Chat and Jitsi SDKs
ok :(
i am badly stuck at one place, i have integrated Jitsi in Rocket Chat i made Rocket chat and Jitsi both to work on our servers, but now for Jitsi, i am not able to notify other user with whome i am chatting that i have initiated a video call pleaes accept... on this issue i am not able to find a single thing or clue from any forum or from anywhere.. :'( stuck from more than 4-5 days...,,
Hello guys. Mind if I ask a question?
How can I fetch images on mysql going to android studio but just getting the location to access the image? The image is just varchar and not a blob type
@iShwar sorry i haven't worked with that?
@ClarkBernales what is your exact requirement ?
My friend develops for the web and I am for the mobile. He can fetch images like profle pictures from mysql. I have searched the how to's but all I see is that image types are all BLOB type. He's fetching them maybe like just getting the image from the "where username = test" but he can do it. The image column on our database is on VARCHAR, my question is that can I fetch an image without changing the image column to BLOB?
@iShwar Sorry sir,
@ClarkBernales yes
I beg request to others..help him
@Ninja sorry to bother but can you provide some examples? It's okay if you cant. Still thanks because now I know that it is possible. :)
what was the issue when you try to find image from mysql? @ClarkBernales
please make sure that in db what you store and how you fetch it otherwise it might be create issue
I'm new on android development. All I can do for now is to save and retrieve data to mysql. And as of now, I have no idea on how to upload and retrieve image from android to mysql.
There are links and tuts on how to upload image, but all of them uses BLOB type in the column on mysql
@ClarkBernales for that have you used sqlite or api call with mysql?
I have been wondering if it is possible just by saving the filename on a VARCHAR column and retrieve it from a particular folder by adding conditions
@Ninja sorry I have no background on sqlite. Also what do you mean by api call with mysql?
If you haven't used sqlite then its easy for you to send and receive data from server
all stuff related store data and fetch data from mysql done database developer
I have fairly used mysql and php stuffs and others. Will they be affected if I use sqlite?
Is sqlite also like mysql? sorry no background bout that
there is no any affect if you are using MySql
sqlite is open source db provided by android, and its default
if you are using php and mysql and if you are in android then its better for you
Thanks @Ninja! I'll do some research for now before continuing.
@ClarkBernales this is nice tutorial and easy to learn for this kind of stuff
Hello Guys!
@Haileapp yes
I am working on some currency Android app.Do any of you guys know a free currency API(I've tried the openexchangerates but they cost money)?
@Haileapp Check it
Oh @Ninja
@Haileapp welcome
i've tried many times to open the website,but it failed

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