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6:53 AM
play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myntra.android can someone pls let me know how are they doing home page recyclerview animation below toolbar
i used app bar layout with coordinatorlayout and recyclerview but failed to hide appbar layout when i change tabs from tablayout
after setting app bar to gone its still taking space .'
7:50 AM
android.jlelse.eu/… anyone pls respond me here
2 hours later…
9:37 AM
anyone here ?
10:12 AM
Hi @Erum
hi all
can anyone help me with an android problem ?
problem ?
Q: Appbar Layout animation and recyclerview hide show in tablayout fragments

ErumI am facing issue to achieve Myntra app animation,applied animation on top recyclerview below toolbar, wrote code but this is taking space in fragments even after setting appbar height to 0 & its visibility to gone. Code: https://gist.github.com/engr-erum/5861be8121efd98f28a505f369b25213

2 hours later…
11:59 AM
hello to all :)
can anyone help me with this ?
Q: delete selected video from SD card and gridview

red viperI created an imageviewer app. Its working fine but when I select a gridview item to delete it, it stops working. On selecting the item, delete button appears . On clicking the delete button ,an alert dialog appears asking for confirmation.I want the file to get deleted after cliking the YES butto...

12:22 PM
take a look at the console, and find the error
how to change dynamically (after swipe) radioButtons in Fragment?
3 hours later…
3:35 PM
@DilipTiwari check discord
4:04 PM
Hi All
anybody familiar with compiling native libraries to android in android studio
i have an native libraries which has .h file and .a files structured in aibl
How do i compile it ?
is there any body who could help me out with this ?
4:50 PM
@RicardoAlves hello .do you know by any chance how to change dynamically radiobuttons in Fragment? :)
fragments, that's android right?
5:12 PM

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