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@ZoestandswithUkraine what/who's the review suspension santa?
@AdrianMole *more than all(?) ftfy
5 hours later…
@AdrianMole I am happy with all honest feedback, positive or negative. The main thing in the beta test is to see how close we are with the workflow, if there are any big things we missed. We are not 100% feature complete yet (not to the level we will get to by the MVP) - but we have everything done related to the operations of the core workflow, reviews, listings, etc
But there are always things we miss - sometimes little things that make a huge difference.
We do not expect the beta test to be at all relevant in answering the question of "will this work at scale" - that is going to be for the MVP and following test rounds.
@YaakovEllis I'm interested in helping beta test.
If you go into the beta, see any sort of thing that isn't working for you, big or small, micro or macro, we want to hear it. Likewise, happy to also hear things that are working for you.
I would caution though, that if you come in with a preconceived notion that it will fail, and you only see items confirming this for you, that your bias may be affecting your perceptions in a major way. And if your main feedback after the beta is "this isn't going to scale, I told you", the beta isn't for testing scale and volume, it is for testing workflow.
@YaakovEllis will there be a list of supported browsers published? this could filter out some issues before they even get raised
@WhatsThePoint same browsers we support on the site
@YaakovEllis I thought that would be the case, just wanted to double check
hi guysi where is the golang chat room
@YaakovEllis I can lend a hand for the beta testing, although I don't do many first post reviews. Perhaps you can consider me as a seat filler if you don't get enough other qualified testers
2 hours later…
@YaakovEllis I'm interested in testing out Staging Ground. Even though I don't do many first post reviews on Stack Overflow, I have review experience on other SE sites and would be really glad to help.
I've also had experience testing Documentation Beta previously and invested substantial time to provide feedback, including helping out with the removal of links across SO following the sunsetting of Docs.
A: Staging Ground: Reviewer Motivation, Scaling, and Open Questions

PandaCan anyone who wants to be a reviewer opt-in during the “initial testing period”? Or is the “initial testing period” only open to those invited? Is there anywhere for one to register their interest to participate in the initial testing?

1 hour later…
@YaakovEllis Understood; that's fine. Happy to test the mechanisms.
... but would something like how much time is typically spent per post be part of your desired feedback?
@AdrianMole yes, definitely. we have a review timer on our todo list, but dont know if it will be done in time for the beta
2 hours later…
I was looking at the first questions queue history which can give you an idea of how long it takes for an average review. I'm honestly surprised at how fast people can go.
@IanCampbell The history isn't a good indicator of review speed in most cases. There's a lot of uncaught robo-reviewers
That's a fair point. On the other hand, I'm relatively hopeful that Adrian is not robo-reviewing. I seriously doubt I could ever be as fast.
Years of experience on me.
most of the time it's just people grinding not really paying attention. There are exceptions, though
@IanCampbell No, I don't robo-review but I skip a lot. Lately, I've been using C and C++ tag filter, which makes things a bit quicker. Some Qs are easy and quick; others take more time.
But, I have to say it - FQ reviewing can be both tiring and disheartening. With no filter, I was giving negative reviews on the (vast?) majority of posts. Not because I wanted to, though. It gives one a real feel for just how many poor questions get posted every day. I really hope the S/G can do something to address this.
When I was doing 80 reviews/day, I probably spent over an hour each day in the queue.
Are you volunteering? If not, I'm afraid you'll have to leave. ;)
gimme a mo' and I'll try to find a witty comeback :p
you doing okay?
Looking good - we have a fair few folks already who want to sign up for the SG beta.
Yaakov's looking for ~50, though.
@AdrianMole There's also a solid 30% attrition rate so far
@ZoestandswithUkraine had that when we did the whole mentorship program... I pushed a lot of names forward
Sadly, community moderators are voluntold cordially invited to participate by default.
@IanCampbell We were told in the back we'd have to apply as normal to get access to the badge and feedback team
Ah, well, I mean, the only reason to do it is for the badge, so... duh!
But even then, if the current rate is maintained, you need, what, around 150 applications?
there's a huge amount of people that could and have done apply for this
not sure how it's going to work out though
Aren't we at 16?
I'm at 13¾ :)
Arsed to count, but there's 6 eliminations so far
Why do we eliminate the elminators?
@AdrianMole what review queue isn't a tiring and disheartening experience? :)
@AdrianMole you mean you haven't yet reached the cappuicno years!? :p
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Fair comment. But some are more so than others. I find (for example) the Reopen queue easier and less stressful.
... and Suggested Edits is hard work (or can be) but generally less dismaying.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine I actually enjoy suggested edits
tbh, I think all queues seem "to be easier" when you have binding votes
@AdrianMole until you touch tag wikis
Then it's back to being depressing
And I think some users actually enjoy the CV queue. Gives them a sense of power/purpose, perhaps?
@WhatsThePoint fair enough, it at least has some hella funny submissions:) Although speaking as an active reviewer of SEs, it ain't peaches and roses either most of the time.
@AdrianMole the other word you're missing is "control"
while we are at it - can we have the highlighting in suggested edits fixed, please? It's been more than a year since the last "we are looking into it"
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Useable tools? What site do you think you're on?
Are ping beeps disabled for this room? Or did I inadvertently turn them off?
Welcome to the site of broken tools, abandoned components, and an editor that adds tons of editor work that they're not fixing in spite of numerous bug reports
@ZoestandswithUkraine well, a man can try :) I've been trying to bring attention to this, frankly, critical issue for a while now
'tis the report. And it's not like it's hard to fix - a userscript fixing it up was developed months ago
I think the mods should have some say over the candidates for willing to do this
too many good names I know and would trust to do it though
I'd quite like @YaakovEllis to give his exact thoughts on how this happens in the blueroom
@JonClements I doubt that's going to happen
@JonClements Well, I suppose a mod could effectively make a candidate ineligible, simply by review-suspending them.
... not sure how you would go about the reverse, though. Bribery?
@ZoestandswithUkraine we want to get a certain number of users who are committing to giving feedback (and then you get a badge). But all mods will get access, even if they dont sign up.
@AdrianMole we have a ton of filter options now (in fact, one worry is that the number of filter options, and the whole listing versus "just show me one item" will be too overwhelming for reviewers)
@AdrianMole I didnt change anything. Do I need to do something to turn on beeps?
@JonClements In general, folks who want in on the beta and had previous suspensions will be ok to go in if they are active reviewers. Folks who have current or super recent suspensions wont. If there are any folks who applied that you have reservations about, feel free to ping me in the blue room
is it even possible to turn off notifications room-wide? first time I hear anything about that
@OlegValteriswithUkraine me too, but I have not spent so much time as a room owner before
@YaakovEllis No idea. I'm still getting beeps from other rooms, just not this one.
@AdrianMole I just got a beep from this one
Weird. Is it a bug or a feature? :)
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Not without userscripts
@AdrianMole Did you accidentally mute the tab?
@ZoestandswithUkraine Dunno. How would that work? (Let me close the tab and reopen ...)
... OK, can you ping me?
@AdrianMole If you happen to click the tab while sound is playing, you can mute it without noticing. Most browsers also have keybinds for it that it's perfectly possible to fatfinger
@IanCampbell no mod is compelled to participate. They are given access as a courtesy, and so that they can handle flags if they so choose. They dont have to give feedback if they dont want to. If any mods do not want to get access, ping me in the blue room and I'll add an exception for them.
@ZoestandswithUkraine Yep - that was it. Beeps are back!
If you right-click a tab, you get the option to mute (or unmute if it's muted already)
@YaakovEllis Sorry, I was just kidding around. It seems like a very reasonable courtesy.
@YaakovEllis yeah, I don't think there is anything like that natively. Most likely a PEBCAK :)
For the record, I really hope this whole SG thing works out.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine can you send me a link to the userscript please?
no rush, whenever works for you
here you go, courtesy of double-beep :) They fixed it up a while ago
granted, there might be more subtle issues at play that kept that report from being worked on, but fixing it would really help with both moderator workload and reviewer experience. And likely let a user or two less grumpy :)
@YaakovEllis Oh, I see. The backroom message was specifically about the badge. I (mis)interpreted it as we'd get access to the system (ref. the announcement) but not the team
@ZoestandswithUkraine nope, only about the badge. All mods will have access, with no commitment to use or give feedback required.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine we had a dev spend a few days on it a year and a half ago, FWIW. It wasn't ignored. Just turned into a time sync that we had to move off of. I am going to see if the user script can help us out (sometimes things that are done in user scripts cant just be lifted into site scripts as easily as we would like), so no promises.
Sorry that this has been such a bother
@YaakovEllis I understand, not saying there was any intent to purposefully ignore it. But since it seems like it has fallen through the cracks since, heck, it was worth a shot poking ya'll with a sharp stick (works like a charm :)). The userscript might not be the exact solution given that it's context is different than that of the codebase, but I hope it can at least point you in the right direction
@YaakovEllis the good part is that it's back on your radar - it's a pretty big issue for the queue. Not many people know about userscripts, so it ended up producing a steady stream of edits that actually fix nothing about the post
@YaakovEllis I think you mean "time sink" there. Too much asynchronous on the brain, probably. I blame jQuery :P
@YaakovEllis sign me up for the Staging Ground beta test
4 hours later…
@YaakovEllis I'm willing to give it a try. thanks!
@YaakovEllis Are you still looking for participants of the Staging Ground beta test. I'd like to volunteer for it if that's the case
@shaedrich yup, still open for participants
cool 👍🏻
I know, I'm probably not best suited for this based on my review contributions to first questions and first answers queues, but I reviewed a lot in the other queues, so I don't expect to be on top of the list, but if there are enough open positions left it might be enough
2 hours later…
@YaakovEllis ping
I've got 517 reviews in First Questions (including 67 carried over from the old first posts queue)

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