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12:24 AM
hey @Walter are u able to chat ?
4 hours later…
3:57 AM
@Walter can you please help me ive tried everything to make this ball to stay in the bowl but nothing works. Can you tell me what I can do to solve this?
if i make the bowl not trigger then i cant grab it with the claw anymore
wat else can I do ?
19 hours later…
10:42 PM
@alexa is the bowl a trigger? It should not be. Disable the script that grabs bowl and see if it falls through
now it acts like there is something n the bowl so it makes the ball leave the bowl
in the bowl*
I put the bowl to mesh collider and convex
If the bowl has no trigger than does the code have to be fixed?
yea itshows like there is a wall on top of bowl thats why the ball comes out by itself

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