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Q: PHP Fatal error 'dbClass' not found

KerryI don't know what's wrong, the code is working fine in my server but when I try to run the same code in my localhost using WAMP server I am getting the following errors. Can anyone help me out in fixing these please?

7 hours later…
Q: Joomla not display view for task

borisov87I have component called mycomponent models paypal.php controllers paypal.php views paypal view.html.php index.html tmpl(folder) default.php index.html In controller i have this code <?php // No direct access. defined('_JEXEC') or die; jimport('joomla.application.component.controlle...

1 hour later…
Q: Issues with Forms in Zend Framework

user2176313I am getting the following error : Fatal error: Class 'Application_Form_Employee' not found in /var/www/Employee/application/controllers/EmployeeController.php on line 31 I have created a separate folder for the forms in applications and placed the form Employee.php in the folder of Employee ...

2 hours later…
Q: PHP - unexpected T_VARIABLE

TschlokenI'm getting an unexpected T_VARIABLE on line 8 error message with the following PHP code, If anyone could help I'd appreciate it. <?php $con=mysqli_connect("mysql.0hosting.org","Username","Password","Database"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_co...

2 hours later…

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