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Q: How to make route in two point in googleway

AntonioI'm not able to generate the map, could someone help me? The graph I want to generate is the same as the one answered in this question: Googleway R Alternative routes I inserted the API Key and when run the code, appears error in df_routes: Error in lst[[c("routes", "overview_polyline", "points")...

what does your df look like?
Thanks for reply! I did a test with yours datas just to see. But my idea is to calculate the distance between two properties of the df dataset that I entered in the question above.
is df a valid response from Google? Can you show me what df looks like when you print it in the console?
Ok, just a moment
I inserted in the question. My idea is to calculate the route between two properties, for example, 1 and 3. And I saw that google_directions does this.
In your original question you create df with this line: df <- google_directions(...). What does this df look like? does the google_directions() funciton return anything and is df valid?
I inserted the figure in the question above to you see.
you inserted the object df1 (with the 1). I need to see df because the error you're getting is in this line - direction_polyline(df) - so I need to know what df looks like.
So actually like I said in the question, I just tried to reproduce what you did in this question here:… I copied your answer and I tried to apply, but I couldn't generate the map. I intend to generate the map you made first, if I can, then I try to do it for the df1 database that refers to the properties that I inserted above. Is it more understandable?
yes I know what you're trying to do. However, to generate the map, you need to have the result of the google_directions() function, which you have assigned to df using the code df <- google_directions(...).
If the result of the google_directions() function is not a valid response from Google, then nothing will work.
so I need to know what your df object is.
First of all, I just wanted to understand one thing. I went to read…. I took your first example there: test<-google_directions(origin = c(-37.8179746, 144.9668636), destination = c(-37.81659, 144.9841),mode = "driving") However, instead of walking, I put driving, then when I put test, the following appeared:
> test
geocoder_status place_id types
1 OK ChIJ0ZeAo7ZC1moRJx-s40-E0cU street_address
2 OK ChIJIdtrbupC1moRMPT0CXZWBB0 establishment, point_of_interest, train_station, transit_station

$routes bounds.northeast.lng bounds.southwest.lng copyrights
1 -37.81494 144.9855 -37.81782 144.9674 Map data ©2022 Google
Does that mean it worked or not?
yes that output suggests the example worked.
you can see in the output the $status says "OK"
whereas in the exmaple on your StackOverflow question you see the $status says "ZERO_RESULTS"
Great and what do I do next to generate the map and route?
The rest of the code should work, just replace df with test
df_routes <- data.frame(polyline = direction_polyline(test))

google_map() %>%
add_polylines(data = df_routes, polyline = "polyline")
I understand now! So if I replace the lat and long from your example to those of the properties I entered in the question, it has to work, right?
yes exactly
but you need to check the status of the result.
i.e., the status of the response from Google
I will test, one moment
It worked, how great! Thank you very much!

Just two questions: is there a way to calculate the time between the two points and the other is if you can show alternative routes, because it might have more than one path?

I did like this:
test<-google_directions(origin = c(-24.872139, -50.038787), destination = c(-24.9062992895515, -50.0125745903862), mode = "driving")

df_routes <- data.frame(polyline = direction_polyline(test))

google_map() %>%
add_polylines(data = df_routes, polyline = "polyline")
direction_steps(test) shows you the duration and distance of each leg of the journey
direction_steps(test)$duration will specifically show you the time of each leg
And is it possible to show alternative routes on the map? I think I saw it somewhere
yes - when you specify alternatives = TRUE in the google_directions() function, if possible it will return alternative routes.
The rest of the code will plot them without any modification
Great! just last question, I didn't understand very well direction_steps(test). I would just like the distance in km from one point to another, or maybe meters. Just this information.
gives you the distance of each leg
I did and gave the result:

> direction_steps(test)$distance
text value
1 25 m 25
2 0.9 km 940
3 4.6 km 4584
4 0.5 km 543
5 61 m 61
Can you explain this result to me a little? For example, in the third line we have: 4.6 km in text and 4584 in value. Does that mean the distance between the points is 4.6 km? If yes, what is the 61 m in the last line?
the distance of the entire route is sum(as.numeric(direction_steps(test)$distance$value))
The result test you get from Goolge gives the driving instructions for the entire route. But it's split into legs. In this example there are 5 legs. And each leg has a distance & time.
The official documentation explains in greate detail what Google gives you in their response -…
Understood now. In this case, two routes appeared for me, but it only considers one when doing direction_steps(test)$duration. It is correct this?
that is my understanding
Just to know is considered just a route when I do direction_steps(test)$duration,even if other alternative routes appear, right?
yes, direction_steps(test)$duration is only the duration of the first route in the response, not the alternatives.
Perfect, that's exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. My idea is to solve this question here:
I used OpenstreetMap, but the routing issue is not very good, just like Google Maps, I believe that google has more routes.
Actually, that's not correct
you can get the result of both routes:

However, the function direction_steps() is a convenience function I wrote, but it only returns the first route.
but the others are avaialble
For example, the distance of the second route is

Oh great! Because if I want to know the distance of other alternative routes, I can show the distance in km of the closest one.
> sum(as.numeric(direction_steps(test)$distance$value))
[1] 6153
> sum(as.numeric(test$routes$legs[[2]]$steps[[1]]$distance$value))
[1] 8070
I can compare this way.
This question:… I can used your method, right?
yes I think so.
Thanks for all the help! Will you want me to delete this question or improve it so you can answer?
You're welcome.

It's up to you what you do with the question. You can answer it youself if you want. I probably won't add an answer because I think we've covered everything in this chat and I don't really have time to write it up

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