so you are researching HCI concepts if I am not mistaken?
I'm dabbling in that area at the moment
I started out looking at applying ideas from appearance based vision to graphics problems
i.e. Image Based Rendering using models of image manifolds
We've got a hemispherium for visualisation in my building
and I've got a student trying to quantify the benefits of that for certain tasks at the moment
which uni is that?
are you researching in this sort of area too?
did you go straight through from the undergrad into post doc?
no I actually am focusing on computer security
i have an interest in engineering problems as well though because people make stuff way too complicated these days
I did a PhD after undergrad
and am on my first postdoc
sounds quite exciting
I have a passing interest in security issues too, but that's mostly on the hobby side
it is just rare for me to find actual computer scientists
on sites like this
I did sys-admin for a while to fund some of my PhD
and tried to do it all the "right" way
I've taught programming a fair bit
and I did some fairly sizable numerical work for my thesis
that I don't think I could have done without taking the software engineering side seriously
i will begin teaching at the end of May once I finish my masters before entering a doctoral program.
do you know what module(s) it'll be?
Is basing an assignment on mathematical correctness better or worse than running it through a battery of tests?
I can't say I am familiar with the term module in the context of education
you mean classes?
how do you mean?
yeah module=class/course
so in the theoretical world something should be true
but when moved to a practical application it won't always be true
it depends on the underlying assumptions made in the theoretical view
so the question when grading a student's assignment should I rely on a mathematical proof to say that they are correct OR should I create unit tests and run them against more practical scenarios
from a software engineering perspective I like the unit-test approach
I will be taking a course in research and a course in cryptography
that sounds fun to teach
(the cryptography part at least)
which the engineering or the cryptography
the trick with assignments is to write things that are easy to mark
which makes programmatically testing assignments attractive
I would imagine it is more about expected outputs and runtime exceptions
the only thing you have to watch for with that is people who "fake it"
to pass the tests without actually solving the problem
well that tidbit can be hidden from the students
it would be unhelpful to tell them what I was testing against
prevents gaming the system
for test driven development it's more realistic to see the tests first
and it's usually dead obvious if someone has gamed it
correct, however TDD is harmful the larger the code base becomes
speaking from the implementation side
but yes if someone is scoring a 100% and has no real code its quite obvios
for first year student's it's quite a good way of forcing them to actually solve the problem asked instead of inventing an alternative problem they thought was more interesting
i didn't even think of that
i remember how many times I re-invented the list because i didnt like the implementation
they have a habit of implementing feature Y which wasn't in the spec and doing quite a nice job of it, but ignoring half the stuff you asked for
do you find that more from experienced students i.e. those that have programmed since they were 6 or from the less experienced ones
which is problematic from both a "if you do that in industry it wastes money" and a "how am I meant to mark that" perspective
normally the experienced ones do what you asked for and more
at least that's what I've seen mostly
makes sense
I think for the less experienced students it's a "burying head in sand" strategy
actually the thing that gets me most annoyed is this:
if(boolean) statement;
while technically correct and it compiles it does cause issues
just my random sidebar
anyways I must be back to work, quite fun talking with you
nice to see other academics on here
feel free to email me sometime if you get bored: [email protected]
alrighty have a good one
you too, thanks