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ok shoot me your proposal
Hey, thanks :)
Q: Writing a jQuery plugin to implement a complex content-aware multi-column multi-page display

alisamiiI need to develop a jQuery plugin to enable the display of content in web pages which has the following characteristics: Responsive display: Displays 3, 2 or 1 column based on media-query breakpoints. Content Aware: It can detect and intelligently adjust based on content (ul, ol, table, img) Co...

I've laid out most of the requirements there
and a starting script, but it is crappy
BTW, you have tons of fans, I am sure you're aware of that
One person even called you a God!!! :)
lol well i'm no god. i am not even a front end developer :P
I do this in my spare time
So basically you're looking for someone to fix up your plugin
yeah...this plugin was a purchase off of code canyon, as a way to get something to start with, but it really is not well thought through and has a lot of holes
as regards, God status...I reserve that for God himself...but people do respect your abilities a lot
so, do you think you could help me get this done?
@rlemon so, can you help me out?
tbh I will have to look over the code and see if a) it would interest me and b) how workable it is in it's current state - can I get back to you in a day or so?
cool, talk to you later.
another quick question you might be able to help me with in 2 seconds
I have a landing page on the site
I need to set a cookie to load it only once per session
no need to answer now...just get back to me when you get back to me about the more complex script
have a great evening
BTW, that is the site this more complex script is for
OK, no worries about the landing page...that's taken care of

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