I have main activity with navigation menu drawer.
Now i have to show Timer in collapsing toolbar in particular navigation menu item fragment on other item selection i have to show regular toolbar without collapsing.
I had search for same issue and i had found some solution but i want best solut...
Hi, I have 2 files: a.ts with "export namespace a..." and b.ts with "export namespace b..." - now I want to use b.whatever() in a.ts - But b is not known... I cant use require or import because I am forced to use asp.net mvc... what to do?
someone here to help pls
hey, someone here to read my question pls
Hi, I have 2 files: a.ts with "export namespace a..." and b.ts with "export namespace b..." - now I want to use b.whatever() in a.ts - But b is not known... I cant use require or import because I am forced to use asp.net mvc... what to do?