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7:21 AM
noooo. What have You got against an easy gif/wiki/etc... citer.
(I summoned it once, I didn't revive her)
we know
I don't see any advantages from the bot here
8:07 AM
!!wiki advantages
giphy can be very handy too
other users find other features handy
!!> 1 + 1
I use a lot to welcome someone !!welcome-c#, so it's obvious for him/her that You don't have to ask if You can ask.
or !!mcve
3 hours later…
11:24 AM
@FoggyFinder can u kick her? I did it already once
after she cambe back but it's not enough
2 messages moved to Trash can
freakin' Westworld here
since mIRC I haven't seen a proper chat without a bot. Administrative purposes, etc.. Why is the fierce fight against a bot?
there were absolutely no problems in this chat without a bot
I have shown my reasons why is it good. Tho now it have been censured. Plain freakin socialism style
it's a chatroom not democracy :D
unfortunately the bot was used to spam this room on firdays
also, generally speaking in most democracies rights usually come hand in hand with duties
the bot didn't generate spam. The spammer could just as much copy paste the vid links
11:32 AM
so I'm a bit puzzled about a right to having a bot
ah, the AR-15 argument
if it's automated, and generates posts on fridays, I'm totally agree with kill the bot
but I promised to not spam it again. So it's completely not related to having a bot or not.
u really like her :D
you can just say so
let's ask @FoggyFinder
I'm no against a romantic
it's handy. Yes. And in my view it's literally 5 people fighting against a tool, not to have. With really put him/herselfs into the fight. Why? Bot doesn't generate a post if not invoked.
like You could just as much say ban shovel in a garden.
we were perfect without it before.
I would luv to see F# related fervor in this chatroom :D but as I said fine, but can't do much if someone else wants to kick her though
anyhow what brings you here @ntohl?
lurking 😃
11:41 AM
yeah, it's a good chatroom for that, low traffic
btw I cannot make a process processing bigger input than a random block size
I hope you are not a bot! :D
Q: Process with redirected standard input/output behaves differently depending on size of input

ntohlI have an odd behavior about running processes from F#. My basic problem was to run Graphviz's dot.exe with a generated graph, and visualize it. When I restricted the graph to be small, everything worked fine. But with bigger graphs, it hanged on a specific line. I'm curious why is it happening...

if anyone have good idea what could else go wrong... I have a version where both output and input are very very async, still deadlocks on something
trying to visualize our database in some way
ah, I saw that, yeah, no idea, could be not threadsafe as you say with the input/output
you could post a bounty on it I guess, or maybe link it in the FSSF slack, someone might pick it up
what happens if you re-write it in let's say C# and its async/await (which is hot). any difference?
hmm. I will try handling error stream first, than try C# rewriting
anyway I have to firefight now. There are a lot higher priority issue here than visualizing the db. Anyway I can copy paste the generated graph string into a txt file, and just call dot.exe by hand.
(my biggest mistery is how does cmd.exe do what Process can't)
2 hours later…
2:07 PM
just my opinion: better without cylon around
j. Doe just linked this in the C# chat: arxiv.org/pdf/1703.05698.pdf
it's friday, so let's add some good music - Midnattsol - A Predator's Prey

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