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Hey anyone can help me with PHP error???
<form name="submit_form" action="./uploads/submit.inc.php" method="POST">
<div class="wrapper">
<code name="code_editor" id="ace-editorid">#include "iostream"
int main(){
cout<<"Hello World\n";
return 0;
Type the Problem ID: <input type="text" name="probId">
<input type="submit" name="b_code_submit" class="submit_query">
<script src='cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/…'></script>
<script src='cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/…'></script>
<script src="./css/script.js"></script>
my problem is that when user enters his own code and presses the submit button, then data is sent through post method
and when i'm trying to use this code using $code = _POST["code_editor"] in another php file, it's not displaying anything
i was previously using textarea tag and it worked
2 hours later…
parentDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
if( event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && event.target.type === 'checkbox' ) {
const valueAdded = Number(event.target.value) * (event.target.checked ? 1 : -1);
output.value = Number(output.value) + valueAdded;
1 message moved from JavaScript
parentDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
if( event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && event.target.type === 'checkbox' ) {
const valueAdded = Number(event.target.value) * (event.target.checked ? 1 : -1);
output.value = Number(output.value) + valueAdded;
1 message moved from JavaScript
parentDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
if( event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && event.target.type === 'checkbox' ) {
const valueAdded = Number(event.target.value) * (event.target.checked ? 1 : -1);
output.value = Number(output.value) + valueAdded;
1 message moved from JavaScript
why do you ban me
6 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@AndreiClaudiu this is not a dating site. Stop being creepy, this is your last warning.
can i give her my facebook
and thats all
5 messages moved from JavaScript
6 hours later…
anyone has a Twitter link regarding the drama in the R room?
If you want an example of toxic behaviour in our community, drop by the SO R Chat Room: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/106/r The tirade of snark & abuse directed at the #tidyverse by some in the #rstats Community has gone way beyond friendly banter.
@Frank thanks
@russellpierce & @GregoryDemin both have write access FYI
@Frank Very stupid and needless tweet btw (IMO)
Was reading Twitter, just found this tweet.
@DavidArenburg others disagree (hadley tweeted thanks, joran dropped his room ownership)
how is it going to bring any good to anyone
yeah, well, re joran, I saw that. It's called peer pressure
re-hadley, I better keep it to myself
@DavidArenburg if you silence talk to the effect "r is easy, learn r. don't pay people for lessons in hip new things", it's good for the "r is hard" business. fair play re criticizing jabs at Mara, but otherwise, i do not regard any criticism i've seen of the 'verse as "abuse"
which is not to say that i wholly object to the "r is hard" business model, as it is financing rstudio's development and maintenance of tools we all use
@Frank That ^ crap is exactly wha I have in mind
RStudio is creating a mob of "YES-MEN" who can't think, can't program and all they do is put like on Hadleys statuses/tweets/answers
but i mean, i'm going to continue to both criticize and joke about it, trusting that it's clear that i find their work valuable nonetheless...
This is the real abuse that going here. Basically, if you have money to sponsor you packages, you win the mob.
@DavidArenburg this is true pretty much anywhere
@zx8754 That doesn't make it right
and calling the ones who criticize it as abusers is a joke
I am not taking sides
@DavidArenburg i lean towards not making more of it than it is. then again, i'm not the target of their attempt at reputation-ruining / speech controlling, so it may be less easy than i imagine
(speaking more broadly about online mobs)
@ucfagls @romain_francois What is wrong if someone thinks that #tidyverse is crap? Everyone is free to express his opinion. Explain please.
I like this guy and his packages too ^
Heh, this is the one tweet I just faved :)
true heroes don't always wear capes
@DavidArenburg i guess he didn't get the message. Gavin does not want to discuss or debate it, he's so horrified
ah, no comment. i don't know him at all, much less his motives
this is the world we live in, where professors have nothing better to do
I've already said enough with my comments under Rob Hyndmans post. I think I've said enough
nothing good ever gets out of me raging about the worlds wrongs
@DavidArenburg Can I have a link to post?
@m0nhawk I've deleted my comments after the guys in the R room told me that I was too harsh
For me it look like the both sides are just don't understand other's position.
@hadleywickham Thanks Hadley
Why people argue so much on the type of "hammer" to use? As long as 2 %>% `+`(2) yield the same as 2 + 2 both instruments can be used.
@m0nhawk well, there's a "these are tools made by people with feelings and good intentions not unlike your own if you think about it. please have respect and be constructive" side (A) and a "yeah, but they are built on false premises, since other tools exist and pipes don't solve everything" side (B). to a varying extent, folks on each side persist in dismissing the other...
hmm, I see that @alistaire linked that room there too. I guess I've ruined the good impression he was trying to make of this room. Am I becoming Dirk?
@Frank Is this the citations?
@m0nhawk i don't follow. if you mean the A and B, i put them there considering ranting some with reference to them but ran out of energy
Maybe I just had much wider glance on the problem: in C# they had LINQ (it's looks similar to dplyr + pipes, but much more powerful) and they had this type of argue for years.
(mostly talking about B side)
Similar for Java with Streams.
(I bet Hadley inspired by it)
yeah, that makes sense
And pipes exists even longer in *nix.
I will never understand why people argue on the used instruments...
@DavidArenburg Where in the what now?
@m0nhawk I think because the tool use of others affects us. Both in terms of the direction the community grows, the skills I'll need to debug other's code, etc etc. It is too bad those arguments are so seldom fruitful. It is a real shame they aren't discussions instead; but that requires that everyone be on board.
@russellpierce this isn't a thing. If you work together: then you need to agree on used instruments, libraries, code style and everything else; and if you are talking about open source - then the creator already have everything in mind.
@m0nhawk i have preferences over the tools in use where i work. for example, the sane response to "we use excel for everything, programming, long-term data storage, you name it" is to run away. and i prefer (though hardly feel entitled to demand) that open-source tools don't have unnecessary dependencies
@m0nhawk what isn't a thing? community trends?
@Frank maybe I'm lucky, but in my experience we don't choose something by trends.
If you choose "community trends" a thing, you will have wen development.
Then have a new library or framework every month.
*wen => web
*then => they
@m0nhawk i agree. but over time the space of maintained libraries may depend on such trends. if good advertising to individuals or companies leads to widespread adoption of inferior tools (advertising because eg companies have commercial "enhancements" for sale), it does harm the others. why maintain your package if some company cloned it for their ecosystem? and why should the R foundation invest in development of improvements to R that only depend on R when "everybody" uses ecosystem x?
not saying i care strongly, but i find it interesting
i use basically no packages, so yeah, i do not mean that i follow trends in terms of my own use
@DavidArenburg eh, you're a little grumpy, but mostly not that grumpy

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