function checkWin() { if(popupWindow.closed) { document.getElementById('alrt').innerHTML='<strong>If download is not successful,<a href="http://ABC/Home/DownloadDocPage"> Click here</a> to download </strong>'; } }
@ber a guy in company was going to kasauli. She said she'll bring her friend and told him to bring me, but it was one day trip (no night stay), so I refused.
@berserk the first she is a girl working in company. My friend is hitting on her. They were planning trip. First she asked for me too, with a friend of hers.
let first = {name:{ FirstName: "Foo", SurName: "Bar"}}; let last = {name:{ FirstName: "Baz" }}; let person = Object.assign( first,last); console.log(person);
well i have to instanciate the class so my class is : function Book() { var _recipes = []; this.addRecipe = function(recipe) {_recipes.push(recipe);}, this.removeRecipe = function(id) {_recipes.splice(id, 1);}, this.getRecipes = function() {return _recipes;} }
Hi I need to display selected value in edit page , this is the function for county and state selection in my form => print_country('customer_account_cus_acc_country',1); $('#customer_account_cus_acc_country').change(function() { print_state('customer_account_cus_acc_state',this.selectedIndex); });