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1:00 PM
/hang o
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 |  \O/
- a - e s - o - -
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 |  \O/
- a - e s - o n -
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 |  \O/
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- a - e s - o n -
1:01 PM
Hangman hint : the name is
Already used
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 |  \O/
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 |  / \
- a - e s - o n -
Game over.. The word is jamesbond
1:02 PM
boond boond
why two legs
i want shorter games in chat
 |   |
p - - - - - - - -
1:02 PM
you got hint :p
the first hint was wrong
/hang r
 |   |
p r - - - - - - r
/hang processor
 |   |
p r o c e s s o r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
1:04 PM
Messages Today : 18
Hangman games : 2
Most Correct letter found by : Saad Chaudhry (9 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Saad Chaudhry (3 times) _ 2nd : Himanshu Joshi (1 times)
i didn't understand the stats calculation :/
"p r o c e s s o r" this word repeated
1:05 PM
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- - - n - -
Hint obscured till 2 lives left
@TheTiger i kinda closed my mac and words got lost
i am working on fxing things
1:05 PM
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- - - n - e
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 |   O
- - - n - e
@Shubhank So you requested to Kamini to post it again?
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 |  \O/
- - - n - e
1:06 PM
Hangman hint : *shut up and *
/hang bounce
 |   |
 |  \O/
b o u n c e
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
1:06 PM
Messages Today : 26
Hangman games : 3
Most Correct letter found by : Saad Chaudhry (14 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Saad Chaudhry (5 times) _ 2nd : Himanshu Joshi (1 times)
Like I'm watching highlights of Cricket match
@TheTiger its random. althoght in a continous session it wont repeat words
the stat is updated per word or per character?
Is she Robot? @Shubhank
1:07 PM
Bot to be precise
once upon a time she was he :D
As usual what delhi people do
not he
1:08 PM
just had not done naam karan :P
so why its still hangman :P
Many "he" people as pretending them "she" on social media. But was not accepting on SO ;)
it should be hang women
i cant draw a women in ASCII :p
@SaadChaudhry She/He can not paint a women while man is easy to make.
1:11 PM
git hub io projects can probably host free site
@SaadChaudhry You are from Punjab?
Old Punjab
@NitinGohel, hi
Hi @NitinGohel
@Shubhank Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@SaadChaudhry i will ban you :P
1:16 PM
:D :D :D
@TheTiger you from?
Forest :P
Mogli's enemy
1:19 PM
Yup :)
who's Bulgarian
@Shubhank Bot Awaken
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- - - - o
1:20 PM
yari chandigarh waliye ni teri kra gye hath yar de khade!
 |   |
 |   O
- - - - o
/hang bravo
I saw a Bulgarian wrestler in WWE. He was so funny lol
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 |   O
b r a v o
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
1:20 PM
stupid UILabel
not changing to 2 lines
/what Swift :P
@LESANG Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
He doesn't want to be fatty @Shubhank
@Kamini lol nice programm @Shubhank
1:21 PM
@TheTiger Yea, if you want to watch ancient people's behaviour :P
/youtube chu che chu che
lol amazing
is she listen only your command or everyone's @Shubhank
@LiquidPenguin Why are you pointing me? I was just talking about that wrestler :)
1:22 PM
/youtube Shubhank
He is She = She is He @NitinGohel
/youtube SwipeKeys
/search Shubhank
Yah, too great
really really amazing
/youtube Blap Bird
1:24 PM
Bye guys .... See you tomorrow!!
Ram Ram 
@TheTiger ram ram brother
Bye bye
/search Best iOS tutorial in Swift
1:26 PM
Q: Best way to learn Swift?

RolandI'm pretty new to the Swift programming language but I have learned most of the basics and want to move on even more. Does anybody have recommendations for any good Swift books out there or any other resources that could help me advance in the language? I know the language is still pretty new but...

fixed the labell
/search best programing language for Kid
Q: What is a good programming language to start my Grade 1 son learning?

Brent Possible Duplicates: How to get kids into programming Suggestions on starting a child programming. Is there a really simple programming language that I can use to teach my 6 year old son concepts of programming, syntax and logic?

Is Android SDK = Android Studio...?
1:30 PM
@LESANG Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
/answer Is Android SDK = Android Studio...?
@LESANG Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Commands : ((super admin only) /ban /unban /banHangman)
((admin only) /awake /suspend /learn /forget)
/hello /goodbye /search /wiki /youtube /stats /welcome /greet /usercommands /welcomeishwarstyle /hint /help /hang <letter> /whocares /annoy /annoylara /codedoesntwork /hateyou /shoot /boo /jooti /heartbroken /kill /middlefinger /hangman /flip /dunno /disapprove /cleanup /cleanupHindi /eval /info /usegist /yudothis /keepcalm /jaasimran /goodquestion /sahipakdehai /tumsenahoga (gifs) /g_agree /g_c_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry More info to
@PichiWuana no
yo :D
reminds me to fix hindi command
1:33 PM
/search Is Android SDK same as Android Studio...? @PichiWuana
Q: Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path

becomputer06When I open Android SDK Manager from Android Studio, the SDK Path displayed is: \android-studio\sdk I want to change this path. How do I do it?

Kaminapan Initialized
Command failed. No message found to trash
@NitinGohel if you like the name set it as yours :P :D
1:34 PM
English pl
@SaadChaudhry ok sir will think about your suggestion
your syntax fail :p
:D :P thanks :)
1:35 PM
Messages Today : 2
Hangman games : 0
Most Correct letter found by : No one
Most Incorrect letter by : No one
you woke up next day girl
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- - - - - - - s
1:36 PM
you have been sleeping for 14+ hours
/hang n
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- - - n - - - s
1:36 PM
@LESANG thanks, it worked
/hang a
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a - - n - - - s
/hang e
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a - e n - e - s
/hang avengers
1:37 PM
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a v e n g e r s
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- - - t - - - t - -
/hang a
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- - - t - a - t - -
/hang i
1:39 PM
 |   |
 |   O
- - - t - a - t - -
/hang s
 |   |
 |   O
- - s t - a - t - -
/hang r
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 |  \O/
- - s t - a - t - -
1:39 PM
Hangman hint : white and blue bmw
/hang mostwanted
 |   |
 |  \O/
m o s t w a n t e d
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Cleaned up
1:40 PM
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- - - w - - - -
@Shubhank awesome
/hang a
Why do people need to play Hangman in this chat?
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 |   O
- - - w - - - -
1:40 PM
@Shubhank well if it doesn't work don't worry I will throw out the hindi and user chatting in hindi XD
@PichiWuana otherwise i have to answer too many questions during the day :P
i'll stop if it bothers ppl :p
/hang e
we will do moderating. its only been 10 days of having the bot in the room
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 |   O
- - - w - - - e
1:41 PM
/hang showtime
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 |   O
s h o w t i m e
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Why if it's a bot, it has answered some questions?
I mean the ones in Stack Overflow website
1:43 PM
its ghanchakar
not here
well i made the profile
and you need rep to chat -_-
oh right haha
Is there some project or something you have been working on these days?
Kaminapan Initialized
didnt get you. you mean as whole room kinda project ?
1:53 PM
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- - - t - - - t - -
Kaminapan Initialized
nope, next might be that though. thinking of a github io site
collaborative one
kidi public wiki. free promotion :P
1:55 PM
what you working on
and you studying or a experienced programmers/working
I will work with basic Android Studio apps
Kaminapan Initialized
Kaminapan Initialized
1:59 PM
Messages Today : 1
Hangman games : 0
Most Correct letter found by : No one
Most Incorrect letter by : No one
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- - - - - e
Kaminapan Initialized

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