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1 message moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
function Ninja(){
this.swung = true;

var ninjaA = new Ninja();
var ninjaB = new Ninja();

Ninja.prototype.swing = function(){
this.swung = false;
return this;

log( ninjaA.swing().swung, "Verify that the swing method exists and returns an instance." );
log( !ninjaB.swing().swung, "and that it works on all Ninja instances." );
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2 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
@Kirti majhi mummy aani devpuja aani upvas aani niyam aani sanskruti aani parampara sarv goshtincha Sangam aahe :) :D
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
2 hours later…
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
1 hour later…
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
!!define c#
@dholakiyaankit c The third letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.
!!define css
@dholakiyaankit It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
!! define #if
@dholakiyaankit It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
let me see
!!define stackoverflow
@dholakiyaankit My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
did u check this
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
NSString *string = [_webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementById(\"body\").offsetHeight;"];
CGFloat height = [string floatValue] + 8;
CGRect frame = [_webView frame];
frame.size.height = height;
[_webView setFrame:frame];

if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(webViewController:webViewDidResize:)])
[[self delegate] webViewController:self webViewDidResize:frame.size];
3 messages moved from [PhoneGap Framework ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11300/phonegap-framework)
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
!!define killer R
@ICanHasCheezburger My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
@ICanHasCheezburger [you](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) (object pronoun) The people spoken, or written to, as an object. [from 9th c.]
1611, Bible, Authorized (King James) Version. Genesis XLII:
And Joseph said unto them, That is it that I spake unto you, saying, Ye are spies [...].
!!define who is your daddy?
@ICanHasCheezburger No definition found.
14 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
1 message moved from Maharashtrian Code Warriors‌​
6 hours later…
dropbox.com/s/0wajssc5cb3qam0/newsfeed.7z please someone help me with this .
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