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Hi @RE60K and sorry, there are rules for this room
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1 hour later…
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
is it so, that when i append like this: $("body").append($("<script />", {
src:"/lsScript.js?v=" + new Date().getTime()
1 message moved from JavaScript
3 hours later…
yoyo my fellow js devs
Got a typescript questions:
export interface MediaState {
    camera: boolean,
    microphone: boolean,
    screen: boolean

export type MediaSource = keyof MediaState;

class MyInfoStore {
   public transports: Record<TransportJob, types.Transport | null> = {
        sending: null,
        receiving: null
class MyInfoService {
    static pause(source: MediaSource) {
TypeScript is complaining that Type MediaSource cannot be used as an index type. Why not?
How can I index a record like this?
4 messages moved from JavaScript
    export interface MediaState {
        camera: boolean,
        microphone: boolean,
        screen: boolean

    export type MediaSource = keyof MediaState;

   class MyInfoStore {
       public producers: Record<MediaSource, types.Transport | null> = {
        camera: null,
        microphone: null,
        screen: null

    class MyInfoService {
        static pause(source: MediaSource) {
TypeScript is complaining that Type MediaSource cannot be used as an index type. Why not? How can I index a record like this?
4 messages moved from JavaScript
2 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/63062686/… Would it be a good idea to include a line number setter option just like Code, Bold etc.?

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