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var butt = document.getElementsByClassName(".Butt");
function() {
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3 hours later…
@Queen k
Be nice doesn't apply to me only
It applies to everyone in this room.
two wrongs don't make a right.
I thought we agreed to drop this?
if someone else is being rude, you being rude is no less wrong
If they were nice then I would be nice(and I proved that by apologize to every problem here) but they weren't nice with me then why I would be?
Then what I do?
@Cerbrus my bad, you handle it :P
I flagged their posts and yet nothing happened.
@Boypro: Others not being nice to you does not give you the right to not be rude as well.
The discussion was over already.
13 messages moved from JavaScript
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
xD fucking troll but i get your point that it has too broad of a possible answer pool
1 message moved from Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails
like the recycle bin bur trashier :( that bad...
3 hours later…
1 hour later…

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