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Q: Launching an activity from another activity skips a lot (96) frames

GreyfrogI have an app which had two activities - LoginActivity (LA) and AppActivity (AA). As you have guessed, LA launches AA upon successful log. For the debugging purpose, I removed all the login logic and replaced it with the simple button to launch AA. AA containes on Fragment which contain a viewpag...

can you add AppActivity's code
I figured out one of three skipping frame warning. I was initializing TTS engine - engine = TextToSpeech(this, this) in onCreate inside AppAcitvity which was causing 84 frames skips so I commented out and now I only get two warning for skipping frames instead of three.
Well then, now you don't need that?
No, I need that so I am putting it inside a thread. Right now I am trying to figure out other two warning for skipping frames.
If you can add the code, you can be helped
okay let me add it
@rahat I have updated my question. please read the new update too Thank you.
Hey, you gave the changed code
If you could give the original code especially of the oncreate()
also, I noticed I can't initialize engine inside a thread because it crashes the app
just the onCreate() ?
yes but original
val toolbar: Toolbar = findViewById(

val drawerLayout: DrawerLayout = findViewById(
val navView: NavigationView = findViewById(
val navController = findNavController(
// Passing each menu ID as a set of Ids because each
// menu should be considered as top level destinations.
appBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(setOf(,,, drawerLayout)
observers() who is this guy?
this guys just observe message from other fragments and feed it to tts
wait I will share
private fun observers(){
fusionViewModel.getMessage().observe(this,{ msg ->
and in the original code are you doing some thing in onstart or on resume?
they weren't even implemented
just onCreate
I don't understand this -- I have moved TTS engine initialization inside thread and I still get fram drops. Not as significant as before but I still get frame drop like 35 frames

Thread(Runnable {
engine = TextToSpeech(this, this)
Hi Rahat if you check back -- I am creating a viewpager and one of the view is loading music from local storage and populating them in the list.

I have implemented this method to play and pause when your click on the list -

musicAdapter?.setOnItemClickListener(object : OnRVItemClickListener {
override fun OnItemClick(pos: Int) {
if (pos == currSong && mediaPlayer != null) {
/* play pause same song*/
} else {
/* start a new song from the list*/
playContentUri(musicList.get(pos).uri, musicList.get(pos).title)
This is the play pause method

private fun playPause(){
if (mediaPlayer!!.isPlaying) {
playerUI(false, R.drawable.ic_play_circle_outline_24px)
playerUI(true, R.drawable.ic_pause_circle_outline_24px)

So the problem I have here is, when I swipe between my views from viewpager I see CPU usage goes up and comes back to zero. When I start the music from the list, CPU usage goes up and remain up during the play time... what I expect is when I pause or stop music CPU usage should go back to zero
but CPU usage remain up and doesn't become zero even if I have stopped or paused the music.
when I swipe the views and come back to this view again, CPU usage become zero. Means I would have to swipe between views after pausing music to make CPU usage zero.

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