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Q: How to fix Exposed AWS Credentials Android rejected app by Google Play

Sagar VasoyaI'm using Amazon AWS Web service (AmazonDynamoDBClient And AmazonS3Client) using CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider with identityPoolId in my Android application In previous version of my app, i use hardcoded aws key and secret but now i replace with Amazon Cognito Credentials Provider Application...

Are you storing the access key and secret key in ShreadPreference or in Strings file or in your code files?
@rahat No, i use Cognito with identityPoolId to fetch data
So you do not have an access key or secret key or both in your app? If any one or both of them was there in your app in previous versions of the app?
@rahat Yes in Previous versions i use access key and secret key both in Java File, but now i removed both from coding
@rahat I need contact support while uploading new build?
Ok, I faced exactly the same, when you upload the latest build, tell them (there is a form ) that you have resolved the issue due to which this app was rejected.
Yes you may appeal.
@rahat are you using aws database in android app with cognito?
Not aws database, but AWS S3 storage
if application live can you share play store url
Sorry but why do you need that?
i have remove key and secret from coding and try 3-5 time but every time application reject from play store
@rahat if possible i want to decompile apk and check sdk and coding
Its not my personal app, it was developed for a company
ok so no need
what you can do is make one build where all the code related to the aws should be commented
then upload it, they will approve it
the moment it is approved, then you upload your build with aws features with aws cognito.
I just did it this way.
my app is based on aws data so if i comment aws code so app not work
in splash screen i download data from aws database in local
@rahat i have checked app release form in console but i can't find option for appeal

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