You can use the lazy loading technique in my answer
To make it dynamic and avoid repetition, You can use enclosing arrow functions(()=>{}) to avoid direct execution and use Object.defineProperty() to add a getter.
const g = {};//global object
const addGetter_ = (name, value, obj = g) => {
I tried Classes with Proxy after this, but it's much more bloaty.
this takes advantage of the fact that all functions are objects first and foremost
I find it quite clean, and the cache is super-easy to clear (either by delete getSheet.sheet or, which is semantically more correct, getSheet.sheet = null;
it is also easily abstractable
I am also extremely baffled to see someone not only use global variables but deliberately use the global binding misfeature that should be considered an error instead
I like your approach of memoizable getters, though, that is pretty much the same thing, come to think of it.
@OlegValter Nice, but for say a dozen of needed variables(with different data returntypes), it gets quite verbose... with the repeated if, return. Then we need to check for if ss is available too in each of those functions right?