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2:26 AM
@Makyen I just noticed something about CHAT.addEventHandlerHook: if a message is sent and it's a reply to an existing message, two more properties will be on the event object: show_parent (which seems to be always true), and parent_id, which is the ID of the message being replied to. I'd edit the info into stackapps.com/a/8269 myself, but you're much better at the phrasing. I'll try myself if you'd rather not, though. :)
3:07 AM
I think Makyen has noted before that you don't need to have any reservations about editing one of his posts, if you have an improvement to suggest. He'll get notified of your edit so that he can review it and modify/reject it as he sees fit.
Although I suppose in this case your concern is how to phrase it?
@richardec show_parent is only present if the message is an actual reply to the message ID indicated in parent_id. parent_id will be present for actual replies and @pings. For @pings it will be the most recent message by the pinged user and show_parent won't be present. In general, I've kept answer to: "Obtaining full chat transcripts" updated with the values which can be in the event Object, at least for event_type: 1 (and some of the other event_types).
I probably should create a canonical post on Stack Apps with all the that information, and the other possible fields for other types of events, as it's current location is ... not easily found. It wasn't really my intent to have the CHAT.addEventHandlerHook() Q&A be a canonical for all possible event values, particularly given that the above linked one already existed.
I should probably also add an answer to "Obtaining full chat transcripts" with the code I wrote to download and save full chat transcripts. There were, however, some political issues with enabling that capability.
political... issues?
Surely you've heard of political issues. :-)
I don't know exactly what Makyen is referring to. I know there have been some vociferous objections to downloading transcripts of private rooms (e.g., moderator discussion rooms), since that can result in information leaks, but I am not aware of any concerns about downloading the transcripts of public rooms.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine I'm not really permitted to expand on the issues beyond what's already been said.
@Makyen oh, ok, sure - was wondering in case it's shareable info
3:50 AM
Now he's gotten me curious as well.
At least you will be able to satiate the curiosity :)
Oh, do you mean I'm supposed to ask in a back channel? Well, that'd be cheating.
4:25 AM
But satisfactory? That's what cheating is for :)
2 hours later…
6:27 AM
note to self: always check that relying on auto-click does not cause an mini-DoS on SE's servers
yeah, auto-click. I was wrapping up a userscript that allows to unfollow all posts on the site in bulk (MSE feature request) and also has a couple of optional features. One of them is auto-following questions and answers
so... I noticed I can get away with simply programmatically clicking on "follow" buttons if they are in the "not following" state.
and as a cool kid, I also strapped on a mutation observer to be able to do that on the fly if new buttons are added (f.e., an answer is loaded).
6:44 AM
Why not just submit HTTP requests?
what I did not think about is that in the logged out state, the button "follow" is not actually disabled but instead opens a popup
UI automation is never the solution
@CodyGray because the button does the same thing, basically
But with less elegance and predictability
so... when I landed on the link you supplied, my script started to frantically click on those buttons trying to get them to the "following" state.
and that would've been O.K. if not for one thing...
instead of doing, you know, nothing, for anonymous users, SE issues a request to https://<origin>/posts/popup/anon-vote/<post-id>?voteTypeId=21!
6:48 AM
It's somewhat surprising that they issue a request to show a pop-up
That's the kind of thing you'd think would be handled purely by JS, no?
it is, however, it for some reason tries to anon-vote on the post (???)
and the "create an account" popup is shown separately from that
Oh, as if you had clicked the upvote arrow?
just with voteTypeId=21
Well, I guess they figure anyone who wants to "follow" a post is interested in it, and they want to track that interest in the same way they'd track an upvote
Those statistics are, of course, entirely unused and meaningless
A network mod tried to tell me the other day that they are automatically converted into votes once you earn enough rep to actually cast votes, but... no, that's completely wrong.
that would be... reasonable if that button didn't have a separate tracking set of attributes tacked on to it :)
so the lesson to me - yeah, should've rolled with making an HTTP request on my own instead of auto-clicking
6:51 AM
Better control and predictability
funny thing: there is no rate-limit on clicking the "follow" button - only when you make enough to DoS SE you are blocked
That's not surprising, really
what is surprising, though, is that it still sends a request
even though it makes no sense to
@CodyGray yeah, I re-learned it the hard way today :)
Fun fact: there's a rate limit on deleting user accounts. If you hit it, you just get a white screen telling you that you hit it. (fortunately, you can use F5 and confirm the prompt to resubmit the request)
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Do you remember that "Follow" had a bunch of weird bugs that were super hard to track? Stuff like you click and it says you've followed a post but you didn't. And similar. Maybe you've found out the reason.
Or a symptom.
6:56 AM
@RyanM Does pressing F5 like that include any annotations you've written? I've always wondered, but never been brave enough to try and risk losing them.
@VLAZ yeah. There are still issues - like resetting "follow" state after edits (that's actually why I added this feature - because the most valuable time for me to follow a post is right after I edited it to ensure it's not rolled back by a stubborn sneaky OP days later)
@CodyGray If by annotations you mean the written reason details, yeah.
Yeah. I'm surprised those are saved and re-submitted.
@RyanM well, I guess it makes sense to throttle destructive actions a little
Throttling moderators makes no sense at all whatsoever.
Prove me wrong.
6:58 AM
@CodyGray Well, it's part of the POST data, right? So the browser is just resubmitting that.
I suppose so, it's a browser feature.
@CodyGray ahem
I don't speak of manually-imposed rate limits :-)
Oh, I mean to limit the damage from errors.
It'd be much better for a moderator to accidentally delete 1 account every 5 seconds than 5 accounts every 1 second.
Although I should say that I have no idea what that particular instance was.
yeah, unfortunately, automation issues can do a lot of damage if the user has any non-neglibile amount of power over destructive actions.
I like the micro-limits more, though - when you are just told to back off on a specific endpoint, and preferrably for how long
3 hours later…
9:45 AM
Q: Following Overcharged - Various improvements to the "follow" feature

Oleg Valter is with Ukraine Screenshot About Following Overcharged (inspired by a MSE feature request) is a userscript that provides a set of features improving the "follow" feature. Current version includes: Auto-following of questions (disabled by default) Auto-following of answers (disabled by default) "Unfollow all"...

1 hour later…
11:06 AM
@Feeds You didn't want to call it "Jesus Christ", because it gets everyone to follow?
Maybe it's best @OlegValteriswithUkraine doesn't actually listen to me. :-)
3 hours later…
2:35 PM
@Feeds What does "Auto-following of question/answer" do? When/why are they auto-followed?
5 hours later…
7:23 PM
@VLAZ auto-following, well, autofollows a question and/or answers as soon as tou open the page :) it also fixes the problem with "following" state being removed after edit. But these 2 features are mostly for personal use and are just tacked on in case there are others who, like me, follow everything
7:48 PM
@CodyGray I don't want to be crucified yet - I'll let you know when I am ready via a nomination post!
1 hour later…
9:04 PM
@OlegValteriswithUkraine I see. I was actually after an auto-follow on downvote. I've been thinking about making a userscript for that myself.
@VLAZ it's very modular, so I can add that :)
I've also been thinking of a more granular "auto-follow on edit", just didn't have time to do it
I never did figure out how to hook to downvotes. I know it's possible but I'm not sure what is the best way. I was thinking that perhaps it's trying to react to the API call for that.
why not just hook into clicking on .js-vote-down-btn? And do some sanity checking in case it didn't go through?
I wasn't sure if it would trigger using a keyboard shortcut.
Also the problem that it's possible for the vote to not go through. Doesn't happen often but it does happen occasionally. Hence why I was thinking the call might be more reliable, since the result can be checked.
9:21 PM
@VLAZ that's probably a separate concern - honestly, I don't use keyboard shortcuts on SO, so it's not often something I think about unless on request
@VLAZ yeah, that is something that needs to be guarded against - I really want to avoid hooking into AJAX calls, but let's see what is possible
It's also my preference to avoid hooking on AJAX calls. It's doable but a bit brittle if the URL changes in any way.
the easiest is, ofc, hooking into <origin>/posts/<postId>/vote/3

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