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2:02 AM
@tao you have 15 mins?
2:18 AM
btw, i was online but didn't get your message when it was sent. I received it just now, so keep in mind stack overflow doesn't send the notifications instantly (they probably batch them, for performance)...
1 hour later…
3:47 AM
i am trying to have these cards vertically align, can you point out what am doing wrong?
3:58 AM
they are vertical, want to have them horizontal
Card Card Card Card
at least give me the size of the image
they do align vertically. if i can't repro, i can't fix it. see it here: jsfiddle.net/websiter/ukr6jf2v
4:10 AM
but i want them to go horizontal
sorry, didn't read :p
also, can i reference two .css file per page?
as i want to add some hover feature to this file, but dont want it to affect my master?
you can referernce as many as you like
but if two declarations have same specificity and apply to the same property, the later one is applied
so the order in which you reference your stylesheets might impact how your element looks, when you have conflicting rules. read up on CSS specificty
ref your example: these are supposed to be different cards, right?
yes. four different cards
in that case, you should wrap each of them in a <div class="card">...</div>
you've placed the contents of all four in the same card container
4:18 AM
i see you move with width to css?
yep. you should avoid inline styles at all cost
ok. what is the css function to let the containers grow with the screen
the biggest problem with them is they have very high specificity (so you can't override them without !important and you also can't specify inline style responsively
so you can't say in a style="this on moboile, that on desktop". you do it from CSS, with @media queries
4:20 AM
thanks for the help.. trying to limit myself to one issue per day..
it's not a function that lets them grow, they simply ocupy as much space as available
it's the container that grows or shrinks
perfect.. didnt know that
also, if you want to make them wrap on mobile, you have to add in flex-wrap: wrap to the parent on the desired interval
i'll update in a sec. i need more hands :D
refresh it now
one more thing: when you develop with bootstrap, the first thing you want to do when you're trying to do something is go through docs and see if you find anything that's close to what you want
in your case: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.5/components/card/#card-layout
card layout utilities
most times, it's way easier to copy/paste their markup and add in some styles to adjust
4:27 AM
sigh, i was searching all night for that
so, basically, the entire example above, can be reduced to wrapping your cards into this wrapper: <div class="card-deck">...</div>
let's try it out
i normally go though it..
card deck does work: https://jsfiddle.net/websiter/ukr6jf2v/5/
but it's not responsive. in order to make it responsive, you have to wrap the cards into a `.row > .col` grid
don't worry about it. i'm not giving out, i'm just teaching you fishing, instead of fishing for you :)
ok. i should go to sleep. i'm guessing you're in the states (i can't imagine you're as much as a night bird as i am) here it's 5:33 am :D
close enough.. Canada
how cold is it now?
4:36 AM
question, if i have a banger project working on, how do you as a developer/programme allows person not to take your idea?
its almost summer now so its not that cold.. but the winters are brutal
it depends
typically, just an idea is kind of worthless. it needs a lot more than just the idea. a lot of work, from a lot of skilled people. and it still might not be enough
now, if you really believe in it and you think it's going to make good money, your best bet is to wrap it up as a business proposal, with costs and everything and pitch it to an investor
but you need at least a world class coder, a designer and a product owner. i don't know anyone who's decent in all three
as a coder, considering the times we live in, most times you're better off just coding for money, other people's ideas. admittedly, it's not going to make you millions, but it's gonna make you 100k/year, if you're decent
which is decent
that is decent amount..
but I am not a decent coder at all..
believe it or not, i was like you 10 years ago. i'm 44 and started coding 10 years ago
so what was your background before coding?
i thought it's impossible for me to learn it. had headaches trying to understand more complex patterns. i would have done anything sleep, get sick, anything, but couldn't stay focused on it more than 2 hours without a break
i practiced architecture until 2008. that's what i studied
at the crash, there was nothing to do for architects. civil engineers, everything was dead. so nothing to do for more than 4 years :)
anyways, the point i was making is that you just need to care about putting one step in front of the other. the mountain will remain behind at some point, sooner than you might think
ok. take care & stay safe. talk soon
4:50 AM
sorry about that, had to step out for a bit..
thanks for the advise really appreciate it..
have a good one, talk to you soon

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