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Regarding your problems with editing:
It looks like there isn't enough information for the Stack Exchange developers to figure out the problem, but you really want to get it fixed and don't really have the technical expertise required to show exactly where things are going wrong.
I am quite skilled in front-end development (see my profile), know my way around browser debugging, and like seeing bugs fixed. If I had access to your computer, I'm pretty sure I could come up with a more informative bug report for them to look at. Would you like me to use remote desktop to connect to your computer so I can diagnose the problem and improve your Meta post?
Just thought I'd offer, if you're interested, since you sounded really annoyed that it isn't fixed yet
Hi, I'm sure that my problem is from my account. I tested in different browsers and result was the same. Also in another one's phone he could edit questions but when he logged out and I logged in, I couldn't edit again. In mobile view I don't have edit option at all. But in web-view when I click on edit that page that I have attached for my question is shown. My problem is just for edit and I haven't gotten any message from SO that I am banned from editing.
Sounds like it isn't a browser extension issue, could be useful to edit that into your question
I don't have access to your account, of course, so I can't see the problem on my end
You can see my edits I think, maybe I had too much rejected edits
I can't see the page that has the bug on it - the page is specific to your account, not mine
Yes, I can see the edits that you've made, but I can't see the page that has the bug on it
eg if I go to, that displays /edit from my account, which works fine
the problem is /edit from your account, or so it appears
When I click on the page you have linked, again the page that I have attached in my question appears
Yes, like I said, when you go to it, you'll see the /edit from your account, which has the problem
but when I go to it, it works fine, because my browser is logged in from my account
I sent message to contact-us part of SO
They have access to my account I think

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