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2 hours later…
how are you?
I am fine
thanks for coming
So, what the problem is?
The problem is I am not able to receive the chat
I am able to get login in , register, User list
room list
but not able to get QBChat/didReceivePresence
do u have any idea ?
let's go through the code
my API version is 1.3.1
one more question - you problem is that you don't receive 1-1 chat messages or something else?
ya 1 - 1 chat messages
In sample there is log says QBChat/didReceivePresence=<presence xmlns="jabber:client" from="[email protected]/tigase-16608" to="[email protected]"></presence>
In my case I never got this method
okay, so. you need:
1) Login to Chat
[QBChat instance].delegate = self;
[[QBChat instance] loginWithUser:[[DataManager shared] currentUser]];
ya its done
2) Delegate method will be called - (void)chatDidNotLogin{
sorry, chatDidLogin
chatDidLogin is called
great, next
3) Send message to opponent:

QBChatMessage* message = [[QBChatMessage alloc] init];
[message setText:@"Hello iOS developer!"];
[message setRecipientID:14605];
[message setSenderID:14605];

[[QBChat instance] sendMessage:message];

[message release];
RecipientID - this is your user's ID
SenderID - opponent user's ID
after this I am sending sendPresence
as u mentioned in your answer
after every 20 seconds
4) After this, in your opponent's application delegate method - (void)chatDidReceiveMessage:(QBChatMessage *)message{ will be called
it's working?
chatDidReceiveMessage is not getting called
please could you provide code, that send mrssage
- (IBAction)sendMessage:(id)sender {
if(self.sendMessageField.text.length == 0){

// Send message to opponent
// send message
QBChatMessage *message = [[QBChatMessage alloc] init];
message.recipientJID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",opponent.ID];
message.senderJID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",[[DataManager shared] currentUser].ID];
message.text = self.sendMessageField.text;
BOOL sent = [[QBChat instance] sendMessage:message];

// save message to cache
is there any thing wrong in my code ?
Are you sure you use QuickBlox SDK 1.3.1?
Because it doesn't have

It has
- message.senderID
- message.recipientID
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

QBChatMessage structure. Contains all needed field for peer-to-peer chat.
Please set only text and recipient_id values since ID and sender_id
are setted automatically by QBChatService
@interface QBChatMessage : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying>{
NSUInteger ID;
NSString *text;
NSString *recipientJID;
NSString *senderJID;
NSDate *datetime;
so this is the problem ?
i'm not sure, but however i'm not sure that you use iOS SDK 1.3.1

Where did you download chat sample? Could you get me link
Actually I have downloaded the new SDK from your site but, when I integrate sdk with my app then it was giving me lots of errors of ASIHTTP library for duplicate
so one of the our developer has changed the sdk n resolved the conflicts. In this, i guess he has used older version of the SDK
Maybe, At next week, iOS SDK 1.4.0 will be published (ASIHTTP conflicts also will be resolved)
ok ...
Actually we are going to purchase thi API soon
and we are testing this API
It also giving conflicts in SBJSON frame work
Anyways thanks for your great support....
And also looking forward support
Thanks 4 u too
Can u please tell me when your api supports peer to peer file sharing ?
We already support this, but
At the end of december we will integrate this feature into iOS SDK

  last day (53 days later) »