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Q: 00 in Price after decimal point is not displayed in templating engine

SaAsh TechsI have a plan page to show to my customer which 3 plans for my Website product - Basic , Premium and VIP with all plans having monthly and yearly price. I get the following value from backend for $products for USA and India where this product is available only in these 2 countries. So based on t...

Why are you using .split if you want the full string?
@Martin, I want to split because I want the font size to be different for the number before decimal point and different for the number after decimal point
Your <span class="decimal-price">[% monthly_price.0 %]</span> should probably refer to index 1 (but that doesn't explain why nothing shows up)
Sorry that was typing mistake
What template engine are you using?
I update that @Martin
I swear I forgot the name of the templating engine..give me few mins
Any idea about the solution ?
Waiting for your reply. Do you have any idea ?
Hey sorry one moment
no problem
So this is a project written in cpan ?
This is not a javascript question?

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