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1:27 AM
a program that displays system information with an ascii art pokemon? I assume this is gottafetch
Q: A question has become hot 32 times in a row

Fabio says Reinstate MonicaThe question How can I write a std::apply on a std::expected? has become a hot network question. This is fine, but it did so 32 times in a row, as can be seen both in its timeline and edit history.

@Zoe btw in your experience is there anything else to getting followers/stars/other attention on GH aside from just committing a lot?
1:47 AM
3 hours later…
4:52 AM
Q: Cannot turn off following and get weird message popup

Black catUntil now I could unfollow questions only from my profile (some time ago. Previosly could do it on the question also). But today instead of removing the unchecked question (by clicking the x top right corner) this message popup appears and the question is not unfollowed and removed from the list....

2 hours later…
6:24 AM
@KarlKnechtel wait what? what pokemon is it? the closest thing I can think of is fennekin... and it's not fennekin
@KarlKnechtel ... make stuff that is useful/interesting to people? (and then share it in the place where the specific type of people who will find it useful/interesting will see it)
wait. how do I grammar "type of people"? is that a thing?
3 hours later…
9:08 AM
@KarlKnechtel I didn't do much to actually get attention. I commented on several long-standing issues in the original repo, and comment on new issues to either deal with or try to convert those. Aside that, all the usual "have a thing that people are interested in" applies
And as with everything else, if your goal is to actually grow the userbase, going somewhere to advertise is usually a good idea. I haven't bothered doing this for anything I've made
But it's an option that works
3 hours later…
11:58 AM
Q: Poisoning the AI

lonnyIf someone was to make a movement and encourage 1000's of users to upvote the wrong answers, do you think ChatGPT will think those answers are credible and start giving them as solutions? This is not encouragement to do such a thing, just a thought of mine. I am concerned that AI doesn't know rig...

12:36 PM
@NewPosts Like when you forget to install a cooler on your brand new CPU.
1 hour later…
2:00 PM
@starball I think you're looking for 'person' there. The plurality of 'type' (or 'kind') needs to match the noun. "What kind of person would do that?" "There's a very specific type of person" alternatively "types of people" or "kinds of people" in the case of multiple types or kinds.
2 hours later…
4:24 PM
@starball Well, there's little extensibility in Visual Studio outside of packages for what you're writing, AFAIK--because Visual Studio itself has all the features it needs, natively.
@starball I haven't done primarily web development since before VS Code was first released. But I've always had a large distaste for the JavaScript ecosystem and how people build and name things there.
You've never seen frustration until you've watched steam come out of my ears trying to do a simple task but finding only blog posts that state crap like "just npm get the gem and sync it with your git rebase for muffin so that you can run chocolate and you should be up and running!"
4:52 PM
@Zoe Ah, the thing is I'm generally more interested in making new things than trying to get PRs in somewhere
@starball oh, I kinda just assumed from the general aesthetic.
5:35 PM
@HenryEcker thanks. I had a feeling. what I wrote felt wrong but wasn't totally sure
@TylerH LMAO
@TylerH oh! what kind of stuff do you work on these days?
6:00 PM
@TylerH get wine so that you can run chocolately in cinnamon on mint
6:17 PM
@starball C#, PowerShell, ASP.NET for the most part
Some SQL Server
@KarlKnechtel exactly
and that's a real statement
it's like JS developers discovered the English quirk about how "Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct/complete sentence and collectively thought "this is the kind of world I want to live and write code in"
@KarlKnechtel if this is legit, why though? for what scenario would you need chocolatey on a linux platform to do JS development?
@TylerH oh cool. guessing what dev work people primarily do based on their SO tags is hit/miss :P
And I am out of close votes :(
6:40 PM
Q: Why is asking for the advantages of a technology acceptable, but asking for disadvantages is delete-worthy?

J. MiniThis question is high voted and answered. This question sits at -1 and is deleted. Yet, the difference in their titles is only three letters. The first question is What are the advantages of running SQL Server in a Docker container? while the second is What are the disadvantages of running SQL...

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