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5:10 AM
Q: Highly-upvoted question without code or an error message

Andrew YimI just failed a review task for this question, which has ~20 upvotes and no downvotes at the time of this writing: All of my Selenium scripts are raising errors after Chrome updated to version 127 because I always have to select a default search engine when the browser is being launched. I use C...

6 hours later…
10:41 AM
How many questions are tagged ? If I sort by Newest, I get 57k. If I sort by Active, I get 158k. That's a difference of ~100k posts.
Hmm, if I sort by Newest and go to page 2, the count does go to 158k. So...how come the count is wrong only on the first page?
I think it's probably related to that bug with synonyms that aren't merged
@AbdulAzizBarkat Maybe. If I do a search for [selenium-webdriver] is:q (normal search rather than tag search) do get 57k results regardless of which page I go to.
And I saw some results tagged when I did the tag search.
Confirmed it with a SEDE query
1 hour later…
12:01 PM
@AbdulAzizBarkat Yep, that adds up. Literally. 57k (and change) + 100k (and change) = 158k.
3 hours later…
2:31 PM
@VLAZ Yeah, this is a known bug
Q: Gold tag badges don't apply to synonymized tags

ddavison(I want to preemptively say that I do not contribute to Stack Overflow for the reputation or the badges) On Stack Overflow, I possess the selenium Gold badge, but the permissions don't seem to apply to its synonyms. Does this selenium badge also apply to its synonym selenium-webdriver? Or do I ne...

I also tried merging selenium into selenium-webdriver, but because lots of questions, it failed
well, that bug report isn't actually about the search bug, but whatever
Synonyms are fucked, you have to merge for it to work correctly, and selenium is too big to merge
I was planning to get a CM to do the merge, but I forgot, and now I just don't feel like doing it
4 hours later…
6:46 PM
Q: How can I improve my questions if the majority of them are almost 10 years old?

Rowan HarleyTo give some context, I have been given a question ban, and I've been told to edit my questions. The issue however is that the majority of my questions are over 8 years old. I would've written these when I was 12/13 years old, and now looking back at these questions, I'm not too sure what I was l...

7:01 PM
I guess we really don't take questions about this unless it's seeking improvement for a [specific-question] hmm
but the account's visible questions average +0.8, with none of them negative
much the same for answers
given the reputation total and "promoter" bronze badge, this user also has a significant handful of accepted edits and is not someone I'd want to lose
.. actually, should have Strunk&White by now, doing the math...?
oh, one of these answers received a 100 pt bounty also
assuming a 50 pt bounty was given out for "promoter", and no net rep change from deleted content (it works that way, right) that makes the math work out, with Rowan being quite close to that badge.
... I think? No, should have just reached it, then. 300 accrued - 90 from questions - 100 from bounty + 50 given away in bounty = 160 unaccounted for = 80 accepted edits.
OP deleted another old question x.x
also something something caching etc
8:10 PM
Q: Is it constructive to ask for research effort when flagging as a dupe?

Andrew YimI've been finding myself closing a lot of beginner-style questions as duplicates lately. For many of them, my dupe-finding process is just two steps: Paste the title into Google. Click the first result. When that happens, I usually edit the auto-comment to something along these lines: This que...

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