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1:55 AM
> Just ditch the question, Ill ask somewhere else. Im not posting all my code (which would be necessary to "execute.) If you cant take my word that strings are fine then oh well. Its a simple, localized problem that doesnt need to be over complicated. I highly doubt the solution depends on me posting a ton of code.
- from a 9-year user who apparently can't stand being told in staging ground to make an MRE.
And no chance to reply.
I even explicitly said: "it doesn't matter here what (or where) you omitted code in order to create a proper MRE for the question. In fact, you are allowed and even encouraged to rewrite an example from scratch, whenever that's the best way to demonstrate the problem."
I don't know how someone reads that and thinks it's a demand to post "all my code" or "a ton of code".
2:26 AM
to be fair a 9-year user in SG does not, in any meaningful sense, have 9 years of experience on the site
2:43 AM
... Apparently.
I should be fair. I've been away for extended periods at times, too.
4 hours later…
7:10 AM
Q: How can I improve my question about modeling a sum type in doctrine?

cafce25A while ago I wrote How to model a soft enum using a backing table in an attempt to figure out how I could model around an existing database layout. I've included sample data for the tables as well as some example of what I would like to write for the entities in an attempt to make what I'm askin...

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