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4:37 AM
meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/431134/… (and two following comments) NLN extended discussion? obviously I don't think I can speak very objectively on this and I'm pretty sure I've got some bias pushing me to think this (hence seeking second opinions).
(that being said, I've used and enjoyed using several JetBrains editors, but they were too resource heavy for my machines, and I find the UI design seems geared toward large screens (unlike my small laptop screens) so it was never as good of a UX as I'd have wanted)
I've even been on a team writing a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. and man, the API docs are not the best.
1 hour later…
5:50 AM
@starball I guess it could be flagged, though on meta probably some extended comments don't really matter.
Meanwhile, I'm using many (ID)Editors depending on the situation. If I need to develop and debug something, I'd usually go to full-fledged IDE like Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio. But if I just want to browse simply, I prefer to use VS Code or even Notepad++.
(regularly, yes)
4 hours later…
9:26 AM
That said, how on earth was this upvoted? It's blatantly wrong, speculative, and probably should've been a comment at best. — Cerbrus 11 mins ago
Aww, somebody seems to have tipped their hand. Every single answer by that user has an upvote.
The answer seems familiar somehow
ffs, why can't I retract and re-cast a plagiarism flag if I've found more information?
9:54 AM
Maybe I should actually upvote that answer on meta. Turns out it was very helpful. I raised five flags as a result of it.
4 hours later…
2:01 PM
@VLAZ We don't know. We've mentioned to SE that plagiarism flags shouldn't be restricted to only a single one per post per user, but it hasn't been changed. Even moderators can only raise a single plagiarism flag per post, which has been notably inconvenient in some cases, particularly in the case you've mentioned where you have found more information.
2 hours later…
4:22 PM
meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/254567 I'm thinking that answers here ought to address the new Discussions feature in some form or other
@VLAZ "The government tracking the anxiety" is definitely a story I'd want to share. But I'll keep the spam for myself. Especially when the baked beans are off.
5:04 PM
Q: Closed without a single comment

JayThe only votes I see are "close for not enough information." With no comments how am I supposed to add the information if I don't know what it is? Suggestion: Vote to close for not enough information should require a comment to the user. It won't stop lazy mods, but one kind soul might be motivat...

5:28 PM
Q: What details does my question need?

KrupipI posted this question "Why does std::expected overload all reference type qualifiers for many of it's member functions?", and it was confusingly closed for needing details or clarity? On it's face the title alone should hypothetically be all the information needed in my opinion. What is confusin...

5 hours later…
10:01 PM
> won't stop lazy mods
> not a single mod involved

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