I have just closed a question as "unclear", and it says "closed" in the title. I remember that it used to be "on hold" for a few days, reflecting the hope that OP could edit it, and then it would be reopened.
Was the wording changed? Or is it some special case or heuristic which guesses "probably...
OK, I find this very odd. My custom filters just...disappear. But it's always the same custom filters. Also, two different machines I have that are both on right now show different list of custom filters. Hard refreshing doesn't change that. I don't know how it's possible for the same user to see two different lists of custom filters on two machines.
There was a question asked in January 2023:
git command not returning any value in makefile
which was duplicated (as in ctrl+C/ctrl+V, spotted by an SO user) in November:
Git command is not returning any value in makefile
and recently a sequence of questions mentioned the exact same issue (variat...
I made a few successful requests to stack exchange API for StackOverflow enterprise. I get success with data on getting questions/{qId}/answers with its content, but I cannot get comments for this specific answer. I am getting Bad Request "No method found with this name". I get the URL from API d...
I hope the disruptive users mentioned in this post would kindly not interact with it.
Stack overflow
This is a community-run, by community, for the community website. That means that any toxicity, disruption or other negative aspects of the website aren't caused by individuals: We as a community ...
Can't able to view my Visited days calendar since past few months. I thought this is from my browser cache/cookie, after clearing it also seems same.
After searching regarding this, I got to know that is on your back-end furniture moving. Note this bug and make this feature available to everyone ...
From these questions about intent:
Do questions need to convey intent (discussing the intent behind the acts that lead to an issue)
https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/427432/how-important-is-intention-behind-questions (discussing the intent behind deciding to post a question)
The consensus ...
Is there a way, or can we get one, to minimize a part of a post to a single line that expands to show the whole content when you click it? Like <details><summary>...</summary> ... </details> at GitHub.
I often include benchmarks in my answers. And I usually include the often lengthy benchmark pro...
According to https://stackoverflow.com/help/whats-meta
Stack Overflow meta provides:
a legitimate space for people to ask how and why this site
works the way it does
Given this statement, I will ask why this website doesn't allow questions about the community. There has been many asked, but all...
@KevinB Nope...it's a userstyle I had for removing the blog posts. It was "working" on one machine. In that it was removing the blog posts but also the second and third custom filter I had.
Yes, I had two userstyles on two machines. One of the redesigns of the side bar killed one of my userstyles. I couldn't be bothered to update it. Just now did I realise the other had a positional issue, after I tried creating a list called "a" and "b" which showed the items I couldn't otherwise see.
@HovercraftFullOfEels :D As long you don't snatch any photos, it should be legal.
Wait, is this:
> Weirdly toxic response. You might have an easier time writing what you mean with a calm mind.
a response to this???
> "all questions that 3 people dislike are bad, and can be closed." - You forgot to mention if other users, like the question, it can be reopened. While a question can be closed by 3 users, it can also be reopened, a question is never permanently closed.
I don't know what to be most surprised by. The complete lack of sense in that, or the fact that comment auto-boxing is broken in chat.
There is an audit review in the First Question Queue: 35377416.
The question is best described by this quote from this Meta discussion:
There is a question which looks fine. Then all of a sudden the comment responses look like they have been written by an AI, and then even say they are an AI!
"What's meta" page says that meta is for:
Stack Overflow users to communicate with each other about Stack
Overflow (asking questions about how the websites work, or about
policies and community decisions)
This however, doesn't explain whether meta allows questions about the meta community?
I have lately seen this message on my closed questions here on meta:
What does this mean? How can I make a post seek for input or discussion?
As an example, Let's assume this question has the above message: How would you edit to fix it?
My question got closed:
And when I asked for advice:
What does the "does not appear to seek input and discussion" message in the close banner mean??
The second question got closed for being a duplic...
My last 3 questions were closed, 2 of them for being "off topic".
How to edit out rants from a question?
Example of an off-topic question:
Should these type of question improvement questions be allowed on the meta page? A new user would be confused by the closing reason and someone else might ask the same question ...
Currently, we can flag discussions, which (I assume) brings it up to the moderators. However, with other posts, we can spam and r/a flag posts to automatically bring them down. Why can't we do that with discussions. Now, spammers are realizing that discussions is a way to keep spam up for longer ...
Not a statement I would imagine to hear from this website, but I have a stalker. Is this behavior allowed, and if not, how can I report it? I have spent all my flags for today.
If a question gets closed for being off-topic, does adding "I am interesting in hearing what you think?" count as an appropriate solution? If not, what other ways should be used for this specific close reason?
I am interested in hearing what you think.
Example: This question.
Yes, both the Articles and Discussions tags would be appropriate, but I'd like to leave room for a status-* tag.
Currently, there's no method (without scraping) to automatically collect Articles & Discussions.
At one point there was a way to get Articles, but it's since been removed from public f...