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12:03 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by alpablo20
@eyllanesc " you try to be a self-learner but you don't know what that implies" I am not sure if you're saying that about me. In any case, yeah, I mean many of us don't know how to self-learn and we are learning something while learning how to learn. That's what I meant with compassion, more benefit of the doubt. If I see a question that is poorly researched but that could give something interesting, I'd rather ask for clarification before just closing it. There are different levels of learning. — alpablo20 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by alpablo20
@eyllanesc And I think this goes back to the discussion on the teacher's formula. Yeah, the way a question is asked may not be the best, but we sometimes don't want the best solution, we want something else and that aids in learning. I was introduced to SO in college as the site where you could come and ask your coding questions, but I am now learning that that's not the case and there is a specific sub-culture w its own rules to follow. — alpablo20 37 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by jaco0646
The distinction between answering and teaching is quite profound, and I think highlights the difference between a Q&A site like SO and a forum like JavaRanch. — jaco0646 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by eyllanesc
@alpablo20 I just said it for you. As I already pointed out, do not ask for compassion since here we are not interested in "who asks" but "the question". My recommendation is that you focus on one thing: Learn to self-learner: learn to research, for example in search sites: use keywords, learn what each resource is for (for example, what SO is for), check the documentation official, books and tutorials etc. — eyllanesc 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by eyllanesc
@alpablo20 Exact: Many times there are many people who do not know what each resource is for or at least it is not clear in pointing out that it gives false expectations to other people. — eyllanesc 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Cordes
it got marked as duplicate and closed. - You seem to see this as a problem. Within 5 minutes, someone found and pointed you at an already-written answer to a related question, which hopefully provides / includes the answer to your question. Or at worst a pointer to what the relevant concepts are that you can start googling. If you're here to learn, not to have solutions to your specific problem handed to you on a silver platter, you'll have to be more specific about why having someone find an existing Q&A for you is a problem. — Peter Cordes 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Cordes
Re: how to search: I usually use google for site:stackoverflow.com foo bar when looking for duplicates to existing questions. Of course it helps tremendously to already know the answer, so I can use search terms that I expect to see in a useful answer but weren't in the question. (And maybe I'll even have a memory of a specific question in mind, maybe even remembering who wrote it so I can include their username in the search. Often myself; it's convenient having a fairly rare last name :) — Peter Cordes 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by alpablo20
@PeterCordes it was a problem for me, because i didn't see much feedback on why my question was poorly written or researched beyond it's a duplicate. I read thru the quesiton i was directed to and didn't find the answer I was looking for. No, I don't expect the answer on a silver platter, but if I am telling my question is bad, I would appreciate some feedback on how to make it better. — alpablo20 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by alpablo20
@PeterCordes See! This is what I am talking about, I wouldn't have known how to look for stuff like this before. There's a learning curve to how to look for answers and as someone who was told in college that SO was the place to come ask your coding questions, I was surprised when my coding questions kept getting closed. I mean I am still learning how to do things better, but at this point I've spent the whole day on SO learning the rules and expectations and that takes away from precious learning time. — alpablo20 47 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Cordes
Duplicate does not imply poorly written. It just means already answered. Sometimes it's not even reasonable to expect the asker to have found the duplicate, because it's running into the same problem a different way. i.e. they could only have found the duplicate if they already knew the answer. People that do know the answer can find a duplicate for you instead of spending more time and cluttering SO with redundant content. Of course that's the ideal; more often duplicate questions aren't interesting and the person should have googled and/or read a tutorial before taking up my time. — Peter Cordes 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Cordes
As someone who follows new questions so I can answer (or close / downvote) them, it's not fun to see the same question for the 20th or 100th time, so real basics of how a given language works (like syntax for array indexing) is typically low quality as well as a duplicate. If that's what was happening with your questions, yeah, you need to know enough basics from reading through a tutorial before you know enough to ask an interesting question that doesn't amount to "write a custom tutorial for me". — Peter Cordes 1 min ago
1:15 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 10 Rep
May I ask where you found this out? — 10 Rep 1 min ago
1:27 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 10 Rep
I mean, what harm does it do? It's such a small thing, that there's no point in fixing it. Maybe is is intentional. — 10 Rep 58 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by philipxy
Search SO/SE using google with 'site:'. Learn advanced google functionality. — philipxy 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Steve Bennett
Yeah, StackOverflow is great when you have enough of a mental model to be able to clearly describe the problem you're having and how it relates to concepts you are certain about. It sucks when you only have a vague notion of the solution you're trying to create, and a fuzzy mental model, and have no idea if you're even remotely on the right path, or if what you're trying to do is sensible at all, or if you don't know the right terms. — Steve Bennett 1 min ago
1 hour later…
2:55 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MattDMo
@GalaxyCat105 serial voting usually gets reversed within 24 hours, and if it doesn't, you can always custom flag one of the votes and explain the situation to a moderator. Also, please remember that asking 3 lousy questions in fairly quick succession and getting downvoted on all of them isn't necessarily serial voting. — MattDMo 1 min ago
3:29 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by wjandrea
@Berthim Since the answer is now deleted, here's the archive link. You can use that to determine the current link. — wjandrea 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
This. I learned how to program using Stack Overflow, so this is definitely a good place for self-learners. It just isn't a tutorial website or a chat server. — Cody Gray ♦ 33 secs ago
4:05 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Joshua
I don't actually know, but I sure feel like using it when it's delete worthy and I can't vote to delete. — Joshua 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 1201ProgramAlarm
The git-commands tag appears to have been burned before, although I cannot find a meta discussion for it. A related, but more general, question discusses all of the then-current "git" related tags. — 1201ProgramAlarm 1 min ago
4:53 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Penny Liu
Thanks for your feedback. That looks good to me. — Penny Liu 57 secs ago
1 hour later…
6:03 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Daniel Widdis
This is a really weak analysis for a tag with 19K questions. Shog9 once said said, "If you're thinking that these criteria are gonna be pretty tedious to evaluate on a tag with thousands of questions in it, then you're absolutely right .... If you're thinking that it's not worth the effort for tags that generally don't seem to be causing any problems, then you're sharper than half the folks throwing up these requests. If it looks like pointless busywork, it probably is pointless busywork..." — Daniel Widdis 1 min ago
6:19 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Daniel Widdis
Could possibly be ensemble model (see here). I disagree that this is a meta tag, and there are valid on-topic questions on algorithms for combining models. — Daniel Widdis 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was status-declined, because the mobile site is being replaced by the responsive site. By clicking the “full site” link you get the responsive site, but of course, user pages are not yet responsive… Having said all that, I can’t reproduce this on Firefox Nightly 83.0a1, neither on desktop (mobile tester) nor on an actual mobile device. — user4642212 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Daniel Widdis
If you aren't going to bother spending time evaluating the questions in more detail, why should the community bother to spend time on your request? — Daniel Widdis 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alon Adler
I see, well if it will be relevant I use Chrome Mobile 86.0.4240.110 — Alon Adler 16 secs ago
6:55 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by klutt
"personally I don't see git-commands adding anything that git doesn't already give you" - Well, you could argue that it makes a distinction between editing the .gitconfig file or installing git and such, and things that actually requires git commands. But I agree. It does not add much. — klutt 18 secs ago
7:21 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by hek2mgl
@Adriaan I agree that this is not an option for every situation. I think installing a 200MB is really no problem to be honest. I guess that many developer would do that if they would (1) know it and (2) know that they would get better help by using it. — hek2mgl 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by hek2mgl
And independently of that, the suggestion would help in many cases not in all, that's what I said, what is the problem to setup a help page that would help in many cases? I'm asking me to be honest why this hasn't been done already, if many people seem to feel it's helpful. — hek2mgl 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by hek2mgl
Also, the language pack for the IDE, and the locale for the system (which makes the error messages) is a different thing, obviously. Looks you could benefit from such a page @Adriaan — hek2mgl 22 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by hek2mgl
PS: On Linux: du -s /usr/share/locale --> 314M /usr/share/localehek2mgl 8 secs ago
7:51 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
I hate to bring this news to you: There is no logic on Meta. That is just an opinion. — rene 32 secs ago
8:31 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jörg W Mittag
@MattDMo: Indeed, a series of votes is not serial voting. My personal definition hinges on this difference: is it a series of individual judgements (not serial voting) or is it a single judgement on a series of posts (serial voting)? If you come across a series of posts, and you look at each of them individually solely based on the quality of their content, and it just turns out that all of them are downvote-worthy, then it is not serial voting. If you look at a small sample of a series of posts and decide based on that small sample that the entire series is downvote-worthy, that is serial. — Jörg W Mittag 1 min ago
8:57 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
@JörgWMittag I think Stack's definition is slightly different. If someone votes on too many of any one users post, it's defined as serial voting. It's not dependent on the actual content of the posts. There's noway the system can identify the difference between upvoting/downvoting all the posts of a user due to them belonging to the user or due to them being worthy of the votes. — Scratte 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Christian Strempfer
@nbk Sometimes I'm wondering if I see different question than the other Meta users. How is it asking for recommendations? It clearly explains that the other options are not working or not documented (and therefore likely to break). — Christian Strempfer 59 secs ago
9:29 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rustyBucketBay
I would like to add that apart from the proficiency to write good/bad questions, according to my experience in SO there is a big chance that a question will be downvoted, and severely even if its fair and well explained according to the site rules. I fully agree and support the SO approach to build a useful site that holds neat and reachable content for the programmers, however most of the times and find my questions and others severely downvoted not understanding why. — rustyBucketBay 58 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rustyBucketBay
As far as I understand sometimes its because questions are too large and deep that explanation might take a while. People that dont want to take the effort to understand the question directly downvote as its not a direct simple compilation problem to solve. However, many times if you read the question, you can realize it is the effort of the asker to explain the problem properly the reason it was downvoted. — rustyBucketBay 1 min ago
9:49 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by gnat
Does this answer your question? What is Stack Overflow’s goal?gnat 46 secs ago
10:21 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
@BSMP I liked the comment you wrote on the reject. I might just start using that one until some solution will happen — Tomerikoo 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by StoryTeller - Unslander Monica
I just want to make sure I follow. You advocate for the community and its best interests, but the meta-netizens who vote do not? — StoryTeller - Unslander Monica 1 min ago
10:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Y2020-09
I fail to understand in any way, shape or form what on earth you or @Makoto are even alluding to when you say that "Question & Answers" are not "Conversation" - it's like ascribing new meanings to very basic constructs / words of the English Language to which nobody else on earth would agree. NOBODY. Questions and Answers are Conversations. ASK ANYBODY ! P.S. I am a strong dissenter to "curation" as censorship and believe it adds absolutely nothing to the value of this site except to the reputation of high rep users. NOTHING. — Y2020-09 1 min ago
11:01 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by nbk
@ChristianStrempfer the question in the biggimng was what can i do abpout a dpue that has more information, i said go on make a new one refer to the old. That the buiser did and i warned him that that is not up to standards. because it doesn'explain clearly, what the problems is. the the link posted, seems to me ölogcal, but the user has to explain in detail what is not working. I don't believe there is a good answer, as long as the software isn't updated and eespecially when transparency is not supported. — nbk just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Juraj
@Y2020-09, is Jeopardy a conversation? — Juraj 1 min ago
11:19 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Christian Strempfer
@nbk I agree that the question could be more clear on why it's not working and it still seems to be a duplicate of the second link. Nevertheless I don't see any hint on looking for recommendations, which would need multiple working solutions. — Christian Strempfer 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
@Y2020-09 I think the point here is that the Question/Answer format is not meant to be a back and forth conversation between users. It's meant to be one Question and one or more separate Answers, with minimal follow up. (Side note: You seem to have some good points, but I think the delivery is a bit rough.) — Scratte 1 min ago
11:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by nbk
With more details, the question is on topic, as it would then explain, why the ithe solutions don't work and hopefully finds a better solution(A bounty perhaps?) this is then no duoe, as it asks for a new solution with additional information — nbk 1 min ago
11:55 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio
@nbk - To clarify: On one hand, I agree I was missing the detail on the cons of the solution proposed in another post (which I found later)... now added this. OTOH, and as Christian mentioned, I was not looking for a recommendation (and I still wonder how could you see it that way). In addition, the fact that a user mentions some feature is not fully supported shouldn't be generally taken as the last word, in particular if no evidence (even partial) of that claim is provided, and no software version is quoted. — sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio
@nbk - All in all, and as a general criterion (to be considered on a case-by-case basis), I agree with your general stance, "Make a new question, write that there is a similar question with link, but you have additional information". And that is what I did. Your comment is probably worth an answer... — sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio 31 secs ago
12:57 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by David
I'm done on meta after one answer got many downvotes. The sentence "I don't agree with you" is not an argument if many things in the post are written and without leaving a comment. So downvoters: you want the power? proceed! You want dialogue? then feel free to upvote whatever you like, but be more respectful and avoid many downvotes. — David 54 secs ago
1:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by roganjosh
@SteveBennett it's important to remember that there is a chat system within the Stack Overflow umbrella. This works differently for different languages but it does give some flexibility. I can only speak for the Python room but I would say that there is some scope to try crystalise ideas that might not be clear enough for the main site. There are, obviously, still guidelines but it's still an avenue. — roganjosh 54 secs ago
1:43 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
I read Shog quotes backwards: we shouldn't spend efforts on these tags because these tags shouldn't exist in the first place. In other words, most of these tags should be obliterated rather than discussed, and unless show a clear, unambiguous benefit towards these questions being answered thanks to these tags, just zap it from existence. — Braiam just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
@Polygnome I can't care because that's a problem MS created and you accepted when you bought yourself into the platform. Every other mayor language in the planet implemented this in a sane way. Allowing askers to do stuff based on a outlier doesn't do SO any favors. So, suck it up and complain to Microsoft, but don't make every other developer life more difficult! — Braiam 26 secs ago
2:01 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kos
@MPelletier talking in "SO metrics" it's 3000 people were affected — Kos 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
@David I think you have misunderstood the way it works on meta. If you post something here, especially on a discussion that is meant to set policy, the voting is exactly for agreement or disagreement. Nothing more. There's nothing personal about it. It's not disrespectful to not agree with you. — Scratte 1 min ago
2:29 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jared Smith
2:51 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by David
might be that I misunderstood it. But I can't change it how I feel about it and I don't see a reason to spend time on something that is honored with downvotes primary. Sure there are some people like you answering respectful, but I've not the feeling that all are behaving respectful. I don't need that and if more positive feedback would come - or at least not so negative, then more people would engage here probably too. — David just now
3:11 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
I strongly agree with the second point you said Has the ability to recognize that, while another person's question on Stack Overflow might not use an exact copy of the code they are using, the answer to their question is usually still there. A self-learner should have the ability to (and will benefit much more from) taking an answer that almost suits and do the necessary fine-tuning to make it work. On the other hand, I will be glad to answer a question showing the effort of that fine-tuning gone wrong, and asking help with that specifically... — Tomerikoo 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rounin
This is a very good answer. Personally I've always had a very low tolerance threshold for elitist, tribal playground bullies and whenever they start throwing their weight around I'm happy to serve it straight back at them. I don't imagine this will help the bullies become more understanding but it means at least that they cannot adopt such a misanthropic attitude with impunity. Recently I had one of these abruptly leave a chat room where we were talking because he was so angry / intolerant (?) when I explained that I'm not a programmer. And should I be, to participate in SO? — Rounin 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
@Scratte can you please tell me what was not clear when you wrote the first comment? If there is something confusing I would like to edit that in case other people read it in a different way than what I meant — Tomerikoo 1 min ago
3:25 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
On a side note: I think the missing [closed]-string is by design. Stack Inc has recently changed the user interface to put a huge edit button on all closed posts. So I assume they actively want users to edit those post, including suggested edits. Having this information in the review queue may be counter to what they want to happen. — Scratte 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
I don't have enough reputation to review suggested edits. When I went to the review you linked, there was no [closed]-string at the end of the title. So I went to a closed post, and tried to edit it, and I noticed that it's also not there when trying to edit it. So.. I got the impression that it may always be missing even if the title isn't edited by the edit suggestor. — Scratte 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
@Scratte please tell me if now it is more clear? :) — Tomerikoo 41 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
Kindly excuse my misunderstand of your post, since I think it was clear all along :) It is surely more clear now, though. — Scratte 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
@Scratte nothing to be sorry thanks for your feedback! I will delete my comments now — Tomerikoo 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by RobertSF
I use Google to search, and then use the StackOverflow hits. Google, of course, is much better for searching than the StackOverflow search engine. But StackOverflow is basically read-only for me because I don't want to deal with the power trippers. I understand the desire to have a useful site, but I don't think running it like it were Singapore is the answer. — RobertSF 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
Ok :) I'll remove anyone of mine that seems out of context too :) Which could be all of them, except for the "Side note.." — Scratte 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
The question was closed, and the suggested edit did not make the question re-openable - how was the reviewer suuposed to know that? Please see the bug post I opened “closed” does not show up in the review if the title of the closed question was editedTomerikoo 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
Let me know if you want me to remove my first two comments too :) — Scratte 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tomerikoo
@Scratte I'm not sure because they actually lead to a conversation that might clarify things, it just that the fact that it got 3 up-votes seems like people think I don't know what I'm talking about and this is why I asked you if there is something to clarify... But lets just leave them... — Tomerikoo 8 secs ago
4:01 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Y2020-09
If you are in the 4th grade science-magnet school, and just learned System.out.println() in Java, you are going to have to bring this up to a fifth grade level before we can give you answers... If you are in the 9th grade, and just used your first CSS Class, it would be better to learn some 10th grade stuff before our community gives you any help. If you just aced your college-prepatory CS exam, try taking some freshman year classes and get back to us. If you are Junior Software Engineer, see if someone in your office can help, and ask on Stack Overflow once you've got an answer.Y2020-09 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Temani Afif
well, his the first actually. As simple as that (maybe we will all die in 2023 ..) — Temani Afif 1 min ago
1 hour later…
5:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
@Y2020-09: in relation to your first comment here, the view that there is a wide difference between Q&A and a conversation is fairly popular here on Meta Stack Overflow. Whether this accords with the meanings of the words in plain English probably isn't all that material - that is the ethic of the community, and the community generally takes the view that these are the rules. — halfer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
@Rounin - undoubtedly there are people on SO who are elitist. But I am sometimes wondered whether it is productive to regard the tension on SO as stemming from elitism. Aside from being unprovable, the social effect of this assertion is to encourage more low-quality questions from authors who have no interest in engaging with the community based on the prevailing rules at the time. In some cases they will actively make a pain of themselves, believing they are fighting the good fight against elitists everywhere, creating a lot of mess for volunteers to clean up. — halfer 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Duniho
... the votes they deserve. The most important features are a) good questions get good answers, and b) it's easy to find the good answers to good questions when you have the same question. It's debatable whether SO succeeds on the second point, but I think it does pretty well on the first point, even with all the messiness that comes from the voting. — Peter Duniho 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Duniho
@rustyBucketBay: "there is a big chance that a question will be downvoted, and severely even if its fair and well explained" -- for what it's worth, it's my observation that the exact opposite happens as well. I.e. questions, even patently terrible ones, are often upvoted for no apparent reason. Voting is a crapshoot; since the community as a whole has divergent opinion about what makes a good or bad question or answer, you will see the same divergence in the voting patterns. "Iffy" Q&A get seemingly-random or offsetting voting, but in the long run, the clearly good and clearly bad get ... — Peter Duniho 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bergi
Re your "homework question", it normally doesn't matter if the problem to be solved is from homework or not. But it's asking for feedback on complete and (presumably) working code, like "Is it actually constant-time? Did I miss some edge cases? Is this good code?", which imo is better suited for Code Review than StackOverflow. — Bergi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MattDMo
@Scratte - they can by taking into account the overall reception of the posts and the click path. UserA makes 3 LQ posts in 24 hours in one set of tags, and while I'm reviewing that set of tags I come across all 3. They've already accumulated at least a DV or 2 apiece, so in the space of 4 minutes I DV all 3, in addition to 2 other lousy posts from others. The system (most likely) can see that I'm not targeting UserA specifically, so it's not serial DVing. OTOH, if I look at UserA's profile and DV 3 (UVed by others) posts on some personal basis in quick succession, that can be seen too. — MattDMo just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rounin
@halfer - I don't agree that a fall in the incidence of one inappropriate model of co-learner behaviour should unavoidably result in an increase in the incidence of another inappropriate model of co-learner behaviour. — Rounin 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
@MattDMo But then the algorithm must determine you came upon the posts from the review queue. Else one can just save the links from the post and vote on those posts in between voting on other users posts. That would be a very easy hack of the serial voting detection, and I hope it's not possible. — Scratte 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
Reading your comment edit... — halfer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
@Rounin: I'm afraid that is rather too abstract for me to give a meaningful reply! Can you expand on what the inappropriate behaviours are here, and how they are (not) linked? — halfer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rounin
Sorry, @halfer, to clarify: inappropriate model of co-learner behaviour #1: help vampires treating SO like their own personal, free helpdesk; #2: CS graduates having zero patience with any individual trained in a different discipline who may not have the same formal grasp of CS concepts because (self-evidently) they have not undertaken the same formal study of those concepts. — Rounin 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
For what it is worth, I am in agreement with Jared's excellent contribution. I also want to uphold the quality factors that make Stack Overflow a place where experts want to come in order to contribute; that has been my long-term position. If you are in agreement with Jared's post despite disagreeing with what you see as "elitism and tribalism", then possibly one of us has misunderstood Jared's post. — halfer 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
In essence, I think Jared is indicating that culture is an "emergent property" that cannot be easily controlled like a water tap. It can probably be shaped, both by messaging from SO Inc and modified workflows and UX that take user psychology into account, but the "wisdom of the crowd" is not a human you can talk to (or chide for being wrong). — halfer 6 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rounin
@halfer - We agree. — Rounin 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by halfer
Good clarifications (1 & 2), for which thanks. I agree in the sense that kindness and patience from CS degree holders is always a good ideal (towards people not having formal training). But kindness and patience from non-CS degree holders is probably worth striving for too - the odd abrupt comment is often part of the "house style", and no offence was intended. Some are copy+paste, because they handle a case that the writer has seen (literally) hundreds of times before. — halfer 1 min ago
6:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MattDMo
@Scratte sorry, I didn't mean the review queue, I just meant looking over that set of tags later in the day because they're of interest to me. But, at any rate, it is possible to hack serial voting detection, you just need to be patient and careful. I could open your profile and downvote one post a day, or something like that. However, most serial DVers are doing it on the spur of the moment b/c they're pissed off, and don't have the attention span to do it properly. Someone who knows how to hack the system likely understands it enough to not do it, b/c votes are based on content, not users. — MattDMo 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scratte
@MattDMo I see. I propose we each delete our last two comments (not counting this one).. to not expose this information to more users. — Scratte 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Daniel Widdis
Just because "no one appears to be using it to find questions to answer" doesn't mean there's not another (watched) tag that should have been used, and retagging is preferable to deleting. — Daniel Widdis 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew Morton
@Kos MPelletier was not to know that the website would be taken over by malware ten years after the link was given. — Andrew Morton 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MattDMo
@Scratte sure, why not? I think you could find this info elsewhere on meta (it's where I've scraped it up over the years), but may as well not make things too easy... — MattDMo just now
6:49 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew Morton
@Kos Also, it is likely be that most of the 3000 views didn't involve clicking on the link, and, of those, many may have done so before the site became malware. — Andrew Morton 46 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
The close voters should be ashamed of themselves. Talking about Stack Overflow's goal isn't an answer to this question. Self-learners are always coming to the site and putting up a discussion about the goals of what Stack Overflow was what we thought it should be some six or seven years ago is not even close to an answer on this discussion. — Makoto 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
To suggest that what I was saying was that the benefit of the tool depends on the user suggests that you haven't actually read my answer. — Makoto 1 min ago
7:41 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dovid Gefen
Your saying that some company jobs are hidden based on the users geographical location? — Dovid Gefen 31 secs ago
8:03 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
@alpablo20: I don't really think there's an answer to that statement that you're going to like. If one feels like their questions are more of the form of conversation rather than Q&A, then in all actuality you would want for a tutor or teacher, and Peter's answer captures that essence very well indeed. I wouldn't know where to tell you to start looking for a tutor or a teacher either, since, well...that's not my role here. My role here is to provide answers to the reasonable questions you ask, and if you don't ask reasonable questions, there's not much I can do to help. — Makoto 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
@SteveBennett: It's unreasonable for someone to expect that you have the answer to a question before you ask it; no one's asking you to do that. What is reasonable is that you've explored more than, say, one or two approaches on how to solve the problem, or you have more than one or two theories on what's going on. If I have to present more theories or think through those with you, it's not a valuable use of my time, and it's not a show of respect to me or my time since it means that one cannot problem solve. (And these days that's the only skill engineers really require.) — Makoto 41 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
@SteveBennett: I'm a software development team lead. I get tons of vague questions all the time. I cannot tell you how frustrating it can be to get vague questions from someone who instantly expects me to divine answers or solutions based on fluff. It is imperative, as a show of respect for both the person you're asking advice from and to yourself in that you prove that you can be concise and communicate well, that you take the time to reduce as much fluff from the vague mental model that you have when you ask a question. — Makoto 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
@Bergi: Do not post your homework question to Code Review. Please peruse this, and do not consider Code Review as an option until you have thoroughly understood what role Code Review is playing in this ecosystem. — Makoto 28 secs ago
8:19 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bergi
@Makoto I understand your concerns, I did not mean to imply that all homework questions should go to Code Review. I believe to know what role CR is playing and what is on-topic there, and I think that the OP's specific question would have fit better there (with adjusted title and text of course). — Bergi 1 min ago
8:55 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ansgar Wiechers
*crickets* Figures. — Ansgar Wiechers 1 min ago
9:07 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Polygnome
@Braiam Playing the blame game doesn't solve any problem. And its not like developing on Windows or using some tooling from MS is a fringe case. According to statista, 60% of software dev in 2020 was on windows. I did not find any stats about the languages their OS are in, but I'm pretty confident it'll be a non-negligble share. And all of those have to deal with e.g. cmd.exe and PowerShell giving them non-english messages. Even if they'd prefer them otherwise. The top-voted answer offers a sensible approach to dealing with that, because instead of assigning blame, it solves the problem. — Polygnome just now
9:37 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alt
I've been banned for around six months now. They should make it three months for asking a new question, because the user would probably gain the understanding on how to make a good question — Alt 1 min ago
10:21 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by psubsee2003
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Machavity
Might want to read up on link-only answers as well — Machavity ♦ 1 min ago

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