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12:59 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Scrattle I think comments are contributions. I don't understand the hostility associated with comments. — lead 22 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@gnat, two separate things. 1, there are mixed messages about comments/edits. Some things people insist should be done in edits, others insist is meant for comments, or new answers. These same things, other people insist are for the other things. Editing isn't relevant because other people have told me it isn't relevant. Look at thecomment from Scrattle: You gave an example of an answer for which editing didn't make sense. Not examples of editing grammar and phrasing on posts that really needs it.lead 20 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Alexei Levenkov, once more, I think comments can be a form of contribution, and I think before I edit the post unnecessarily, you could perhaps explain how having 5 comments a month/3 months whatever is going to lead to spamming? — lead 52 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
The problem with all of the logic of people here is that it creates an exclusive, self-definitional club of people. People who have success in the system defend against changes to the system, for no good reason that I have yet to see. I, for example, cannot downvote your answer yet. I wish I could, but I didn't set those rules. And if things keep up the way they are, I won't be able to any time soon. — lead 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
Couldn't you have just left me a comment stating this: If you can figure out a way to lower or remove the reputation requirement without increasing the amount of spam or the amount of moderation required, you'd probably get some support. instead of answering the question in such a negative and hostile way? — lead 1 min ago
1:23 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rob
@lead I fail to see how this is negative or hostile in any way? BSMP simply explained the problems of lowering the reputation requirement for comments. — Rob ♦ 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Rob "explaining the problems" as if there are 1) no solutions, 2) I couldn't have edited my question to accommodate the only real concern with it 3) the idea has no kernel of merit. I've been using this site for years and finally get an opportunity to describe what would have helped me over the years, and the response is "nope, nothing can be done, here's an answer telling you why your idea is wrong and bad, so I can get points for it, instead of a comment to help you improve your question". It's garbage. I avoided the site all afternoon because of the early responses to this question. — lead 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
Is this an answer I could "accept" as the right answer? No. The final paragraph is feedback that helped me edit my question, and it should have been a comment, ironically enough. Not a single person has suggested a solution to the years I spent in SO purgatory before getting a meager amount of reputation points. Look at the other communities I participate in. Easily obtained 10s of points in those communities, never went to their meta posts to suggest a change because it didn't need it. — lead 57 secs ago
1:59 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CertainPerformance
I suddenly wanted to delete my question But you posted an answer. Do you mean that you accepted your own answer to your own question? saw that the answer was closed due to the inquiry being a duplicate Answers don't get closed - only questions get closed. If the question you posted the answer to isn't your own question, you won't be able to delete the answer anyway, since it's been accepted. — CertainPerformance 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CertainPerformance
Duplicate questions can be useful signposts, sometimes. If you think your answer is helpful in a way that isn't an exact duplicate of something described in an answer on the canonical, don't feel like you have an obligation to delete it. — CertainPerformance 58 secs ago
2:29 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 10 Rep
You should never delete an accepted answer! — 10 Rep 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 10 Rep
@flakerimi So if I put "Stack Overflow is dying" in my nomination, you're going to vote for me? — 10 Rep 1 min ago
3:01 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Aquarius_Girl
@robert ofcourse I know that. That's the generic answer given to such threads. — Aquarius_Girl 21 secs ago
3:47 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by dbmitch
Is the goal to remove access-vba? I see braX has been systematically removing these tags all year. I just rolled back two edits that were definitely access-vba questions. But now I'm wondering if I missed something? You mention that your bot was not going to do this very thing. — dbmitch 35 secs ago
4:11 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Erik A
@dbmitch The goal of my bot was to add the ms-access tag to all questions tagged access-vba, so that if a mod wanted to, they could remove access-vba by merging it with vba. That's done, so a mod can now do this easily without having to worry about questions lacking the info that they're about both Access and VBA. I'm unsure what the goal of the edits by braX is. — Erik A 1 min ago
4:39 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Modus Tollens
@lead One comment regarding your edit "Aggressive downvoting for a question that does not deserve it" - Are you aware that downvotes on feature requests on meta often mean disagreement with the proposed change? It's not aggressive. — Modus Tollens 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Modus Tollens
@lead There is no hostility in this answer. Your reaction is quite rude. That being said, if you find it easier to gain reputation on other sites, you could look up the association bonus. — Modus Tollens 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by oguz ismail
New users frequently tag gas to refer to Google apps script. This is the problem that needs to be solved. The tag excerpt for gas doesn't even mention Google Apps Script. — oguz ismail 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@oguz Do you mean adding "DO NOT USE for Google-apps-script" to the usage guideline? — TheMaster 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Modus Tollens
@lead You fail to take into account that we all started with 1 reputation point here. Plus, when you gain enough points on one SE site, you get enough on the others to comment and vote right away. It's not too difficult to earn the first 50 points, editing is a stable way to get there, but good answers would get there much faster. But please stop being rude against other users. — Modus Tollens 1 min ago
5:15 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
Your post essentially says "people who had to maintain legacy code don't deserve"... You may want to edit question to clarify whether you actually mean it or remove possibility of such interpretation. — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
5:31 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
I thought that was already done - after you post you get something like "Now what: 1. wait a while. 2. Watch for feedback 3. accept an answer" or otherwise a similar list of guidelines. Might be in the question wizard but I definitely saw a mockup or screenshot of this. So, I was under the assumption it's implemented, although it's possible it was only planned or suggested. — VLAZ 59 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blastfurnace
libstdc++ is just one implementation of the C++ standard library, there's also a libc++ tag. If you want to force people to pick one how about the existing c++-standard-library instead? — Blastfurnace 46 secs ago
5:51 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
We have no ability to ban tags outright (i.e., blacklist) anymore, unfortunately. So that option is right out. I am, as I said before, not comfortable with the claim that “gas” is more commonly used to mean Google’s something, versus the Gnu assembler, for which it is very commmonly used, even as the name of the executable itself, and clearly on topic for Stack Overflow. — Cody Gray ♦ 59 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
The Standard Template Library (STL) is still a thing. There is no justification whatsoever for removing the tag. — Cody Gray ♦ 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by gnat
you are expected to do useful edits on good posts. Study how successful editors do that (example) and learn to do like they do. That's what I meant when I wrote that it will help you gain more rep from your own questions and answers, you will learn how people expect good posts to look like and how you can write such posts yourself — gnat 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@CodyGray Thank you for the response.1.Given that new users can't create tags, once [gas] is gone, it might not come back.2. About the accuracy of the name "gas", Even if it as you say, in absolute terms,because of the overall popularity, more users would refer to apps script as gas. I made a SEDE to see how many times the word "gas" is associated with the tag, The query returns ~1800 for apps-script and ~300 for gnu tag. Percent wise, gnu might appear top.But sheer absolute numbers would mean more burden on editors. — TheMaster 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dalija Prasnikar
@CodyGray In tags with lower traffic people will comment and wait for response if asked question can be salvaged. I have seen many questions that were polished in first half hour and as end result they never received down vote nor close vote. I also hope that askers learned something from experience. Another advantage is that you can save close votes for really poor or off topic questions. — Dalija Prasnikar 11 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
My point is that the number of watchers in gas tag would not be able to handle the absolute number of mistagged questions and the mistagging is only set to increase. — TheMaster 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
How/why did you spend weeks waiting for a bug fix, when you only posted this question today? — Cody Gray ♦ 52 secs ago
6:37 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rob
No, it's not built with python. It's built with dotnet core in C#. You can see the blog of the architecture lead at SO for more info. — Rob ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
[ Boson ] New comment posted by yivi
stackexchange.com/performance At the bottom you'll find the programming stack. — yivi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Indrajith Ekanayake
@Rob Oh thank you for letting me know. I hope this would be helpful question for someone in future so if you can provide simple answer I would be glad to accept! — Indrajith Ekanayake 13 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Indrajith Ekanayake
@yivi I'll change the question little bit so if someone looking for slimier kind of question they will be find this as useful — Indrajith Ekanayake 1 min ago
6:57 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Yvette - Reinstate Monica
I'm on Latest MacOS, latest Chrome and never get this and have "ask" for location as default. — Yvette - Reinstate Monica 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by oguz ismail
That SEDE query doesn't make your point more valid though. Why would anyone add gnu tag to a question that is specifically about (G)NU as? Besides that, I don't think it's a good idea to rename tags to justify their misuse by newbies. — oguz ismail 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
Please don't refer me to Wikipedia as researching individual Wikipedia is not a trustworthy resource ... citation needed .... — rene 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@CodyGray - despite a lot of arguments for doing something about the tag are related to the popularity, maybe a more pragmatic approach could be adopted - I know you are uncomfortable with the proposal, but if it solves more issues than it creates, why not? For example, we have a huge problem with 35 char limit that is not going anywhere soon and this short version can help a lot. Just a rename can help a lot - people will start to get used to the tag being named that way, and eventually the need for gas will naturally diminish. Then it can by made synonym then... — Oleg Valter 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adeel Ansari
Now there is a "Close" vote with the option, "This question is likely to be answered with opinions rather than facts and citations.". Really? Which language to include in the survey is opinion based? — Adeel Ansari 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Paulie_D
This is META SO not the main site and, regardless, would be off-topic there also. — Paulie_D 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
...also, gnu, as you know, has a lot of branching tags: gnu-coreutils, gnu-findutils, gnu-sort, gnu-make, gnu-toolchainOleg Valter 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Indrajith Ekanayake
@rene Thanks for the help I edited the question. — Indrajith Ekanayake 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jeanne Dark
The tour shows how to accept an answer, i. e. to mark a question as solved. — Jeanne Dark just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by adiga
First question (using your words), second question, third question. There are links to meta.SO, meta.SE, blog, quora etc. — adiga 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Indrajith Ekanayake
@adiga Thanks this is really helpful — Indrajith Ekanayake 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@oguzismail - I apologize if the query comes off as showing "newbies misuse", the intention was to show that the current wording creates issues while preventing optimizations to be made in other tags, leading to subpar experience for both parties. — Oleg Valter 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@oguzismail Why would anyone add gnu tag to a question that is specifically about (G)NU (as)? I never claimed they would. I don't understand your question. — TheMaster 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@oguzismail I dont think I made my point clear. The query was intended to gauge the usage of a word "gas" within body/title in a tag. This is in direct response to the statement by cody: not comfortable with the claim that “gas” is more commonly used to mean Google’s something, versus the Gnu assembler. The results show "gas" is used 1800 times with google-apps-script and 300 times with gas. In absolute numbers, "gas" is "more commonly" used to mean google-apps-script. — TheMaster 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by adiga
[ Boson ] New comment posted by oguz ismail
The question was about this statement: The query returns ~1800 for apps-script and ~300 for gnu tag.. I don't really care though, gas is the GNU assembler. Choose a different abbreviation if you have to. — oguz ismail 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
Just in case - please make sure to also read about difference between "answer" and "comment" (people mixing these two things a lot on SO). If you are talking about stackoverflow.com/questions/62788357/… that question indeed have reasonable answer (and after some edit has good title as well no thank you notes in the answer). — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ouflak
Appreciated. I didn't want this to go too far off topic, so I just bailed from the conversation. The example that was used to counter my point was black-and-white. There was no 'leeway' in @NobodyNada's example. Everybody would respond to that situation the same, and be correct. It's the marginal situations, where there is true doubt, that 'leeway' comes into play. Since I figured it might take up another ten comments to get that point across, I thought, "This is about Makyen and his opinions, not me and mine". So Thanks for that. My skin is fortunately thick enough to let things slide. — ouflak 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ouflak
Oh and I like your rewrite. Very objectively stated. — ouflak 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ziganotschka
Whilst GAS is a common abbreviation both for GNU assembler and Google-Apps-Script, on Stackoverflow there are way more questions about Google Apps Script than GNU assembler. So it makes more sense to make GAS a tag for Google Apps Script. — ziganotschka just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@oguzismail As said before, I meant gnu-assembler tag. This discussion isn't just for the benefit of apps script users, but also for gas users. Mistagged questions will be more and watchers aren't enough/will not be enough in gas to handle retagging. For eg, the first proposal was made by a user active in the gnu-assembler tag. — TheMaster 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by oguz ismail
It's still an unreasonable comparison though. Google Apps Scripts is a very long name for such a popular technology, so it's expected for askers to abbreviate it. But gas is just an utility name on some systems, and a symbolic link to as on some others. This is like comparing apples to oranges, so you better drop that flawed argument. — oguz ismail 49 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adeel Ansari
Now there are "Close" votes with the option, "This question is likely to be answered with opinions rather than facts and citations.". Really! Which language to include, or not to include, in the survey is opinion based? — Adeel Ansari 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by oguz ismail
Personally I am still willing to keep removing the gas tag from questions about Google Apps Script and downvoting them for bothering me. Don't know what others think, but I'm strongly against the idea of letting a dumb toy that is highly likely to lose its popularity in a few years take over the name gas from a program that is several decades old and is still convenient. — oguz ismail 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adeel Ansari
@CodyGray Thanks. Now I think it maybe a conspiracy; but who cares. This is no more the SO, I knew. Ciao. — Adeel Ansari 56 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
@lead You are right on one point: SO lives through a community of people who agree on some rules. Among those rules, one says that to be able to fully participate, new users have to prove that they accept to do some efforts by earning some rep. And the more rep, the more tools. Then rules can evolve provided a majority of the community agree on the change. I believe that you sincerely want to improve the site with simply commenting, and it can make sense. And you were right in posting a question on meta to propose it... — Serge Ballesta 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Frankly, @Yatin, how one approaches filling out the questionnaire says a lot. — Cody Gray ♦ 27 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
... But the votes, comments and answers say that the majority of active members think that the risk (spams and increase in moderation task) if higher than the benefit (good comments from newcomers). I would be glad that you can comment anywhere and even downvote this answer. But as others and I have already said, it it easy to earn 50 rep points, and that is the only way to go if you want it. — Serge Ballesta 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
That's correct, @TylerH. There is absolutely no way for a mod to cancel a bounty without refunding it. I've looked, I've pressed every button I could find, and I've even asked for confirmation. Nothing. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@oguzismail - hence my comment about the pragmatic side of things: gas leads to more problems than it solves: 1. Extra work for editors. 2. Less visibility for questions that go unnoticed until someone on the lookout decides to check. 3. It is dissonant with other GNU-based tags. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Please also note that the problem can be solved without taking the tag, just a rename will be a good progress. P.S. Popularity is just an argument addressing ongoing discussion with Cody. — Oleg Valter 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by oguz ismail
@Oleg newbies being too lazy to read the tag excerpt is the root of the problem, not the tag itself. Some of the tags with the gnu- prefix were obviously meant for preventing the use of gnu meta tag with POSIX standard utilities, which was, in my opinion, not a good idea (gnu+find is more clear than gnu-findutils+find, etc.) and irrelevant to this discussion. — oguz ismail 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rafa Guillermo
"Google Apps Scripts is a very long name for such a popular technology, so it's expected for askers to abbreviate it" is literally an argument for the adoption of gas to mean Google Apps Script, not against. It's expected that people will call it this. People inherently do not like change, but much like spoken language, when a word becomes so synonymous with a new concept, the old meaning starts to be overshadowed. While gas is commonly used to mean both, the use cases are clearly reflected by the popularity of one meaning over the other, and Stackoverflow should reflect this. — Rafa Guillermo 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@oguzismail You say that, but you're not in the top questioners or answers in gas. There are no posts associated with you and tag:gas. I highly doubt your willingness to bear the tag editing burden. Also gas is only a year old than google-apps-scriptTheMaster 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rafa Guillermo
@oguzismail If we take this stance then the fact that new users can ask questions at all without being forced to understand how the tags work is the root of the problem. It's intractable and non-mitigatable. This is about making things as clear as possible for new users, while minimising work on established users with constant tagging and retagging. — Rafa Guillermo 1 min ago
8:05 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Temani Afif
most of the sites work this way. You upload the photo, you get the preview and if your are OK with it you hit save. What if someone want to try different photos? They all need to send a request to the server? — Temani Afif 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
If it was a conspiracy, I wasn't involved. But your evidence (random Reddit threads) is not exactly credible. — Cody Gray ♦ 51 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
@Dalija As you well know, people do a lot of things here. That doesn't mean they should or that those things are correct. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Cordes
I would be really nice if SO had tag-combination checking, like [gas] + [google-sheets] gave a warning, or [gas] without [assembly] gave a warning. I don't follow the GAS or NASM tags specifically, just assembly and x86*, because I expect people to tag "assembly" for question about assembly languages. IDK, maybe I should follow them as well, but I'm more interested in the machine / ISA than the asm syntax. — Peter Cordes 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
Moderator note: Rude comments to this answer were deleted. Nobody is expected to have a discussion with you in the comments before answering. When you post a question on Meta, you're inviting the community to weigh in with their opinions, which should be done in the form of answers. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Cordes
We have many other commonly-mistagged tags, like SSE for server-sent-events. It really annoys me when people tag both SSE and server-sent-events because they obviously found both tags but then just assumed there were redundant tags instead of reading the popups. Also [mars] (some library) is commonly mistagged for [mars-simulator] (the MIPS simulator). The GAS case sounds worse than most. — Peter Cordes 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@oguzismail - wait, you downvote the question just for mistagging an ambigous tag..? Re:gnu - actually, this has more to do with the larger discussion of "branching" tags vs "constructor" tags (for example, see git). I mentioned it since gnu-assembler will perfectly fit in line with other GNU-linked tags. Even though we debate the gas part, the rename to gnu-assembler is not in dispute, it would be a good solution given the very limited abilities we have now — Oleg Valter 49 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dalija Prasnikar
@CodyGray Even if you are coming from premise that salvageable questions should be immediately close voted and/or down voted, it definitely makes sense for OP to stick around. If you get comment pointing out what is wrong with your Q and you can fix that, doing so sooner rather than later may prevent attracting more down votes or close votes. — Dalija Prasnikar 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adeel Ansari
@CodyGray Yes, but you must understand, that thread only worked as a trigger for me to ask it here to get some official answer. I'm happy to remove that bit, if there is some bias against Reddit stuff here. I was just being true. — Adeel Ansari 6 secs ago
Either gnu-gas or gnu-assembler are better than gas, rename away by me. — Ciro Santilli 郝海东冠状病六四事件法轮功 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cody Gray
The question is fine to ask here. If nothing else, it serves as feedback/suggestion to make sure Clojure is included on next year's survey. I don't think me or anyone else is going to be offended by the Reddit references, I'm just saying I don't find them very convincing. It's best to just stick with facts, rather than jumping to conclusions about motivations. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adeel Ansari
@CodyGray I just got irritated by close votes; sorry for that. Thanks for your support. — Adeel Ansari 43 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
@PeterCordes - true, as I am sure you know the outcry for a feature like this has been around for ages, but alas to no avail... Having a warning would be a solution close to ideal, if not the solution. This is sort of possible, but I recall info that it needs to be manually added by an employee, which makes it intractable... Re:mars - it could potentially be fixed by a rename with mssql- prefix — Oleg Valter 1 min ago
8:47 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@CiroSantilli郝海东冠状病六四事件法轮功 Asa top questioner and answerer of the tag gas, your opinion is valuable. Consider creating a answer. Thank you for accepting my invite and your comments on the matter. — TheMaster 1 min ago
9:07 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gino Mempin
It's not a fix, but an attempt to get around the rules. It's also a possibly quick way to get downvotes. — Gino Mempin 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
As the top most answerer in the tag, your insights are most valuable. gnu-as should auto-complete to gnu-assembler. Maybe we should name it gnu-as and add gnu-assembler as it's synonym. It's short and apt. — TheMaster 13 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dalija Prasnikar
Please, please, please don't instruct new users to hit "thank you" button. — Dalija Prasnikar 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Arghya Sadhu
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
Hang around? No, people need to get work done too. We don't want people getting in trouble because they hang around on SO too much just because it was recommended to do so. Check back often? Heck yes. — Gimby 15 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
I suspect you'll just find your question gets closed till you actually add those details. — Robert Longson 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adrian Mole
I thought that once a post had been edited, it was no longer selectable as an audit. Or did I misunderstand something? But anyway, with the edit (now rolled back), this was a very poor audit. — Adrian Mole 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
I don't think it's only that though; I have always seen the staged unlocking of site features as a way to introduce people to the site and slowly get the lay of the land, to prevent them immediately diving off a cliff or stepping into a sinkhole. Commenting is just one of the many things that can be easily abused when you haven't seen and understood the rules. — Gimby 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
I'm really curious to know if you were offered this advice when you were creating your question how you possibly can end up in a situation where you have to wiggle a post like you did. What is unclear in that guidance and how could we made that more helpful for you before you hit Review and Save? — rene 47 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Marquis of Lorne
Why reviewers are expected to identify spam remains a mystery. This is the primary reason I gave up reviewing many years ago. If the system can already identify spam, or possible spam, what do reviewers have to do with it? and why should they be expected to click on possibly harmful links? And then when you fail you are asked to acknowledge your error, even when you don't accept that you've made one. — Marquis of Lorne 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rafa Guillermo
I think reduntant Gs aren't so much of a concern for GNU ;) — Rafa Guillermo 1 min ago
1 hour later…
10:57 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by David S.
"'thanks' appears in 1 of 6 comments"; what an incredibly flawed search method. Maybe it would have been relevant if you had only searched for comments which only contain 'thanks'. I know that whenever I wrote 'thanks' in a comment I always followed up with actual useful information or a question. What's next? Reaction smileys? I like this site because it keeps the clutter out of the way. I'd prefer a big red banner on every page that said something like "this site is a Q/A library for quickly finding useful answers, so please stay strictly relevant to the question". — David S. 20 secs ago
11:23 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Martijn Pieters
@ErikA: wow! That was unexpectedly fast! I'll pull the lever now then! — Martijn Pieters ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Martijn Pieters
@ErikA: and it's done. See this screenshot for how many posts were affected. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Erik A
Excellent! Now this is really status-completed, that book can be closed. If there's a need for simple retagging sprees based on a search, I've still got the bot and you can mod-message me. I'm a bit reluctant to open-source it because it can harm the site and code quality is well below my usual standards as it's a quick fix. — Erik A 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Martijn Pieters
@Zoe: note that excel-vba no longer exists, I edited some ~1000 posts to ensure that they all had vba listed too, then merged excel-vba into excel. See Status of removing the Excel-vba (and similar -vba) tags. Thanks to Erik A.'s efforts with updating tags on access-vba posts we managed to do the same for that tag now. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Rafa Guillermo
The only thing I would ask is that the tag excerpt for [gas] direct GNU assembler (GAS) questions to [gnu-assembler]. This is important and I agree that it should be done at least for the forseeable future. — Rafa Guillermo 1 min ago
11:55 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by aeracode
@10Rep I will, you should try. — aeracode 1 min ago
12:09 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
The site has reminders everywhere to not be hostile to new users, but nobody follows through on this. I have not been hostile here. I have spent time to explain why I did not agree with you, and have insisted that votes on meta were used by the community to say whether we agree or not with a proposal. As I have already said, I understand your point of view, and think that the current question is fine in proposing a change in SO rules. Simply I do not agree with it, and most of voters do not either. — Serge Ballesta 56 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Braiam
@rene if people can't look past and see the argument by what it is, is because I desired to do so: the oposing argument doesn't make sense on its merits. If mine is hurt just because it doesn't follow form is because I decided to do so. I don't want that my argument wins because it sounds good, but because it is right. People isn't looking past flowery language and identifying a BS argument by what it is. — Braiam 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ray Butterworth
In case some people don't get it, Rafa Guillermo's comment is referring to the fact that the "G" in "GNU" stands for "GNU". — Ray Butterworth 54 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ray Butterworth
If "gnu-gas … will make me do a double take every time I see it, do you get stuck in an infinite recursion loop every time you see "GNU"? — Ray Butterworth 43 secs ago
12:41 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scott Stensland
why the down votes ... is there a better place to ask this question ? — Scott Stensland 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
"sort of like outsourcing your dev team to us mortals who answer SO questions" this sounds horrifying. — VLAZ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
I only know of an experiment where a bot answered questions and it did remarkably well. I can't find the meta post about here nor on MSE. — rene 44 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by ivarni
I'm having a hard time figuring out what exactly you're asking about, are you asking about an algorithm that would automatically answer duplicate questions based on previously posted answers? — ivarni 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Leonard
@Trilarion First, this is not and should never be A or B problem. Yes, there are many low quality questions It's a fact. But that does not mean we should ignore the other side of the problem where reasonable questions are met with rudeness. It is wrong to assume that all these questions complaining about rudeness are all low quality questions. I acknowledge that there are limited resources to cope with all problems. However, that never should be the reason to belittle or deny the existence of the other side of an issue. — Leonard 1 min ago
1:07 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Oleg Valter
Please, no, just no... Next thing you know we will have a review queue for incorrectly marked questions, meta discussions spanning pages on questions pissed off by the closure and by reviewers... Then we will have to train ML to review the closures... — Oleg Valter 20 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Leonard
@Trilarion You are acknowledging the both sides, but many here don't seem to. Second, I'd be happy to discuss how to objectively measure rudeness but perhaps it should be opened as a separate post. I'd do it soon. For quantifying, yes it would be nice. Quantifying rudeness is harder than quantifying low quality questions but perhaps we can start from rudeness flags or public opinions found like reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/7vh2rd/… or reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/8c61bk/…Leonard 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
@Leonard I thought downvotes and close votes are part of the rudeness problem. If that would the case, we would have to make some sort of trade off. If you only mean comments, I fully agree. For this, the company has already some machine learning tool to identify potential unfriendly comments and the mods then delete lots of these. According to some of the company's public statements in the last half year, the number of unfriendly comments has been cut in half since last year. That might hint that the rudeness of comments problem is less severe now than it was. — Trilarion 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trilarion
@Leonard For more information about the unfriendly comments detection see The Unfriendly Robot Automatically flagging unwelcoming comments. — Trilarion 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Leonard
@Trilarion I do think they can be parts of the problem and I suggested my quick thought in the short answer, which I should improve. Thanks. I've seen how SO has worked hard to reduce those so I acknowledge SO's effort. — Leonard 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Erik A
Is anyone aware of projects is a bit off-topic here, and your question seems to contain some wrong assumptions: I don't think one can make a solve your problem bot based solely on Q&A here (keep in mind we remove bad and poorly asked questions so these aren't in the dataset), and if someone could, SE likely won't make a penny off it since the dataset is freely available under CC BY SA, and SE can't freely relicense that to a more permissive paid license to make money. — Erik A 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
@ErikA "I don't think one can make a solve your problem bot based solely on Q&A here" for a bit of levity - here is a relevant XKCD which somebody implemnted. I do not believe it's scalable for projects, though. — VLAZ 1 min ago
1:47 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Michael Petch
@RayButterworth: I hit that Stackoverflow first ;-) — Michael Petch 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user000001
Was you comment posted before the comment @user120242 Added it. – Ann Zen 29 mins ago. If yes then maybe somebody flagged it and a moderator accepted the flag, with both not realizing that not all your proposed changes were incorporated in the answer. — user000001 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user120242
Yes, it was posted before that. Is it generally a normal thing to do to delete comments after their suggestions are incorporated? So I should be flagging those when I see them? — user120242 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user000001
Personally I think flagging all these comments is pointless, but there is a It's no longer needed. comment flag reason, and many believe that it applies in these cases. — user000001 1 min ago
2:09 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
err, wat? php is irrelevant to both questions. text in code box is text in code box. — Kevin B 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user120242
@yivi does that include my second suggestion not using **kwargs and ** to unpack? Or is it more likely that flagger and mod just didn't notice? It arguably has value because, for example, it could be suggested that the use of **kwargs there is unnecessary, since you are converting a parsed JSON structure to a class: stackoverflow.com/questions/9728243/…user120242 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Neeraj Bansal
No, that post is specific to php. — Neeraj Bansal 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Neeraj Bansal
I didn't get that solution. I tried putting <b>UNKNOWN</b> but not working. Maybe some example on my post will help here. — Neeraj Bansal 44 secs ago
2:25 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@CodyGray This proposal doesn't mandate downvoters to provide feedback, hence that FAQ doesn't apply: — Ooker 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Benjamin W.
Delete voting a candidate questionnaire? Come on... — Benjamin W. 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John M. Wright
confirmed this is a bug. Validation in general is broken on that page. A fix is in the deployment pipe. For what it's worth, the "Two required" was a misdirection. There's something else on the page that's not meeting validation, but the page isn't telling you. Check that your "what are your responsibilities" section has at least 75 characters in it -- that seems to be the most common issue. — John M. Wright 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
We want answers to questions instead of commentary to a question — Security Hound 50 secs ago
3:13 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
My justification for downvoting you was due to the weather. It's overcast here and it's putting me in a mood. — Makoto 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
[ Boson ] New comment posted by zabop
Thanks, good link. Alright, if you think the weather is gonna be better by downvoting this post, you are welcome to downvote it :) I do think my practice makes SO more welcoming, that's my reason to follow it. — zabop 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by bob
Totally agree that this is a needed feature. Comments are to help improve an answer, not for discussion, so how do you help improve an answer to a puzzle without spoiling it if you can't use spoiler tags? — bob 1 min ago
3:41 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by yivi
I can understand this point of view for a question. But fixing simple bugs and typos in answers? That's entirely fine. We want more good content. — yivi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
@Ooker "When she hovers it, there will be more options for her to choose: confusing/unclear, doesn't answer/miss the point, wrong, inapplicable, etc." is that not mandating providing feedback? can't downvote without selecting a "reason"? — Kevin B 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
You should downvote posts of low quality. If there is a flag that is applicable, flag the post as well. — Heretic Monkey 16 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by CertainPerformance
If it could possibly be seen as an attempt at an answer (and isn't link-only), then it's not flaggable, even if the answer is extremely poor or wrong. — CertainPerformance 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Islam El-Rougy
@TylerH He probably means Machavity's activity on Politics Stack Exchange. — Islam El-Rougy 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Wai Ha Lee
Which flag(s) in particular did you raise? — Wai Ha Lee 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
If you feel there was something missed in your deleted comment that still holds relevance, post another comment. — Heretic Monkey 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ooker
@KevinB sorry, I mean she can choose to click those options, or just simply click the general button and move on. Similarly to the "Like" button on Facebook — Ooker 1 min ago
4:11 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Guy
@CodyGray I waited weeks because it wasn't that important and I thought it's a temporary bug that will get fixed soon. Temani, I can already see negative votes on the post which probably means it's not worth explaining this further but anyone interested in entertaining this idea or giving my perspective the benefit of the doubt, Look at Twitter (profile photo change box, then the save profile button is always visible on top of the page and not shoved in the bottom). Look at Reddit, you can change to profile photo without the need to save profile. And one more example, Quora. — Guy just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@IslamEl-Rougy Not sure how that's relevant at all to this election, or how activity on a Politics SE site can be "too political"... it's in the very essence of the act. — TylerH just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Cody Gray you've proved that it's not at all hard to delete comments. None of my comments were rude that you deleted. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Modus Tollens The aggressive downvotes are all by people who have the ability to even comment in the meta. It's inherently hostile to people who are kept out of meta commentary who would agree with me. These people also are the group who couldn't upvote my feature request even if they wanted to. How can you all not see how circular this all is? Only people who agree with you will be here participating. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@gnat, I didn't need that. Not everybody needs training in good question writing. Some people are ready to go with useful comments. Surely there's some way to work with both types of people instead of penalizing one over the other. I prefer function over style, and you're asking me to participate in style over function. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, I do not understand how so few people understand that everybody here are people who made it through the existing system just fine. The people who are kept out are not allowed to vote! I am representing that voice, and the hostility is coming from people failing to understand the circular logic of all this. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, can you explain to me why comments that would improve an existing answer wouldn't be enormously helpful? I can't edit in an improvement I don't know about. I can't ask a duplicate question or I"ll get a "this is a duplicate question to this other one that has answers you can't comment on because you don't have enough points yet". You are all systematically keeping out the voices of people in my position, which I was in for YEARS. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@ModusTollens, I didn't fail to take anything into account. You are a group of people who have self-selected for commentary in this community, and you are systematically being hostile to the people who disagree with you, because none of them can upvote or comment in this meta. You are wrong about how SE works. I have had enough points on a bunch of other sites to comment and upvote for a long time now, and non on SO. What you are describing as "easy" is really "easy for you". — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@lead - What kind of comments? Why are you not suggesting those improvements yourself to the contribution? What type of comments are we talking about exactly? If you are talking about asking additional questions, as commentary to an answer, that absolutely should not be done. — Security Hound 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, the community of opinions you describe is self-selected. Your logic is circular. The people who can comment and up and downvote are all people who are bound to not have had the problems and barriers that I am describing here. You cannot point to a group that is systematically biased against a change in the system as proof that the system shouldn't change. — lead 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andreas
It seems as if the rollback option is currently no longer available? — Andreas 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@SecurityHound, it happens so often, it's like asking me to identify the components of the air I breathe. Think of any classroom you've ever been in - can you imagine if only the people acing the class could ask for clarification from the professor or teacher? It would be a disaster. This is the way SO operates. It's coding, not some controversial topic. Anytime people want clarity, it'll improve the answer. People who don't have the knowledge to answer their own question can't edit to improve the clarity otherwise. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@ScottStensland Generally "find me list of X" are too broad and "does not show any research effort" for both meta and main... so I don't see why you are surprised by downvotes and closure... — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jon Clements
There was once a Kaggle "competition" (if I recall correctly) that tried to do ML regarding the likelyhood of a question being closed as a duplicate... it had some reasonable results - it'd be very very hard on an SO scale to get anything reliable though... there's already some stuff in place (albeit it naive) to detect poor questions/answers and such stuff, but ultimately, it's actual people that review such things that determine things. — Jon Clements ♦ 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, regarding your edit to your comment, the collection of downvotes is aggressive. The collection of people who can downvote and upvote and comment here are collectively being aggressive and hostile towards a proposed solution to a problem that the categorically voiceless on this site cannot contribute. — lead 24 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
@lead: I do not want to be rude of offensive. I have read your arguments and I think I have understood them. Yet I do not agree with you. If you want to participate in a community, then you have to accept the community rules. Said differently I really do not want to give comment or direct edit priviledges to people that do not accept the community rules. This is my conception of how a democratic community can be ruled. I apologize if I am not clear here but English is not my first language: I know how to write technical English, but I am less proficient when it comes to ideas. — Serge Ballesta 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, let's focus on the logic then, because logic is the same in every language. Do you think it's a good idea to have a classroom where only the students who already understand the material just fine are the only ones who can ask questions of the teacher? — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
@lead: it is perfectly fine to ask a new question asking for clarification by just refering to an existing question and answer and explaining why you cannot use it directly or why you thing that it does not apply to your specific use case. It may be closed as a duplicate, but it should not be without explainations for your own question. I have already posted a new answer to the original question with all the details required by the new question and left a comment in the new question with a link to the new answer.... — Serge Ballesta 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@lead - You have not provided a single example of this enormously helpful commentary. If it would be that helpful, you should be providing an answer to the question, so everyone can upvote that enormously helpful information. I have extensive knowledge of programming, I was a active member of this community for nearly a decade. — Security Hound 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta what you are describing is an organizational nightmare. I am not asking for clarification on the question. Questions typically match what I'm looking for. I am asking for clarity on an existing answer. A desire for a generalized case, or a more clear explanation of what a given method does. Etc. I have not been foolishly using this site, if it were easier to get a question answered by asking a new one, I would have done that. But new questions take a lot more work than the comment+clarification would take. It wastes precious time some people don't have. — lead 7 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
... IMHO it has both helped the new asker and improved the site with a new answer focusing on a different use case. And it was easier for me to post that answer, because the question could contain code and data while it would have been impossible in a comment. I do not feel rude to newcomers or to users that are just learning in acting that way. But I begin to think that you are aggressive when you never take into account what we tell you. — Serge Ballesta 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, I have said nothing rude this entire time. People keep claiming I'm being rude, and I have not said a single rude thing. So what I am instead hearing is that people do not like having their perceptions challenged. If I am being aggressive, it is because I have a position that nobody who would support me, is able to support me. Nobody has come up with solutions to the problems I have posed. Not a single person! I spent years with these problems. Other people have them too. Solutions, not dismissal, please. — lead 9 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
@lead: you may not want to waste your time in asking questions. But then I do not want to waste my time in handling comments... — Serge Ballesta 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, you are wasting a LOT of time handling comments. There are so many people who you are expecting to waste time in various ways, whether searching through similar questions for an answer to their problem, or doing minor edits when what they need is coding help, or people asking a whole new question when an existing answer is 95% of the way there. These are all the people you can't listen to because of existing rules. — lead 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@lead - What you describe, is using the comment section under an answer, in order to ask your own question. That isn't allowed even when you are able to submit commentary. That is the exact type of commentary that will be flagged and deleted. You need to be submitting a new question, indicating specifically that the existing answer does not answer your question, and more importantly the reasons that is the case. — Security Hound 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, I have repeatedly told you, and others, this is not something that is worthy of a new question. It is about clarification on existing answers, for the most part. Why you can't imagine this is the case or when it would come up, is a pretty clear indication to me why this continues to be a problem. Everybody who could help me explain this to you is not allowed to comment here. — lead 53 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@lead - Every single user who can submit a comment, were new users at one point in time, and were unable to submit a comment until they had the reputation to do so. You earn reputation by submitting questions or answers. You do not earn reputation by submitting commentary, and for that reason, any commentary you might submit is consider to be temporary. — Security Hound 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, I'm aware it's all tempory, and I didn't propose having comments contribute to reputation points. What I did propose is that there be a separate track of reputation points for comments to people could be regulated in this particular venue of participation without it impacting the rest of the site. I think you'll find that there are a whole bunch of people who would make it through to higher reputation points if they could integrate into the site via comments first. — lead 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, you clearly have not been in my shoes, and I would appreciate it if you stop speaking on my behalf. — lead 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Security Hound
@lead - I have been in your shoes. I have asked my own questions on Stack Overflow. The difference I suppose, is I actually have asked my own questions, instead of submitting commentary under an answer. — Security Hound 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, I'm going to point out two fallacies. One, is the overt "Survivorship bias". You exhibit this when you imply that everybody who can comment here started out with 1 reputation point, therefore the system is not keeping anybody out. Another fallacy is just the reverse of this, where you are proving that the existing system does not actually keep out bad commentary, so why are you being so protective against people who could provide useful comments? Not everybody follows the same linear path. Maybe what you're doing is selecting out for people who are bad at comments? — lead 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
@lead: Do not think we do not understand your problem. I know how frustrating it can be not to have enough rep to comment or vote. Simply I cannot imagine a perfect system and I think the current one to be an acceptable balance. More exactly I do not want the system you have proposed. If you can imagine a way to allow new users to post comments with no increase in spam or moderation, then I could support it. But with what you have proposed, my opinion is that the risk is higher than the possible gain. — Serge Ballesta 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, when you don't try something different out, you have no way of knowing what it will do to moderation loads. I think the current system is wasting the time of a ton more people than it takes for people to flag and delete comments, and I think people just don't care, because the people this affects are completely voiceless until they pass the threshold I finally passed. And then when they speak up, nobody wants to find a solution to the problem. What would you do to solve this problem, if you took it seriously? — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, I think you should probably answer my question, too, if you are ever going to understand my position on this: do you think it makes sense for only straight A students to be able to ask questions of teachers in class, after they've given an example that is unclear? This is the current SO setup when it comes to comments, so the answers to these problems will be the same. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Trasiva
Okay, now I'm curious @Yvette-ReinstateMonica. Why now are you throwing the 'Reinstate Monica' bit onto your name? Is it to try and gain votes by seeming sympathetic to something that was settled legally months ago? I don't recall you ever having that on your name when it mattered...if it mattered that much to you. — Trasiva 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Serge Ballesta
@lead: you may be right. Maybe tons of possible new users would love to able to comment and would benefit of it. But the number of people who can spend a part of their private time in posting answers and moderating this site is not large enough. And as far as I am concerned, I believe I have spent a lot of time in helping other users here. I have done it willingly because SO helped me a lot when I had to learn new technologies, and I wanted to give back what I recieved. But I cannot spend more time here, that is the reason why I cannot support anything that would require more moderation time. — Serge Ballesta 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, you do not actually know that it would increase moderation time. — lead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John Montgomery
What is your question here? I'm not clear where you're trying to go with this. — John Montgomery 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Serge Ballesta, for example: people with high reputation points who leave improper comments that have to be moderated out already exist. With a separate comment reputation point stream, these people would be penalized an would possibly learn not to leave these comments. Or they'd be restricted from being able to leave them. The net effect could be a dramatic decrease in moderation time. But you don't know that, because it hasn't been tested out. — lead 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Islam El-Rougy
@TylerH I agree, but I think that he for some reason evaluated Machavity's activity across the network to evaluate him as a candidate. To be clear, I'm not supporting his stand nor defending his reasoning, Machavity already has one of my three votes. — Islam El-Rougy 58 secs ago
5:41 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4642212
When you’ve asked this on Stack Overflow you already got a comment pointing you to the badges page. Is the explanation “Badges are special achievements you earn for participating on the site. They come in three levels: bronze, silver, and gold. In fact, you've already earned a badge: Informed — Read the entire tour page” on the tour somehow ambiguous? — user4642212 33 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by lead
@Security Hound, while I was going about my day, I found this question, answer, and subsequent commentary, which perfectly illustrate the utility of comments, why they shouldn't always be separate answers, and I think you can imagine how new users could benefit from participation in this: way more efficient than new questions or answerslead 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Wesley Gon&#231;alves
Is there any reason for the -1? — Wesley Gonçalves 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by BSMP
It's most likely disagreement with this as a feature request. There isn't a way to get notified if someone up voted your comment but you can get to a list of all the comments you've made if you want to check on recent ones. — BSMP 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Wesley Gon&#231;alves
My question did not completely fit the support tag because I didn't know if there was a setting option to enable notifications, so I also added the feature-request tag. But to avoid misleading information, I just removed it. — Wesley Gonçalves 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew Myers
The general understanding is that comments aren't as important as answers/questions. If you got a notification about somebody liking it, what would you do? It doesn't give you any rep. It could get deleted at any time. About the only use I see in such a feature is boosting your own ego... — Andrew Myers 40 secs ago
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